[AfrICANN-discuss] Breaking the Internet HOWTO: The Unintended Consequences of Governmental Actions

Ntege Badru badru.ntege at nftconsult.com
Tue Dec 20 15:01:33 SAST 2011

> >
> > You submission begs the question "should the internet conform or be
> > conformed", i beg to differ.....
> >
> >
> > [Ntege Badru]
> >
> >
> >
> > The internet cannot be conformed or controlled but the pipes can be
> > conformed and controlled.  So the argument is not about the internet
> > but the pipe that delivers it to your end point and what it should or
> deliver.
> I don't clearly see the difference! When the US government decide to seize
> domain names is that pipe or internet? 
[Ntege Badru] 

That's US laws for whatever is happening on its territory and is governed by
existing laws as may be translated by the enforcers.    Though the internet
is global it becomes local at the consumption point and at that point
somehow someway the laws governing the consumption point can take effect.
The challenge is now to make sure that those individual laws are adapted to
what is happening on the internet or are allowed to resist what is happening
like the Chinese have treid there best to do but now resorted to duplicating
locally the global internet within local laws.

When Chinese government decide to
> have its own dns hierarchy I guess to better control what is publish, is
> pipe or internet?
> My question was not about technical issues only. There are a range of
> from the different layers that constitute our today's internet:
> - - political issues,
> - - governance issues,
> - - prices and business model (at network operators level particularly,
but not
> only),
> - - intellectual property,
> - - free speech and human rights,
> - - etc
> We are getting more internet dependant and we need to discuss on how
> Africa can get most of this.
[Ntege Badru] 

I refer you back to the point above.  We must have the dialogue but we must
also understand why we are having it and whether it is even worth having it
or do we look at ways of positively adapting to the internet wave while
protecting our sovereignty and individual rights.


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