[AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: information - .africa string related claim - lies

Dr Yassin Mshana ymshana2003 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 18 20:18:16 SAST 2010

Well done and thank you!

Let the business continue in the rightful way = No Favour no Fear. Emotional


On 18 November 2010 17:56, Lerato Mamboleo <lerato.ma at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Dear All-
> I would like to make few points for the record:
> 1 - I believe this letter that is circulating has been addressed by DCA to
> AU immediately after DCA has received it and copied to the relevant
> authorities. Additionally our response to AU is communicated publicly on DCA
> website. www.dotconnectafrica.org.  DCA is not obliged to post all
> internal communications on our site that which we manage with our various
> endorsers, as this is work in progress.
> 2- To response to earlier comment by Dr Yassin, on the AUC Deputy, there
> seems to be a great confusion with our Continental organization on how
> .africa should be handled. Just to give benefit of doubt and not speak on
> behalf - a Deputy who may have been told on how the process should be.
> 3- The decision still remains in ICANN's hand and not African Union. AUC or
> AU  is not going to bypass international rules to be the arbitrator for
> the process. ICANN has published this process in the guidebook, which apply
> across the world. We cannot expect special treatment for Africa and DCA as a
> major player in this application process, will insist to stick to the rules.
> 4- DCA is in continuous communication with the African Union and positively
> engaged with the Chairman’s office, where DCA relieved its endorsement to
> provide clarity to this confusion; unfortunately DCA has also been busy on
> the ground delivering, since AU even during a recent meeting has assured us
> that none of the letters they have issued should stop us from continuing our
> work (meeting minutes can be provided).
> 5-The posting by DCA for the ICANN Board seat 15 was done at the
> appropriate forum, which is the currently ongoing, so everyone has a right
> to air their opinion on that forum.  DCA did not circulate the posting
> inappropriately, unlike those who have taken the privilege of circulating
> unauthenticated letters that has not even been addressed to them.
> I think respect starts with using appropriate channel of communication and
> doing the right thing.
> Thank you for listening,
> Lerato
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Baudouin SCHOMBE <b.schombe at gmail.com>
> *To:* africann at afrinic.net
> *Cc:* audotafrica at googlegroups.com
> *Sent:* Thu, November 18, 2010 11:35:24 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: information - .africa string
> related claim - lies
> Hello dear Yassin
> I understand that you really bitter for having had a case quite similar.
> But is it really acceptable for an enterprise  like DCA, which wants
> respectable and having built a reputation as it claims, could afford such
> meanness in public and on the Net?!? Is this how she will handle the
> African community it claims boldly represented when there is possible
> litigation?
> Are we going to erect a dictatorship digital flouting all the respect for
> human rights? Is it because it is Africa that anyone can afford anything?
> We must respect ourselves and show maturity.
> *The African Union is an institution representing African states. ECA is a
> UN agency.
> ICANN is an international nonprofit with a mission.*
>  *If the DCA has problems, it is with the African Union that should fix it
> but not on a mailing list that did not have anything even remotely close
> either.*
> Please, it is important not to allow ourselves to be drawn into this game
> ugly.
> Téléphone mobile: +243998983491/+243811980914
> email:                   b.schombe at gmail.com
> blog:                     http://akimambo.unblog.fr
> 2010/11/17 Dr Yassin Mshana <ymshana2003 at gmail.com>
>> Fellow Africans and friends of 360 degrees Development,
>> Is this kind of stuff going on supposed to do good to the image of Africa?
>> I ma afraid to say openly say NO!
>> Does it mean that an opinion is the fact? NO - unless based on justifiable
>> observation (IMHO)
>> What is DCA? It is a Business which is aiming to promote the
>> Internet-based business while making the presence of Africa and its
>> potential to fairly compete in the Internet-based economy
>> (which interprets as one of the pillars of ICANN)
>> I do not think that this kind of communication is doing Africa any
>> good.....if an objection has  been made (which is everybody's right to do
>> so) there should be no need to share the concerns in the open media like
>> this...it just adds petrol on fire! everybody will start shouting-out-aloud!
>> In that case it will tarnish the image and professionally put us on
>> question...
>> What is troubling me (as an African) is that, we believe that there is no
>> smoke without fire - can the accusations made be responded to in a
>> professional manner please? Everybody has the right to an opinion....
>> I have never seen this kind of warring before. The only time I remember
>> such thing happening was when I was nominated to represent Africa at the
>> ccNSO Council - a colleague sent me an article from an African Newspaper
>> claiming that I was based in a small country and no one knew me - how could
>> I take such a responsibility..?  You know what? I did not bother about that
>> - it was negatively wrong for the Editor to let such an article go public -
>> I ignored all that because Africans have sent me to ICANN....
>> Lastly.......it is not wise to fight Opinions and I find it uncomfortable
>> to read this email from a colleague (Nii)  and not the African candidate
>> himself - my brother  (Pierre) and the email is on public domain ..?
>> My prayer is that we redress and do the right thing - Amen!
>> Sincerely and for love of our Mother Africa,
>> Yassin Mshana
>>  On 17 November 2010 16:51, Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
>>>  Hi All,
>>> I have come across this smear campaign against a nominee for an ICANN
>>> Director which I must share. I am speechless as never in the life of ICANN
>>> have we seen this kind of manipulation. This is unprecedented and I
>>> dissociate myself from this kind of practice at ICANN and I call on all who
>>> find this offensive to say so openly on this list and to ICANN.
>>> I like to apologize to Pierre Dandjinou as he does not deserve this.
>>> Pierre would be a very good ICANN director, a person who has been through
>>> all the phases of ICANN development from INETs, ANSs, DCNS, IAHC, DNSO ....,
>>> ICANN then AfNOG, AfriNIC, AfTLD, AfRALO,.., AfREN and current coordinator
>>> of AfCERT. He has shown commitment and continuing to take on newer
>>> responsibilities in the African technical community, well respected in
>>> diplomatic circles having worked with UN system and deserves better. Pierre
>>> may have skills that ICANN likely needs at this time
>>> This is very bad as it makes ICANN look manipulated, tolerating arm
>>> twisting and makes Africa look bad in doing so. Admittedly the same DCA
>>> prevented the Africa numbers registry from teaching Ethiopians because of
>>> one person's .africa interest in a string that is community owned. This also
>>> shows severe weakness in African governments whose officers got easily
>>> manipulated  and thus denied themselves technical education which DCA cannot
>>> provide,  deepening the divide on the continent.
>>> This may be a warning to the ICANN and AfrICANN community in that this
>>> was also the same person who mounted an earlier smear campaign against an
>>> ICANN officer on guess what, same .africa and to Ombudsman. This shows a
>>> pattern of setting up ICANN for disrepute. In this particular case it is
>>> also setting ICANN in a collision course with the 53 member Union AUC.
>>> Remember 3 strikes and you are out. It is two strikes now
>>> These things happening around current higthened global Internet
>>> governance discussions poisons the atmosphere for ICANN in some ways
>>> It is my hope that if any of the claims are found false remedy would be
>>> sought
>>> All this wahala is about a string .africa that some think can be their
>>> private property. I think its more responsible for the regional organization
>>> (AUC) to hold the string in public trust and have policy oversight,
>>> especially so with these likes of practices of DCA. This has been what the
>>> Africann community has helped to achieve.
>>> Here are my comments to the 8 point complain claim:
>>> There have been no proposals to ICANN on .africa since 2002 hence there
>>> are no official proposals on .africa. The domain dotafrica.org was
>>> registered in 2004 as a community response to the 2002 proposal for .africa
>>> and connectdotafrica.org was registered in 2007. Who is copying who?
>>> 2007 Lisbon - DCA first heard of .africa at this meeting and could not be
>>> making a presentation. DCA copied the material from www.dotafrica.org and
>>> received source material from one of the contributors. This is a lie. I was
>>> the scribe and know the documents were plagiarized by DCA which is an
>>> offense. Note point above
>>> same as above
>>> DCA does not participate in the community
>>> DCA is clueless as Africann list has not blocked any postings. This is
>>> another lie exposing her since she likes to block or manipulate. The truest
>>> example is mixing Afrinic training workshop with DCA as an Ethiopian
>>> business that is being prevented by AfriNIC from having .africa. Whew;-[
>>> The concept paper is the one that DCA plagiarized; its a fact so it
>>> should be stated. This is dishonest
>>> DCA was rather rejected by the community which rejected her aggression at
>>> a respected local participant. That is her fault and it is a fact that she
>>> copied from dotafrica.org
>>> Yes, members of several African Internet related organizations did
>>> contribute to the document. I had input from folks who are from ccTLDs,
>>> AfTLD, AfNOG, AfriNIC, AfREN and others. Therefore this is a true statement
>>> The strings .africa, .afrique and .afrika are of interest to all Africans
>>> and therefore necessary to have a unified proposal to be legitimate. In any
>>> case the AUC says they are interested and every serious networker ought to
>>> respond to help the AUC if they are committed to Africa
>>>> * *
>>>> *This document in the below link references the summary page presented
>>>> to the **The At-Large Chair and the At Large Board Candidate Evaluation
>>>> Committee (BCEC)**, **on November 6, 2010.  Link: *
>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/42535297/DCA-Letter-to-BCEC-Nov-13-2010
>>>> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaTrQ8Raw3ANeByjZ6AVN9CohTHXM6fgKWC09RKVSeuX2yyD3CqapCZbeQNhZDio65Kgp-yzK_ZkHckF9osa6LJfK2JGTgP4mC5xa1vD2rQUKEWGbSd1sV-QyZitIHYXtzA9Csf5AE-S5KrTha90SSXX_D38G82Rv8EKwvEmE10wo1iyZdQaBKfy>
>>>> *
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------**
>>>> **Mr. Peirre Dandjinou is one of three candidate in the shortlist of
>>>> candidate for ICANN Board Membership representing the "Community At Large".
>>>> *
>>>>  *Our organization DotConnectAfrica (DCA) (<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaTLbsFlbi2JI0207vXBQdJEUsO0q8-XFFJQyTogHucBQGQPaRzhwrw3ZiaRZ7ggk1ZtueRN274iz4cxi6mz4gIR3x-M3QDO9qcsCQI20iFlXEY7AQVCXgwa><http://www.dotconnectafrica.com/>
>>>> www.dotconnectafrica.com) intends to apply for the gTLD for Africa and
>>>> in the upcoming application round.*
>>>> * *
>>>> *DCA is an organization known to ICANN and its constituencies and is
>>>> mandated by the **Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)** ,**
>>>> http://www.uneca.org/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaRLJOkXFjQyUearyen6U0ylznQiKby0GodWkRo534oRm0SJfr5-VUFmQEd8yW8apwRUuCejO-RuW1nKXJX9YzZsXq1maCXkDXs=>
>>>>  **which coordinates **the affairs of 53 African Ministers and ** **African
>>>> Union Commission (AUC) **http://www.africa-union.org/<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaSnN1wHpcAf8TgGiODVPS_7fwxEA7PBSbQ4eHQaYTDZ3ICioGy31CsNNgXkD7gOQmlOj8F6WAIv6ZJVmjyihqcJaaPM9hH3ztyd1IexXb7WMA==>
>>>>  **which coordinates** the affairs of 53 African Heads of State** and
>>>> many **independent African countries** to be the sponsor & registry
>>>> operator for the **Dotafrica Top Level Domain**.  **Stakeholder in
>>>> African and foreign private and nonprofit organizations** who are key
>>>> players in the African market have also supported us and provided the
>>>> same.  *
>>>> *DCA have also sponsored ICANN, IGF and other platforms** for the
>>>> promotion of TLDs in the past towards our efforts and mandates.  Available
>>>> at our **press room.<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaTocFH0pLvMAKept94tLdGbShSpgHAv19vZCW8h7AbieY__05ALAdPtf6TcMcv81KokUOwWxXNgq6t7InOuSO-7c7mWgud31PRScNihgMKhhFe_3n7qKtVhR8DmYDag-onMDrD0MbVS6w==>
>>>> *
>>>> *DCA's Board of Directors and advisors** have served in the past either
>>>> on Board of Directors of ICANN,  GNSO Council, ISOC Board and been very
>>>> active on issues and debates in ICANN, ISOC, ITU and other African &
>>>> International policy institutes.  More background on DCA and its work is
>>>> available at *
>>>> *<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaS9_eo6EEooyFR1CCAq1bzdoKflrlTIB1nccCy5bCj0kFwOdEaNWpM93n2wyPefFrMlXTd8FM6ebA==><http://www.dotconnectafrica.org/>
>>>> http://www.dotconnectafrica.org or better **Google:** DotConnectAfrica.
>>>> *
>>>> *Based on the above mandate, DCA has **given birth to **
>>>> "generation.africa"**, which our followers and dedicated volunteers,
>>>> commercial and non-commercial, government and other individuals are
>>>> assisting us meet our given mandates.*
>>>> *Currently, we have launched our offical **"yes" to a dotafrica
>>>> campaign <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaRrptlUlLFJo8qvAyk5C3oTA0Ka_5o-jl5wM6Sai_m7Hig2nIJOTxkTqEyu0pJDXZa3gKY2RG3zY8O9rfXOuVSxomoV7Erq5Vnv8LL6RBr0Zu7pIWgZulU1pBKHF0t8Lj59wfdZHN6g2qO1_I6rMW5P0g3GpzTFqKCprjohROhMNZmjE8V6AknWT3Rz0oo4r1hk31DMLw9ZSPEhMKKo2Lgx>
>>>> **starting in Nairobi and all over Africa.  The campaign is part of
>>>> DCA's communication strategy for an open discussion with the public and
>>>> promote the benefits of the dotafrica TLD.   The support we are getting is
>>>> overwhelming. **The most recent African and International media write
>>>> about or efforts as such :*
>>>> * *
>>>>    - *DotAfrica campaign to brand continent   <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaTuqgw-TYs1tbfRtAqJbne9tin7F_V0m_vDwiBJDrLdktSS9H3BdzdMaMNk3BF0fsD1kGq0uHg1OVpaNCZblWy7ToDuxnQsnGSqdqD9BwMj4GmlKT-iAQNxBBcL3PPXCtL9svb1S3MgHoZRM3oIPDqA><http://www.bizcommunity.co.ke/Article/111/16/52038.html>
>>>>    http://www.bizcommunity.co.ke/Article/111/16/52038.html*
>>>>    - *Can "**Africa" get a make-over? <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaSNPS8EH9Uc6PjwdTnp-XUMlYzw4KZJQJPsFn2xOnYNGkeA3J3IzXX_1g9YFQIP6iyn-sriqfKnrf7SgQ6uHzCmx5vMrZtTBBdeR844rRSF7YaA5qv5PW4HhYa8cyXFvmWe1FAS6UAsxtVMxlx4CcP1XOO0OKYCBVz6HD_FNlOVqg==><http://www.economist.com/blogs/baobab/2010/09/rebranding_afric>
>>>>    http://www.economist.com/blogs/baobab/2010/09/rebranding_africa*
>>>>    - * <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaSNPS8EH9Uc6PjwdTnp-XUMlYzw4KZJQJPsFn2xOnYNGkeA3J3IzXX_1g9YFQIP6iyn-sriqfKnrf7SgQ6uHzCmx5vMrZtTBBdeR844rRSF7YaA5qv5PW4HhYa8cyXFvmWe1FAS6UAsxtVMxlx4CcP1XOO0OKYCBVz6HD_FNlOVqg==>
>>>>    *DotConnectAfrica Launched official Africa Campaign:  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaS_-IPT4I2J17Y9uD2-XvJq2rstyAM4_4srp2zpQHcVFoBVkxnZnojjwMMTDMpnmoGFRPa3PgD2Qy5ct86xPgQMaBY2bLa9wQoUipyCnPFHxtvvBJnb0MsVlgBnnBL2aUCiC-ECjuQp3vsHbI4KAv0mxmjeXO0Ro8JlnHTwV5_LhY60TaBYC44O><http://www.fkanews.com/dotconnectafrica-lauched-official-africa-campaign/22232/>
>>>>    http://www.fkanews.com/dotconnectafrica-lauched-official-africa-campaign/22232/
>>>> ______________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> *DotConnectArica (DCA)*
>>>> *VOTES "NO" to the Candidate Pierre Dandjinou for ICANN Board based on
>>>> 8 counts:**
>>>> *
>>>> *At this moment, **DCA wishes to express its **strong objection** to
>>>> Dandjinou's nomination and appointment to I**CANN Board seat no. 15,
>>>> on 8 counts**.**
>>>> Herewith below, we have submitted our report to your Esteemed group with
>>>> references:  **These points are *backed up by  material sourced from
>>>> websites, discussion groups and email exchanges*.** **DCA has chosen to
>>>> protect names of individuals used as sources. **Nevertheless, it can
>>>> disclose to the BCEC if required, with the permissions of the source.*
>>>> ______________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> *2007- **Lisbon*
>>>> *1. **Bias, Conflict of Interest:**  The Candidate* in a meeting he
>>>> Chaired in Lisbon in 2007 for *AfriICANN meeting** (an ICANN hosted
>>>> African grouping)*,  blocked DCA from presenting ihe dotAfrica
>>>> initiative after DCA was invited to speak.  This appeared to be an attempt
>>>> to promote his own or favored parties dotafrica TLD application".  *Email
>>>> notice to an ICANN Board member:  *h
>>>> ttp://www.scribd.com/doc/41209177/Document-1-BCEC#fullscreen:on<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaSne8AJI2i9xRNNdD3Id1BA8Eb07aBn9y8NeDFlKZZLfgJIJYzugQTf5OqGFDuOMg7xpoJ_ibKjDPo0YXxe1z8YZoqlhK1AkTe_qO5vvuduP3rbeaJ9Vd5GHUKsZ8nPmrLepNmAZ2UCtBZ13heEB_GUdZe3Q2savWj5ynPUWI8ufw==>
>>>> *Implication** -** This suggests that the Candidate's **judgment may
>>>> biased** and favored his own or others application despite being
>>>> granted Chairmanship*, with the impartiality that implied.
>>>> ______________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> *2. **Not Transparent, Conflict of Interest:** The following day, the
>>>> Candidate* sent out  an email communique' of a dotafrica proposal to
>>>> DCA Principle via private email copied to others listed  with names that
>>>> supports his version of dotafrica TLD application, *a**fter blocking us
>>>> from an audience above and using our governance model**  He  did not
>>>> acknowledge the source of his model.*
>>>>    - The Candidate's email proposal ink: <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaQPDpE5CZbk07-gPnR6cc0BX4Kf5hyvcKW71jMOhS9VIDCFvHAmjI8MpZeNr3N51uLLKYwNCy2tgnuuonIcbEbWhLefUuUYrtiOCSVlGpkLYRWLaBGfqIxs-djuBjlyiaJcXTUBbMjScjbJgwnW4Fvs5vZuOtmH8KFQLlsdH7ArmA==><http://www.scribd.com/doc/41210087/Document-2-BCEC#fullscreen:on>
>>>>    http://www.scribd.com/doc/41210087/Document-2-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>    - Contributors to the Candidate's dotafrica proposal: <http://www.scribd.com/doc/41324811/Document-2A-BCEC#fullscreen:on><http://www.scribd.com/doc/41324811/Document-2A-BCEC#fullscreen:on>
>>>>    http://www.scribd.com/doc/41324811/Document-2A-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>    - DCA Principle responding to Plagiarism: *Refer 2D in email:*<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaRgEy4ExPaNbHvazY4EvYBd_eTjwXga78dAbQ7Cg-fI8-MvZn5Uc-j7p6dA8zNFs-PalsFWD8nGHDMizwPtGAWoIKlHwYowSE2r58JFM6qKEw015uVrAi1iipfXJp2QHc6y8bk8qw-WwMeEMZ1EjYCJVTWEhLxP2E4_jQW1u0saiA==><http://www.scribd.com/doc/42544357/Document-2b-BCIC#fullscreen:on>
>>>>    http://www.scribd.com/doc/42544357/Document-2b-BCIC#fullscreen:on
>>>> *Implication** - This shows that the **Candidate has a potential to
>>>> misuse his supposedly impartial position and promote his own agenda.
>>>> It also suggests that he could use others people's idea and call it his own.
>>>> *
>>>> ___________________
>>>> ___________________________________________________________________
>>>> *2007/8- **AfriICANN Email Threads*
>>>> *3. **Conflict of Interest**. Subsequent* group emails on AfriICANN (which
>>>> is in public domain) demonstrates the Candidate, AfriNic and his "*special
>>>> interest groups"* have expressed interest in applying for the dotafrica
>>>> TLD:
>>>>    - Evidences how The Candidate and his groups are blocking and
>>>>    damaging DCA to introduce its efforts to ICANN and its audience.  Forensic
>>>>    evidence proves that he and his group are applying for dotafrica TLD.
>>>>    Email link to evidence:
>>>>    http://www.scribd.com/doc/36332279/Document-3-BCEC#fullscreen:on<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaRryyAn8EW_q4kHTM1xqMOZu5MFDH9W6pdCMa49h8UhAExVkpb6zyRw5fn0RHdwAuR-5sNnjZEnWcyfViD-4EqXv-q-mAuj9xUmcpXPjK6kt3iU7HudcphDmQxm2e3MDjieEb17j9y494LNE99uyUL34JBWAndoC8NbLGuMpQqv2tNzdF00-Way>
>>>> *Implication **- It would be difficult to establish himself as an
>>>> impartial Board Member when he has such close ties with groups that wish to
>>>> apply for the .africa TLD.*
>>>> ______________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> *2009*
>>>> 4. *Obstruction to other voices - * The Candidate and his moderator
>>>> colleagues at ICANN *has since February 2010 blocked all and any
>>>> participation of DCA and it's members to the AfriICANN email list*,
>>>> which is being hosted under the legitimacy of "ICANN African Grouping"
>>>> hosted forum.  DCA has thus not been part of the discussion of AfriICANN
>>>> mailing list since. AfriICANN reportedly has approximately, 280 members.
>>>>    - Recent complaint filed with I*CANN CEO August 2009,* reporting the
>>>>    matter Email link: <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaTyCFMxvKVlTYPx7L4Qoll7gmhTp8La4qzLUhZ_VrAjzAvpKsd6jHbW3lxFL444NQoXJNvvmtZFOX9WWpg9Wg2x8QTHRW6F63nw1dJxeTCDIWdCeCYd9oyyzNZvY6pcVQKUcyEnY7msZP-PdNeKT9wF2x1b1QL_Nc6CpDxckQfmsg==><http://www.scribd.com/doc/41206510/Document-4-BCEC#fullscreen:on>
>>>>    http://www.scribd.com/doc/41206510/Document-4-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>> *Implication** -** The Candidate is capable of blocking people's
>>>> legitimate right to participate in a forum to discuss related issues. He
>>>> has blocked the voices of fellow Africans. This is not consistent with the
>>>> open dialogue expected of an ICANN board member.*
>>>> _______________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> *2010* -*  Kenya*
>>>> *5- **Prejudice, Conflict of Interest**: ** The Candidad *on March 12,
>>>> 2010 March 12, 2010  in a Kenyan newspaper (The Standard), claimed that his
>>>> version of dotafrica bid has already been distributed to the benefit of
>>>> Africa.  In response to DCA's early endorsement by the African Union he
>>>> stated:
>>>>    - "Technology experts in Africa have already done a concept paper on
>>>>    how the domain name should be managed for the benefit of the whole
>>>>    continent,*" said Pierre Dandjinou, a board member, African Network
>>>>    Information Centre." *<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaT14EHdGgKcwUko6GgPiYGHBaaelYHQH9ht-AwNVEwp91GUtcnMwUiXzWjsT3Mc5cjJZXExvI6bRaT89xEStxPlMJE1N2G4iesQBe-yJfxkIDvHDqeWYON92bG5wWVSfW32Ary82PMSz_CzUv-8vwcEKjy6du3YJt8c7HnOHUmvRI3TUaN1xBoj4lJJvnJDd6FORPdMw0W9Sg==><http://standardmedia.co.ke/archives/business/InsidePage.php?id=2000005431&cid=14&>
>>>>    http://standardmedia.co.ke/archives/business/InsidePage.php?id=2000005431&cid=14&
>>>> However, a few months after in April 2010,* an email communication
>>>> surfaced where the Candidate'  has requested assistance to drive a dotafrica
>>>> bid as the African Union has lost support for Sophia's bid,* says
>>>> "because she blocked AfriNic/Afnog training  from taking place in Addis
>>>> Ababa,"  the email continues, "they are planning to have  a non-profit
>>>> for the delegation and a for profit (assisted by Affillas) for the
>>>> operation" Email link:
>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/41045398/Document-5-BCEC#fullscreen:on<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaQzoyW97LQuZ28f7lvlJSh_3rZp6USFsVUQQ-2NxPGdpo5pxBqaNtfwN2szanNSTtkV8F21iZ3r7QuLWLsu3APN7olU5csY_vF1ISuVsc7HysuZxVvFJLSkF0g51gJ9eP2zbFgrsCsjr4Y2OguNzZ6K7BDxMaQ2OwOcetSD1P693Q==>
>>>> *Implication** - The Candidate has a biased idea of what the gTLD for
>>>> Africa should be and has been promoting it.  Its not consistent for a board
>>>> member to have such strong  preconception that he would state them to the
>>>> press and in writing.  How is it possible for an equitable bid process to
>>>> take place if a powerful board member is promoting a personal agenda.**
>>>>    *
>>>> _____________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> *6.**Conflict of Interest, Attacking Competitors through email lists,
>>>> misleading**:**  *During August 2010 *there was a concerted effort on a
>>>> Kenya-based email group re: KICTANET to destroy the credibility of the
>>>> Executive Director of DCA*.  He participated in the email thread in
>>>> which he promoted his own version of events - *stating that the
>>>> original concept was developed in 2006* but failing to mention the
>>>> contribution of DCA stakeholders. He stated:
>>>> "*...whatever 'personal initiative' is being pushed now is a 'pure and
>>>> pale copy' of the original*
>>>> *one"*   Email Link:
>>>>    http://www.scribd.com/doc/41349724/Document-6A-BCEC#fullscreen:on<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaSLwpu-IkbgoL5X1R6ePJc1Dn2oorZRSy_w8iccydYi9hHm_R4nFSLa2iLOxgrOxrMB5Y47lmE_-CjQTdOtIbioSBR3fIZmuSGXV70AaAXApKJyteLVlh8EdP0-5u5_cdrfCMU2wmSb1FTyKD00ycnyCB8ObvCnNUOBQuhwxNqffw==>
>>>> Implying that the *DCA initiative was "individual" and "a copy of his"* both
>>>> of which are incorrect. *Points  # 2 & 5 above proves* the Candidate is
>>>> following DCA's lead.
>>>>    - Apparently, these same interested parties - lobbied against DCA's
>>>>    endorsement by African Union based on Afrinic/Afnog training issue in Addis
>>>>    Ababa* (evidenced by point # 5 email link above).  Then the second
>>>>    letter referenced in the link *here was circulated, including
>>>>    discussion groups in an attempt to block further endorsements to DCA.
>>>>      *Second lette**r **Email link: *<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaSdA4NHMkeH1CkHcgNNieGZm6apYcl9ccRHyRS6Y8GYb9CaJpR--n0vtbZCoghIfglprrFMg5mYCV8_9rCAqeU3czigp7-87N7mknilywNuoBHarolqIuw_0WNlNfPU0w2lwgIZNevtWdiofdD5Kohqt5QBxY9fkiGkKeO6W5iZug==><http://www.scribd.com/doc/41347308/Document-6B-BCEC#fullscreen:on>
>>>>    http://www.scribd.com/doc/41347308/Document-6B-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>    - Amongst the parties quoted on the referenced KICTANET email thread
>>>>    were saying " *Yes, it seem that the AU likes the community approach
>>>>    we proposed"*. implicating further that the AU has chosen their
>>>>    proposals over DCA's weighing in to legitimize the intent of the second
>>>>    letter and disapprove of the letter by the AU Chairman.
>>>>    - In order to establish the second letter as "legitimate" <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaRcuRI5DXuVUVWkwyH175xZzZsmHYvs0qboHoxCERE-RyBXbqjAfYppv_dvUSCX1Z-yfSZe7pMKuCcvbDegfYlOwn-BV-LqgBosz6owfVza-NIh0yENGCrB> the
>>>>    same parties claimed DCA's original endorsement from the *AU
>>>>    Chairman's office was **"fictitious"**,<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaRcuRI5DXuVUVWkwyH175xZzZsmHYvs0qboHoxCERE-RyBXbqjAfYppv_dvUSCX1Z-yfSZe7pMKuCcvbDegfYlOwn-BV-LqgBosz6owfVza-NIh0yENGCrB>
>>>>    * *  **Email Link*:  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaRlreW-onfdalHoebLDfiWCgZLVwKRQOpZVtJrEBd_07fl_b15_TAgqtrE7buRXsYaP0xwNAxqzk2Q8Zx-PSq9_elXexB906IPCbriU8z059WVSG2OCzjq61LXHvIjxV2eGm-REqaWRQCP3gbNi7roAaDIdf8DxNEiO7FGsKbiXofLecIZ_AZT_PKs-GfZ21Zyd_d8R_odg1A==><http://www.scribd.com/doc/42522382?secret_password=22nf0u5yxf9sgu2bxdm9#fullscreen:on>
>>>>    http://www.scribd.com/doc/42522382?secret_password=22nf0u5yxf9sgu2bxdm9#fullscreen:on
>>>>    - Their claims to be absolute false as the two letters written by AU
>>>>    reference each other. *First Letter**, **Email Link: *<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaRGJp14NUsPNl8-__9fUSE-QILTPxHzckC3HZLmAKFpMq5fbc9R2XIJQO8T5KC4svkIasmzGfYrZpozrO24wS7HVaZYKSwSA-aH_U5p3w_sAzD1SOeGTyZ9i_cuMm-ZXqN7JE9Y_DWzmLuXTf6qA5aCggU-mVpJCqRa--aW65ul5cmQoeBEIOKQz_nCQ0hL2D-Qks5B2CePBq12CD-x-YE9><http://www.scribd.com/doc/31565131/African-Union-AU-Endorsement-of-DotConnectAfrica#fullscreen:on>
>>>>    http://www.scribd.com/doc/31565131/African-Union-AU-Endorsement-of-DotConnectAfrica#fullscreen:on
>>>>    *  DCA's lawyers wrote a clarification letter and demand letter** addressing
>>>>    this malicious defamation and false allegation, *requesting for
>>>>    apology & posting back to the Kctnet mailing list.   Surprisingly to date,
>>>>    this has not been done by the moderator, *in an obvious move to
>>>>    shade the public from knowing the truth.*  We have posted the
>>>>    lawyer's clarification letter under this link
>>>>    http://www.scribd.com/doc/40764489/Document-6A-BCEC#fullscreen:on<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaT0I8h-xDNRHW2el4dIwbDn7PQ2m-9soIh4uD-3Wlhj3I_vdBtVJ4jftzmETbt_jQCJdEu1tagCq-w8Vla1osUMWoX71xFrjHxu5bXiVkGG-UWEVRpCeNV9HPZHaMb4nJQBT3M6JhVGxUE4b0KmfFz6qjGyKDxmpkd07f-p9Zp_gA==>
>>>> *Implication** - Repeatedly, this  evidences that The Candidate
>>>> ontinues to promote his own version of gTLD for Africa. He is free to do
>>>> this as an individual but not as an ICANN Board Member**.  His series
>>>> of exchanges was abusive & an irresponsible use of an internet forum and set
>>>> a bad example for the less experienced and younger members.*
>>>> _____________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> *7**- **Inconsistencies, Inaction, misleading, Conflict of interest**
>>>> :  **The Candidate* in the above Kicktnet email* also stated the
>>>> following::*
>>>> "*The Candidate and his groups have been working on the dotafrica
>>>> project since 2006* that which DCA has now talked about: <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaSLwpu-IkbgoL5X1R6ePJc1Dn2oorZRSy_w8iccydYi9hHm_R4nFSLa2iLOxgrOxrMB5Y47lmE_-CjQTdOtIbioSBR3fIZmuSGXV70AaAXApKJyteLVlh8EdP0-5u5_cdrfCMU2wmSb1FTyKD00ycnyCB8ObvCnNUOBQuhwxNqffw==><http://www.scribd.com/doc/41349724/Document-6A-BCEC#fullscreen:on>
>>>> http://www.scribd.com/doc/41349724/Document-6A-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>    - Additionally, The Candidat's statement was countered however with
>>>>    a former Board member of ICANN *during the AITEC Summit dotafrica
>>>>    panel discussions in Nairobi a week after*, during a *public
>>>>    statement* that DCA brought the dotafrica project to ICANN Board in
>>>>    2006 and pushed it through where it s now.  *This to add credence to
>>>>    # 1 & 2 above.* Link to statement  *Press Release link:* <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaRZTP3clu2MhXF3orHo5u2FnOEB7Sfmg1MEgVEClZFlPozs_2rSgq1M3xLfKrABJWJC_BaLoVntovl8pPrkeWOqgZTQE5UZyMeBvEp8YsHq3g==><http://prlog.org/10916169>
>>>>    http://prlog.org/10916169
>>>>  Additionally, the Candidate's statement of Interest (SOI) for the
>>>> current ICANN Board seat states *he has been involved in ICANN since
>>>> 1998**. * If he has such a  foresighted vision, why did he not get it
>>>> done since 1998 where as ."asia"   and ."eu " have already launched,
>>>> theirs?  *
>>>> **Implication:**  The Candidate's involvement in ICANN doesn't seem to
>>>> have yielded results toward the dotafrica initiative, and he presents his
>>>> own interpretation of events as fact.*
>>>> ______________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> *8**.** **Oversigting Governance issues, misrepresentation, conflict of
>>>> interest:**  **
>>>> The Candidate* continued to *promote a gTLD under the so called Afr* &
>>>> AfriNic and few days ago under " <http://augooglegoups.com/><http://augooglegoups.com/>
>>>> augooglegoups.com";*   As a former chairman of Afrinic he would realize
>>>> the "Chinese walls" and boundaries under which AfriNIC, all these
>>>> organizations and his conducts of behavior must operate. Yet under his
>>>> leadership at AfriNIC,  he continued to blur these lines to the extent that
>>>> at one point the AU thought that AfriNIC would be *responsible for the
>>>> dotAfrica TLD* - something which is contrary to ICANN process.
>>>> *
>>>> *Ironically, the Candidate continues to *misrepresent to the African
>>>> leadership and African community and now ICANN * saying neither AfriNic
>>>> is involved in the dotafrica project. Hence himself as a former Director of
>>>> Afrinic and *the Candidate*'s *continuous email communications under
>>>> his own name, locking and lobbying against DCA's efforts in the above
>>>> scenarios prove that he intends to apply for the dotafrica TLD one way or
>>>> another.*  The following demonstarts AfriNic's involvement in the
>>>> dotafrica project:
>>>>    -  *Addis Ababa Traning*: Media reporting eviden*ce* that Afrinic
>>>>    has been caught in a conflict of interest scenario in 2008 re:  Link:
>>>>    http://www.h-online.com/newsticker/news/item/Dispute-over-africa-domain-737827.html<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaRpst9NRAYxio6sRIvAKE5lVk2gxOaUEX6U0vEsY8ady1s_GfymbA8r6AHpNfTAxnH2VcJFJzSNTW7Fkj3IMiPs9wWMDFg5A0NgBo_W6O35TdvkiO9GvRkQy7wB0XTSvr74B4xuhEsAczazQk5Iw-4B8YZdlCNqnz-eyfH1u0mS7Aq6V_bUJLdqxA8VZtQvHFw=>
>>>>    - *African Union issue:*  DCA's letter of complaint to AU Chairman
>>>>    upon discovering African Union assigning AfriNic to be responsible for
>>>>    dotAfrica TLD in *November 2009,* after *AU had already given
>>>>    endorsement to DCA in **August 2009.*  This document which was later
>>>>    amended by the African Union because of a *"consultant error*" to be
>>>>    restated as *"advise by African Internet agencies*"  which DCA then
>>>>    used on  its press release.  Communications evidence below:
>>>>    1.
>>>>       <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaQsKsyoIqIMSYfeTzsWFQDyBfnWxlSmiqaHhNCT8uEB3erv59oe3TMJgThSAxb99UNAH5Jtqz0G42mIq8G-IlPicwapkvzpao3cvwJSgPR-9MrUWHG49QRPy7MOfVVoM7Jko8la-tKP5Y99cxHxWqfGNA8T8D5kv9EpReOEzA6ahQ==><http://www.scribd.com/doc/40764970/Document-8-BCEC#fullscreen:on>
>>>>       http://www.scribd.com/doc/40764970/Document-8-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>       2.
>>>>       <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaQmnLl_uf7hqaJUR-oqwAMdQi488ImGUJ3ZjdPVyqh-EINIltWwE1oRDJI-fM7-Z8251Va6rsZ52koUQqspE2hwPAy4YfuChTdw06V8bSzBGg==><http://prlog.org/10497979>
>>>>       http://prlog.org/10497979  (Press Release)
>>>>       3. One should *take heed as to why the Candidate after rejecting
>>>>       the roles of AU and ECA* (*as noted in point #1 email link
>>>>       above), decided* at a later date to get involved; apparently
>>>>              upon learning that *DCA brought both institutions to the
>>>>       table.*
>>>>    - *ICANN's Statement Of Interest (SOI)**:*  It is noted that the
>>>>    candidate downplayed his role at AfriNic or dotafrica bid in his SOI.  He
>>>>    should have disclosed his conflict of interest transparently in his SOI
>>>>    Link:
>>>>    https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/2265195/At-Large+Director+Applicant+-+Pierre+Dandjinou.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=128832612600<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=1092&e=001b4YFQ_edzaQe2j1UoMZu4W6ig7Z2UWROGXP9qFsRpJ1AduyPRQEoL0xlhUOxrN16JeaWOX7BzKEuDiXSXVxjncTRdKEUfBvI_2gpgHR_9YQJ3XMZbvTcOdtHjxx31CBO9ghRmiubO97AeB-fIhFrWBiK_39NBVmWpaw6uxt0EgqpYsyJnOCNePfvi3SXXbSZbiRnkVwPEgrB_zqT2YFd-DliCQM6IRV8mhtE6KIfkJ0nIaz3NIaoecNfafjeyYMgKpd7EyBJJeuk2KEi0XreNPF445SCb1n5cuj3YJO5M0QAX0e47C4BGA==>
>>>> *Implication: ** The Candidate continues to misrepresent AfriNic's and
>>>> his personal position to enable him to pusue the dotafrica TLD. Currently,
>>>> his non-disclosure may have an objective of  getting onto the ICANN board
>>>> that is inconsistent with the impartial requirements of the position.*
>>>> _____________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> *
>>>> ____________________________________________________________________________
>>>> *
>>>> *Concluding Remarks***
>>>> *Without casting aspersions against the Candidate's personal
>>>> character, **based on the above facts and findings t**he Candidate
>>>> interest in Africa and the Pan African community is to only serve s few
>>>> African communities with "organized interest" and not the "At Large African
>>>> community" that should be .**The Candidate **groupings suggest that
>>>> they are reluctant to accept new comers  that they feel threaten their
>>>> territory.*
>>>> *Under the Candidate's  leadership, AfriNic (which was suppose to be IP
>>>> addressing organization only) in the past year has been **cross
>>>> pollinating** in areas that is **NOT part of their mandate** including
>>>> **"going after the bid for dotafrica**", presenting "**public policy"** platforms.
>>>> These are not **their core competency or mandate**,   When asked by
>>>> Kenya Computer world, 2010, , why Afrinic for the past five years, resisted
>>>> taking on assignments outside its scope - (in other words has now started to
>>>> do so) AfriNic responded "**not much is getting done"**,
>>>> http://news.idg.no/cw/art.cfm?id=9F731CE0-1A64-67EA-E4917BC660028BD2<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=wkvqrzcab&et=1103850408685&s=0&e=001b4YFQ_edzaRq_FL52lyoVLOeQWoWOdLwG6dQXokf7DslfMin5bbQLPZ1GXgqT4JTmN_LLLfgX0O9tfwZbKRCHLuzlicXvojarce62gKRZelGaxZuxMmQWtycnC8E8OCpggiRpKjsA1rAY2BJz8bgy_BHDY1dDjVsJORi09XnB24=>This
>>>> was severely embarrassing to the African Internet and technical community
>>>> that are accomplishing a lot.  **It's clear  that AfriNic was trying to
>>>> justify their monopolistic stand in attempting to control the African
>>>> critical internet infrastructure.** *
>>>> *Additionally, as per the above interview with Computerworld, AfiNic
>>>> "currently hosts the** AfTLD secretariat,** manages their accounts and
>>>> sponsors their events:"  They reportedly do the same for** AFnog,**
>>>>     which is a membership of network operator workgroup.  Now, the Candidate
>>>> is proposing to **create another organization** for his dotAfrica
>>>> venture (as in point#3.above) in a** musical chair of **Board of
>>>> Directors**.*  *This is clearly all too close for comfort**.*   The
>>>> whole idea of ICANN is to separate Domains and Numbers but under the
>>>> leadership of Dandjinou, its become all under one roof - is this the
>>>> approach a prospective board member should take?
>>>> * *
>>>> *Its seems that there is a move promoted bythe Candidate's leadership
>>>> to **exclude newcomers like DCA** **with** intense aggression** when
>>>> new initiatives are simply trying to contribute their part.** ** **DCA
>>>> has been a victim of misrepresentation of our our initiatives and efforts
>>>> **.** It must not happen.*
>>>> * Generation.africa,** the following DCA has created needs to be part
>>>> of ICANN, howeveit also needs to see a leadership that is **inclusive,*
>>>> *  **crosses th**e aisle and resolves conflic**t, **encourages performance
>>>> based competition, education & mentoring**, **not** "special interest
>>>> groups" and a captured audience.*
>>>> *Therefore, we Africans should **NOT** **vote for our candidates just
>>>> because they are** "**from Africa"**; **we African should learn to vote
>>>> because our candidates **"represent Africa"** and its wider community.
>>>> Africans need leadership based on **good governance**, which carry the
>>>> ideals of transparency, equity and accountability.*
>>>> *ICANN should take heed of developing economies** governance structure*
>>>> *.  **Africa is a young economy and its political structure is
>>>> reforming. ** Conflict of interest issues are not always understood
>>>> even by those engaging in them and more so by the technical communities.
>>>> *
>>>> *Instead **Africa needs assistance and advice on oversight**  of an
>>>> appropriate** internet and organizational policy framework** that is to
>>>> be adapted by the very African internet community it nurtures.  ICANN should
>>>> monitor and **ensure these** **checks and balances exist**  and
>>>> continue to function relative to **policy and institutional governance*
>>>> * and listen to** ALL** the African community, not only the established
>>>> AfriICANN groupings.*
>>>> Therefore, his appointment *should not be supported* by ICANN and the
>>>> larger Pan-African community!.
>>>> *
>>>> *DCA thanks The At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (*BCEC*)
>>>> for listening to our voices
>>>> ________________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> * *
>>>>  *"You should stop the lies about me, so I can stop telling the truth
>>>> about you" *
>>>> *
>>>> Michael Douglas,** Wall Street (**2010)*
>>>> ______________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> _____________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> *On behalf of DotConnectAfrica*, "yes2dorafrica campaign"
>>>> email:  <yes2dotafrica at dotconnectafrica.og><yes2dotafrica at dotconnectafrica.og>
>>>> yes2dotafrica at dotconnectafrica.og
>>>> Heidi Ullrich
>>>> Director for At-Large
>>>> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
>>>> Telephone: + 1 (310) 578 - 8647
>>>> Fax: +1 (310) 823 - 8649
>>>> Cell/Mobile: +1 (310) 437 - 3956
>>>> *From:* Annalisa Roger [mailto:annalisaroger at dotgreen.org]<%5Bmailto:annalisaroger at dotgreen.org%5D>
>>>> *Sent:* Monday, November 15, 2010 11:55 AM
>>>> *To:*  <bcec at atlarge-lists.icann.org> <bcec at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
>>>> bcec at atlarge-lists.icann.org; Cheryl Langdon-Orr; Heidi Ullrich
>>>> *Subject:* Conflict of Interest Fwd: ICANN BOARD SEAT 15
>>>> Hi Cheryl and BCEC Members,
>>>> Is this the appropriate list for an alleged "Candidate Conflict of
>>>> Interest" Letter ?  Is the BCEC supposed to reply to this?
>>>> It seems like this should go to the Abst List or At-Large Advisory
>>>> Committee for consideration ?
>>>> Wondering how this may affect the Board Candidate Selection process and
>>>> the slate now?
>>>> Best to all,
>>>> Annalisa
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: ICANN BOARD SEAT 15
>>>> From: < <support at dotconnectafrica.org> <support at dotconnectafrica.org>
>>>> support at dotconnectafrica.org>
>>>> Date: Sun, November 14, 2010 4:02 pm
>>>> To: "Cheryl Langdon-Orr" < <langdonorr at gmail.com><langdonorr at gmail.com>
>>>> langdonorr at gmail.com>
>>>> Cc:  <bcec at atlarge-lists.icann.org> <bcec at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
>>>> bcec at atlarge-lists.icann.org, "Heidi Ullrich"
>>>> < <Heidi.Ullrich at icann.org> <Heidi.Ullrich at icann.org>
>>>> Heidi.Ullrich at icann.org>
>>>> Dear Esteemed Members of BCEC,
>>>> DCA is forwarding the attached document, a comment from DotConnectAfrica
>>>> for the current ICANN Board Seat 15.
>>>> It is to be noted that the additional reference and corresponding
>>>> material, is posted on our website at <http://www.dotconnectafrica.org/><http://www.dotconnectafrica.org/>
>>>> www.dotconnectafrica.org,  under *re: ICANN BOARD Seat 15*.
>>>> Thank you for your consideration.
>>>> DotConnectAfrica
>>>> _________________________________________________________________________________________________
>>>> DotConnectAfrica is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization
>>>> incorporated in Mauritius Africa, and will sponsor, establish and operate a
>>>> TLD registry with global recognition and regional significance dedicated to
>>>> the needs of the Pan-African and African community.* DCA Reg. ID.
>>>> CT8710DCA90.*
>>>> CONFIDENTIALITY note: The information contained in this message may be
>>>> privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The message is
>>>> intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient of
>>>> this message, you are notified that any distribution, use of or copying of
>>>> this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received the
>>>> communication in error, please notify the sender immediately.
>>>> --
>>>> Annalisa Roger, Founder/CEO
>>>> Cell: 415.730.5736
>>>> The DotGreen Registry
>>>> 300 Drakes Landing, Suite 220
>>>> Greenbrae, CA 94904
>>>> Office (415) 925-1012
>>>> Fax (415) 925-1063
>>>> <http://twitter.com/annalisaroger> <http://twitter.com/annalisaroger>
>>>> twitter.com/annalisaroger
>>>> <http://www.dotgreen.org/> <http://www.dotgreen.org/>www.dotgreen.org
>>>> Please consider the environment before printing this email.  Thank you!
>>>> Also: The information in this e-mail may be privileged, confidential,
>>>> and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, any
>>>> dissemination, distribution, or copying is prohibited. If you think that you
>>>> have received this e-mail in error, please e-mail the sender at <director at dotgreen.org><director at dotgreen.org>
>>>> director at dotgreen.org and delete all copies.
>>> --
>>> Anne-Rachel Inne
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> AfrICANN mailing list
>>> AfrICANN at afrinic.net
>>> https://lists.afrinic.net/mailman/listinfo.cgi/africann
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>> 5 Off Spur Road
>> Wilberforce
>> Freetown
>> Skype: yassinmshana1
>> Mobile:+23276926697
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