[AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: information - .africa string related claim - lies

Lerato Mamboleo lerato.ma at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 18 18:56:34 SAST 2010

Dear All-
I would like to make few points for the record:

1 - I believe this letter that is circulating has been addressed by DCA to AU 
immediately after DCA has received it and copied to the relevant authorities. 
Additionally our response to AU is communicated publicly on DCA website. 
www.dotconnectafrica.org.  DCA is not obliged to post all internal 
communications on our site that which we manage with our various endorsers, as 
this is work in progress.
2- To response to earlier comment by Dr Yassin, on the AUC Deputy, there seems 
to be a great confusion with our Continental organization on how .africa should 
be handled. Just to give benefit of doubt and not speak on behalf - a Deputy who 
may have been told on how the process should be.

3- The decision still remains in ICANN's hand and not African Union. AUC or AU 
 is not going to bypass international rules to be the arbitrator for the 
process. ICANN has published this process in the guidebook, which apply across 
the world. We cannot expect special treatment for Africa and DCA as a major 
player in this application process, will insist to stick to the rules.

4- DCA is in continuous communication with the African Union and positively 
engaged with the Chairman’s office, where DCA relieved its endorsement to 
provide clarity to this confusion; unfortunately DCA has also been busy on the 
ground delivering, since AU even during a recent meeting has assured us that 
none of the letters they have issued should stop us from continuing our work 
(meeting minutes can be provided). 
5-The posting by DCA for the ICANN Board seat 15 was done at the appropriate 
forum, which is the currently ongoing, so everyone has a right to air their 
opinion on that forum.  DCA did not circulate the posting inappropriately, 
unlike those who have taken the privilege of circulating unauthenticated letters 
that has not even been addressed to them.

I think respect starts with using appropriate channel of communication and doing 
the right thing.

Thank you for listening,

From: Baudouin SCHOMBE <b.schombe at gmail.com>
To: africann at afrinic.net
Cc: audotafrica at googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, November 18, 2010 11:35:24 AM
Subject: Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: information - .africa string related  claim 
- lies

Hello dear Yassin
I understand that you really bitter for having had a case quite similar.

But is it really acceptable for an enterprise  like DCA, which wants respectable 
and having built a reputation as it claims, could afford such meanness in public 
and on the Net?!? Is this how she will handle the African community it claims 
boldly represented when there is possible litigation?

Are we going to erect a dictatorship digital flouting all the respect for human 
rights? Is it because it is Africa that anyone can afford anything?

We must respect ourselves and show maturity.

The African Union is an institution representing African states. ECA is a UN 
ICANN is an international nonprofit with a mission.
 If the DCA has problems, it is with the African Union that should fix it but 
not on a mailing list that did not have anything even remotely close either.
Please, it is important not to allow ourselves to be drawn into this game ugly.

Téléphone mobile: +243998983491/+243811980914
email:                   b.schombe at gmail.com
blog:                     http://akimambo.unblog.fr

2010/11/17 Dr Yassin Mshana <ymshana2003 at gmail.com>

Fellow Africans and friends of 360 degrees Development,
>Is this kind of stuff going on supposed to do good to the image of Africa? I ma 
>afraid to say openly say NO!
>Does it mean that an opinion is the fact? NO - unless based on justifiable 
>observation (IMHO)
>What is DCA? It is a Business which is aiming to promote the Internet-based 
>business while making the presence of Africa and its potential to fairly compete 
>in the Internet-based economy (which interprets as one of the pillars of ICANN)
>I do not think that this kind of communication is doing Africa any good.....if 
>an objection has  been made (which is everybody's right to do so) there should 
>be no need to share the concerns in the open media like this...it just adds 
>petrol on fire! everybody will start shouting-out-aloud! In that case it will 
>tarnish the image and professionally put us on question...
>What is troubling me (as an African) is that, we believe that there is no smoke 
>without fire - can the accusations made be responded to in a professional manner 
>please? Everybody has the right to an opinion.... 
>I have never seen this kind of warring before. The only time I remember such 
>thing happening was when I was nominated to represent Africa at the ccNSO 
>Council - a colleague sent me an article from an African Newspaper claiming that 
>I was based in a small country and no one knew me - how could I take such a 
>responsibility..?  You know what? I did not bother about that - it was 
>negatively wrong for the Editor to let such an article go public - I ignored all 
>that because Africans have sent me to ICANN....
>Lastly.......it is not wise to fight Opinions and I find it uncomfortable to 
>read this email from a colleague (Nii)  and not the African candidate himself - 
>my brother  (Pierre) and the email is on public domain ..?
>My prayer is that we redress and do the right thing - Amen!   
>Sincerely and for love of our Mother Africa,
>Yassin Mshana 
>On 17 November 2010 16:51, Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:
>Hi All,
>>I have come across this smear campaign against a nominee for an ICANN Director 
>>which I must share. I am speechless as never in the life of ICANN have we seen 
>>this kind of manipulation. This is unprecedented and I dissociate myself from 
>>this kind of practice at ICANN and I call on all who find this offensive to say 
>>so openly on this list and to ICANN.  
>>I like to apologize to Pierre Dandjinou as he does not deserve this. Pierre 
>>would be a very good ICANN director, a person who has been through all the 
>>phases of ICANN development from INETs, ANSs, DCNS, IAHC, DNSO ...., ICANN then 
>>AfNOG, AfriNIC, AfTLD, AfRALO,.., AfREN and current coordinator of AfCERT. He 
>>has shown commitment and continuing to take on newer responsibilities in the 
>>African technical community, well respected in diplomatic circles having worked 
>>with UN system and deserves better. Pierre may have skills that ICANN likely 
>>needs at this time
>>This is very bad as it makes ICANN look manipulated, tolerating arm twisting and 
>>makes Africa look bad in doing so. Admittedly the same DCA prevented the Africa 
>>numbers registry from teaching Ethiopians because of one person's .africa 
>>interest in a string that is community owned. This also shows severe weakness in 
>>African governments whose officers got easily manipulated  and thus denied 
>>themselves technical education which DCA cannot provide,  deepening the divide 
>>on the continent.
>>This may be a warning to the ICANN and AfrICANN community in that this was also 
>>the same person who mounted an earlier smear campaign against an ICANN officer 
>>on guess what, same .africa and to Ombudsman. This shows a pattern of setting up 
>>ICANN for disrepute. In this particular case it is also setting ICANN in a 
>>collision course with the 53 member Union AUC. Remember 3 strikes and you are 
>>out. It is two strikes now
>>These things happening around current higthened global Internet governance 
>>discussions poisons the atmosphere for ICANN in some ways
>>It is my hope that if any of the claims are found false remedy would be sought
>>All this wahala is about a string .africa that some think can be their private 
>>property. I think its more responsible for the regional organization (AUC) to 
>>hold the string in public trust and have policy oversight, especially so with 
>>these likes of practices of DCA. This has been what the Africann community has 
>>helped to achieve.
>>Here are my comments to the 8 point complain claim:
>>There have been no proposals to ICANN on .africa since 2002 hence there are no 
>>official proposals on .africa. The domain dotafrica.org was registered in 2004 
>>as a community response to the 2002 proposal for .africa 
>>and connectdotafrica.org was registered in 2007. Who is copying who?
>>2007 Lisbon - DCA first heard of .africa at this meeting and could not be making 
>>a presentation. DCA copied the material from www.dotafrica.org and received 
>>source material from one of the contributors. This is a lie. I was the scribe 
>>and know the documents were plagiarized by DCA which is an offense. Note point 
>>same as above
>>DCA does not participate in the community
>>DCA is clueless as Africann list has not blocked any postings. This is another 
>>lie exposing her since she likes to block or manipulate. The truest example is 
>>mixing Afrinic training workshop with DCA as an Ethiopian business that is being 
>>prevented by AfriNIC from having .africa. Whew;-[
>>The concept paper is the one that DCA plagiarized; its a fact so it should be 
>>stated. This is dishonest
>>DCA was rather rejected by the community which rejected her aggression at a 
>>respected local participant. That is her fault and it is a fact that she copied 
>>from dotafrica.org
>>Yes, members of several African Internet related organizations did contribute to 
>>the document. I had input from folks who are from ccTLDs, AfTLD, AfNOG, AfriNIC, 
>>AfREN and others. Therefore this is a true statement
>>The strings .africa, .afrique and .afrika are of interest to all Africans and 
>>therefore necessary to have a unified proposal to be legitimate. In any case the 
>>AUC says they are interested and every serious networker ought to respond to 
>>help the AUC if they are committed to Africa
>>>>>>This document in the below link references the summary page presented to the The 
>>>>>>At-Large Chair and the At Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC), on 
>>>>>>November 6, 2010.  Link:   
>>>>>>Mr. Peirre Dandjinou is one of three candidate in the shortlist of candidate for 
>>>>>>ICANN Board Membership representing the "Community At Large".
>>>>>>Our organization DotConnectAfrica (DCA) (www.dotconnectafrica.com) intends to 
>>>>>>apply for the gTLD for Africa and in the upcoming application round.
>>>>>>DCA is an organization known to ICANN and its constituencies and is mandated by 
>>>>>>the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) ,http://www.uneca.org/ which 
>>>>>>coordinates the affairs  of 53 African Ministers and  African Union Commission 
>>>>>>(AUC) http://www.africa-union.org/ which coordinates the affairs of 53 African 
>>>>>>Heads of State and many independent African countries to be the sponsor & 
>>>>>>registry operator for the Dotafrica Top Level Domain.  Stakeholder in African 
>>>>>>and foreign private and nonprofit organizations who are key players in the 
>>>>>>African market have also supported us and provided the same.  
>>>>>>DCA have also sponsored ICANN, IGF and other platforms for the promotion of TLDs 
>>>>>>in the past towards our efforts and mandates.  Available at our press room.
>>>>>>DCA's Board of Directors and advisors have served in the past either on Board of 
>>>>>>Directors of ICANN,  GNSO Council, ISOC Board and been very active on issues and 
>>>>>>debates in ICANN, ISOC, ITU and other African & International policy 
>>>>>>institutes.  More background on DCA and its work is available at 
>>>>>>http://www.dotconnectafrica.org or better Google: DotConnectAfrica.
>>>>>>Based on the above mandate, DCA has given birth to "generation.africa", which 
>>>>>>our followers and dedicated volunteers, commercial and non-commercial, 
>>>>>>government and other individuals are assisting us meet our given mandates.
>>>>>>Currently, we have launched our offical "yes" to a dotafrica campaign starting 
>>>>>>in Nairobi and all over Africa.  The campaign is part of DCA's communication 
>>>>>>strategy for an open discussion with the public and promote the benefits of the 
>>>>>>dotafrica TLD.   The support we are getting is overwhelming. The most recent 
>>>>>>African and International media  write about or efforts as such :
>>>>>>	* DotAfrica campaign to brand 
>>>>>>continent   http://www.bizcommunity.co.ke/Article/111/16/52038.html
>>>>>>	* Can "Africa" get a 
>>>>>>make-over? http://www.economist.com/blogs/baobab/2010/09/rebranding_africa
>>>>>>	*  DotConnectAfrica Launched official Africa 
>>>>>>Campaign:  http://www.fkanews.com/dotconnectafrica-lauched-official-africa-campaign/22232/
>>>>>>DotConnectArica (DCA)
>>>>>>VOTES "NO" to the Candidate Pierre Dandjinou for ICANN Board based on 8 
>>>>>>At this moment, DCA wishes to express its strong objection to Dandjinou's 
>>>>>>nomination and appointment to ICANN Board seat no. 15,  on 8 counts.
>>>>>>Herewith below, we have submitted our report to your Esteemed group with 
>>>>>>references:  These points are backed up by  material sourced from websites, 
>>>>>>discussion groups and email exchanges. DCA has chosen to protect names of 
>>>>>>individuals used as sources. Nevertheless, it can disclose to the BCEC if 
>>>>>>required, with the permissions of the source.
>>>>>>2007- Lisbon
>>>>>>1. Bias, Conflict of Interest:  The Candidate in a meeting he Chaired in Lisbon 
>>>>>>in 2007 for AfriICANN meeting (an ICANN hosted African grouping),  blocked DCA 
>>>>>>from presenting ihe dotAfrica initiative after DCA was invited to speak.  This 
>>>>>>appeared to be an attempt to promote his own or favored parties dotafrica TLD 
>>>>>>application".  Email notice to an ICANN Board 
>>>>>>member:  http://www.scribd.com/doc/41209177/Document-1-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>>>Implication - This suggests that the Candidate's judgment may biased and favored 
>>>>>>his own or others application despite being granted Chairmanship, with the 
>>>>>>impartiality that implied. 
>>>>>>2. Not Transparent, Conflict of Interest: The following day, the Candidate sent 
>>>>>>out  an email communique' of a dotafrica proposal to DCA Principle via private 
>>>>>>email copied to others listed  with names that supports his version of dotafrica 
>>>>>>TLD application, after blocking us from an audience above and using our 
>>>>>>governance model  He  did not acknowledge the source of his model.
>>>>>>	* The Candidate's email proposal 
>>>>>>ink: http://www.scribd.com/doc/41210087/Document-2-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>>>	* Contributors to the Candidate's dotafrica 
>>>>>>proposal: http://www.scribd.com/doc/41324811/Document-2A-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>>>	* DCA Principle responding to Plagiarism: Refer 2D in 
>>>>>>Implication - This shows that the Candidate has a potential to misuse his 
>>>>>>supposedly impartial position and promote his own agenda.   It also suggests 
>>>>>>that he could use others people's idea and call it his own.
>>>>>>2007/8- AfriICANN Email Threads
>>>>>>3. Conflict of Interest. Subsequent group emails on AfriICANN (which is in 
>>>>>>public domain) demonstrates the Candidate, AfriNic and his "special interest 
>>>>>>groups" have expressed interest in applying for the dotafrica TLD:
>>>>>>	* Evidences how The Candidate and his groups are blocking and damaging DCA to 
>>>>>>introduce its efforts to ICANN and its audience.  Forensic evidence proves that 
>>>>>>he and his group are applying for dotafrica TLD.   Email link to 
>>>>>>evidence:   http://www.scribd.com/doc/36332279/Document-3-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>>>Implication - It would be difficult to establish himself as an impartial Board 
>>>>>>Member when he has such close ties with groups that wish to apply for the 
>>>>>>.africa TLD.
>>>>>>4. Obstruction to other voices -  The Candidate and his moderator colleagues at 
>>>>>>ICANN has since February 2010 blocked all and any participation of DCA and it's 
>>>>>>members to the AfriICANN email list, which is being hosted under the legitimacy 
>>>>>>of "ICANN African Grouping" hosted forum.  DCA has thus not been part of the 
>>>>>>discussion of AfriICANN mailing list since. AfriICANN reportedly has 
>>>>>>approximately, 280 members.
>>>>>>	* Recent complaint filed with ICANN CEO August 2009, reporting the matter Email 
>>>>>>link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/41206510/Document-4-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>>>Implication - The Candidate is capable of blocking people's legitimate right to 
>>>>>>participate in a forum to discuss related issues. He has blocked the voices of 
>>>>>>fellow Africans. This is not consistent with the open dialogue expected of an 
>>>>>>ICANN board member.
>>>>>>2010 -  Kenya
>>>>>>5- Prejudice, Conflict of Interest:  The Candidad on March 12, 2010 March 12, 
>>>>>>2010  in a Kenyan newspaper (The Standard), claimed that his version of 
>>>>>>dotafrica bid has already been distributed to the benefit of Africa.  In 
>>>>>>response to DCA's early endorsement by the African Union he stated:
>>>>>>	* "Technology experts in Africa have already done a concept paper on how the 
>>>>>>domain name should be managed for the benefit of the whole continent," said 
>>>>>>Pierre Dandjinou, a board member, African Network Information 
>>>>>>Centre." http://standardmedia.co.ke/archives/business/InsidePage.php?id=2000005431&cid=14&
>>>>>>However, a few months after in April 2010, an email communication surfaced where 
>>>>>>the Candidate'  has requested assistance to drive a dotafrica bid as the African 
>>>>>>Union has lost support for Sophia's bid, says "because she blocked AfriNic/Afnog 
>>>>>>training  from taking place in Addis Ababa,"  the email continues, "they are 
>>>>>>planning to have  a non-profit for the delegation and a for profit (assisted by 
>>>>>>Affillas) for the operation" Email 
>>>>>>link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/41045398/Document-5-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>>>Implication - The Candidate has a biased idea of what the gTLD for Africa should 
>>>>>>be and has been promoting it.  Its not consistent for a board member to have 
>>>>>>such strong  preconception that he would state them to the press and in 
>>>>>>writing.  How is it possible for an equitable bid process to take place if a 
>>>>>>powerful board member is promoting a personal agenda.   
>>>>>>6.Conflict of Interest, Attacking Competitors through email lists, 
>>>>>>misleading:  During August 2010 there was a concerted effort on a Kenya-based 
>>>>>>email group re: KICTANET to destroy the credibility of the Executive Director of 
>>>>>>DCA.  He participated in the email thread in which he promoted his own version 
>>>>>>of events - stating that the original concept was developed in 2006 but failing 
>>>>>>to mention the contribution of DCA stakeholders. He stated:
>>>>>>"...whatever 'personal initiative' is being pushed now is a 'pure and pale 
>>>>>>copy' of the original
>>>>>>one"   Email Link:
>>>>>>   http://www.scribd.com/doc/41349724/Document-6A-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>>>Implying that the DCA initiative was "individual" and "a copy of his" both of 
>>>>>>which are incorrect. Points  # 2 & 5 above proves the Candidate is following 
>>>>>>DCA's lead.
>>>>>>	* Apparently, these same interested parties - lobbied against DCA's endorsement 
>>>>>>by African Union based on Afrinic/Afnog training issue in Addis Ababa (evidenced 
>>>>>>by point # 5 email link above).  Then the second letter referenced in the 
>>>>>>link here was circulated, including discussion groups in an attempt to block 
>>>>>>further endorsements to DCA.  Second letter Email 
>>>>>>link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/41347308/Document-6B-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>>>	* Amongst the parties quoted on the referenced KICTANET email thread were 
>>>>>>saying " Yes, it seem that the AU likes the community approach we proposed". 
>>>>>>implicating further that the AU has chosen their proposals over DCA's weighing 
>>>>>>in to legitimize the intent of the second letter and disapprove of the letter by 
>>>>>>the AU Chairman.
>>>>>>	* In order to establish the second letter as "legitimate"  the same parties 
>>>>>>claimed DCA's original endorsement from the AU Chairman's office 
>>>>>>was "fictitious",   Email 
>>>>>>Link:  http://www.scribd.com/doc/42522382?secret_password=22nf0u5yxf9sgu2bxdm9#fullscreen:on
>>>>>>	* Their claims to be absolute false as the two letters written by AU reference 
>>>>>>each other. First Letter, Email 
>>>>>>Link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/31565131/African-Union-AU-Endorsement-of-DotConnectAfrica#fullscreen:on 
>>>>>> DCA's lawyers wrote a clarification letter and demand letter addressing this 
>>>>>>malicious defamation and false allegation, requesting for apology & posting back 
>>>>>>to the Kctnet mailing list.   Surprisingly to date, this has not been done by 
>>>>>>the moderator, in an obvious move to shade the public from knowing the truth.  
>>>>>>We have posted the lawyer's clarification letter under this 
>>>>>>link  http://www.scribd.com/doc/40764489/Document-6A-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>>>Implication - Repeatedly, this  evidences that The Candidate ontinues to promote 
>>>>>>his own version of gTLD for Africa. He is free to do this as an individual but 
>>>>>>not as an ICANN Board Member.  His series of exchanges was abusive & an 
>>>>>>irresponsible use of an internet forum and set a bad example for the less 
>>>>>>experienced and younger members.
>>>>>>7- Inconsistencies, Inaction, misleading, Conflict of interest:  The 
>>>>>>Candidate in the above Kicktnet email also stated the following::
>>>>>>"The Candidate and his groups have been working on the dotafrica project since 
>>>>>>2006 that which DCA has now talked 
>>>>>>about: http://www.scribd.com/doc/41349724/Document-6A-BCEC#fullscreen:on  
>>>>>>	* Additionally, The Candidat's statement was countered however with a former 
>>>>>>Board member of ICANN during the AITEC Summit dotafrica panel discussions in 
>>>>>>Nairobi a week after, during a public statement that DCA brought the dotafrica 
>>>>>>project to ICANN Board in 2006 and pushed it through where it s now.  This to 
>>>>>>add credence to # 1 & 2 above. Link to statement  Press Release 
>>>>>>link: http://prlog.org/10916169
>>>>>> Additionally, the Candidate's statement of Interest (SOI) for the current ICANN 
>>>>>>Board seat states he has been involved in ICANN since 1998.  If he has such a  
>>>>>>foresighted vision, why did he not get it done since 1998 where as ."asia"   and 
>>>>>>."eu " have already launched, theirs?  
>>>>>>Implication:  The Candidate's involvement in ICANN doesn't seem to have yielded 
>>>>>>results toward the dotafrica initiative, and he presents his own interpretation 
>>>>>>of events as fact. 
>>>>>>8. Oversigting Governance issues, misrepresentation, conflict of 
>>>>>>The Candidate continued to promote a gTLD under the so called Afr* & AfriNic and 
>>>>>>few days ago under "augooglegoups.com";   As a former chairman of Afrinic he 
>>>>>>would realize the "Chinese walls" and boundaries under which AfriNIC, all these 
>>>>>>organizations and his conducts of behavior must operate. Yet under his 
>>>>>>leadership at AfriNIC,  he continued to blur these lines to the extent that at 
>>>>>>one point the AU thought that AfriNIC would be responsible for the dotAfrica 
>>>>>>TLD - something which is contrary to ICANN process.
>>>>>>Ironically, the Candidate continues to misrepresent to the African leadership 
>>>>>>and African community and now ICANN  saying neither AfriNic is involved in the 
>>>>>>dotafrica project. Hence himself as a former Director of Afrinic and the 
>>>>>>Candidate's continuous email communications under his own name, locking and 
>>>>>>lobbying against DCA's efforts in the above scenarios prove that he intends to 
>>>>>>apply for the dotafrica TLD one way or another.  The following demonstarts 
>>>>>>AfriNic's involvement in the dotafrica project:
>>>>>>	*  Addis Ababa Traning: Media reporting evidence that Afrinic has been caught 
>>>>>>in a conflict of interest scenario in 2008 re:  
>>>>>>Link: http://www.h-online.com/newsticker/news/item/Dispute-over-africa-domain-737827.html
>>>>>>	* African Union issue:  DCA's letter of complaint to AU Chairman upon 
>>>>>>discovering African Union assigning AfriNic to be responsible for dotAfrica TLD 
>>>>>>in November 2009, after AU had already given endorsement to DCA in August 2009.  
>>>>>>This document which was later amended by the African Union because of 
>>>>>>a "consultant error" to be restated as "advise by African Internet agencies"  
>>>>>>which DCA then used on  its press release.  Communications evidence below:
>>>>>>	1. http://www.scribd.com/doc/40764970/Document-8-BCEC#fullscreen:on
>>>>>>	2. http://prlog.org/10497979  (Press Release)
>>>>>>	3. One should take heed as to why the Candidate after rejecting the roles of AU 
>>>>>>and ECA (as noted in point #1 email link above), decided at a later date to get 
>>>>>>involved; apparently             upon learning that DCA brought both 
>>>>>>institutions to the table.
>>>>>>	* ICANN's Statement Of Interest (SOI):  It is noted that the candidate 
>>>>>>downplayed his role at AfriNic or dotafrica bid in his SOI.  He should have 
>>>>>>disclosed his conflict of interest transparently in his 
>>>>>>SOI  Link:             https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/2265195/At-Large+Director+Applicant+-+Pierre+Dandjinou.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=128832612600
>>>>>>Implication:  The Candidate continues to misrepresent AfriNic's and his personal 
>>>>>>position to enable him to pusue the dotafrica TLD. Currently, his non-disclosure 
>>>>>>may have an objective of  getting onto the ICANN board that is inconsistent with 
>>>>>>the impartial requirements of the position.
>>>>>>Concluding Remarks
>>>>>>Without casting aspersions against the Candidate's personal character, based on 
>>>>>>the above facts and findings the Candidate interest in Africa and the Pan 
>>>>>>African community is to only serve s few African communities with "organized 
>>>>>>interest" and not the "At Large African community" that should be .The 
>>>>>>Candidate groupings suggest that they are reluctant to accept new comers  that 
>>>>>>they feel threaten their territory.
>>>>>>Under the Candidate's  leadership, AfriNic (which was suppose to be IP 
>>>>>>addressing organization only) in the past year has been cross pollinating in 
>>>>>>areas that is NOT part of their mandate including "going after the bid for 
>>>>>>dotafrica", presenting "public policy" platforms. These are not their core 
>>>>>>competency or mandate,   When asked by Kenya Computer world, 2010, , why Afrinic 
>>>>>>for the past five years, resisted taking on assignments outside its scope - (in 
>>>>>>other words has now started to do so) AfriNic responded "not much is getting 
>>>>>>done", http://news.idg.no/cw/art.cfm?id=9F731CE0-1A64-67EA-E4917BC660028BD2This 
>>>>>>was severely embarrassing to the African Internet and technical community that 
>>>>>>are accomplishing a lot.  It's clear  that AfriNic was trying to justify their 
>>>>>>monopolistic stand in attempting to control the African critical internet 
>>>>>>Additionally, as per the above interview with Computerworld, AfiNic "currently 
>>>>>>hosts the AfTLD secretariat, manages their accounts and sponsors their events:"  
>>>>>>They reportedly do the same for AFnog,       which is a membership of network 
>>>>>>operator workgroup.  Now, the Candidate is proposing to create another 
>>>>>>organization for his dotAfrica venture (as in point#3.above) in a musical  chair 
>>>>>>of Board of Directors.  This is clearly all too close for comfort.   The whole 
>>>>>>idea of ICANN is to separate Domains and Numbers but under the leadership of 
>>>>>>Dandjinou, its become all under one roof - is this the approach a prospective 
>>>>>>board member should take?
>>>>>>Its seems that there is a move promoted bythe Candidate's leadership to exclude 
>>>>>>newcomers like DCA with intense aggression when new initiatives are simply 
>>>>>>trying to contribute their part.  DCA has been a victim of misrepresentation of 
>>>>>>our our initiatives and efforts. It must not happen.
>>>>>> Generation.africa, the following DCA has created needs to be part of ICANN, 
>>>>>>howeveit also needs to see a leadership that is inclusive,  crosses the aisle 
>>>>>>and resolves conflict, encourages performance based  competition, education & 
>>>>>>mentoring, not "special interest groups" and a captured audience.
>>>>>>Therefore, we Africans should NOT vote for our candidates just because they 
>>>>>>are "from Africa"; we African should learn to vote because our 
>>>>>>candidates "represent Africa" and its wider community.  Africans need  
>>>>>>leadership based on good governance, which carry the ideals of transparency, 
>>>>>>equity and accountability.
>>>>>>ICANN should take heed of developing economies governance structure.  Africa is 
>>>>>>a young economy and its political structure is reforming.  Conflict of interest 
>>>>>>issues are not always understood even by those engaging in them and more so by 
>>>>>>the technical communities. 
>>>>>>Instead Africa needs assistance and advice on oversight  of an 
>>>>>>appropriate internet and organizational policy framework that is to be adapted 
>>>>>>by the very African internet community it nurtures.  ICANN should monitor 
>>>>>>and ensure these checks and balances exist  and continue to function relative 
>>>>>>to policy and institutional governance and listen to ALL the African community, 
>>>>>>not only the established AfriICANN groupings.
>>>>>>Therefore, his appointment should not be supported by ICANN and the larger 
>>>>>>Pan-African community!.
>>>>>>DCA thanks The At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) for 
>>>>>>listening to our voices
>>>>>>"You should stop the lies about me, so I can stop telling the truth about 
>>>>>> Michael Douglas, Wall Street (2010)
>>>>>>On behalf of DotConnectAfrica, "yes2dorafrica campaign"
>>>>>>email: yes2dotafrica at dotconnectafrica.og   
>>>>>>Heidi Ullrich
>>>>>>Director for At-Large
>>>>>>Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
>>>>>>Telephone: + 1 (310) 578 - 8647
>>>>>>Fax: +1 (310) 823 - 8649
>>>>>>Cell/Mobile: +1 (310) 437 - 3956
>>>>>>From: Annalisa Roger [mailto:annalisaroger at dotgreen.org] 
>>>>>>Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 11:55 AM
>>>>>>To: bcec at atlarge-lists.icann.org; Cheryl Langdon-Orr; Heidi Ullrich
>>>>>>Subject: Conflict of Interest Fwd: ICANN BOARD SEAT 15
>>>>>>Hi Cheryl and BCEC Members,
>>>>>>Is this the appropriate list for an alleged "Candidate Conflict of Interest" 
>>>>>>Letter ?  Is the BCEC supposed to reply to this?
>>>>>>It seems like this should go to the Abst List or At-Large Advisory Committee for 
>>>>>>consideration ? 
>>>>>>Wondering how this may affect the Board Candidate Selection process and the 
>>>>>>slate now?
>>>>>>Best to all,
>>>>>>-------- Original Message --------
>>>>>>Subject: ICANN BOARD SEAT 15
>>>>>>From: <support at dotconnectafrica.org>
>>>>>>Date: Sun, November 14, 2010 4:02 pm
>>>>>>To: "Cheryl Langdon-Orr" <langdonorr at gmail.com>
>>>>>>Cc: bcec at atlarge-lists.icann.org, "Heidi Ullrich"
>>>>>><Heidi.Ullrich at icann.org>
>>>>>>Dear Esteemed Members of BCEC,
>>>>>>DCA is forwarding the attached document, a comment from DotConnectAfrica for the 
>>>>>>current ICANN Board Seat 15.
>>>>>>It is to be noted that the additional reference and corresponding material, is 
>>>>>>posted on our website at www.dotconnectafrica.org,  under re: ICANN BOARD Seat 
>>>>>>Thank you for your consideration.
>>>>>>DotConnectAfrica is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization incorporated in 
>>>>>>Mauritius Africa, and will sponsor, establish and operate a TLD registry with 
>>>>>>global recognition and regional significance dedicated to the needs of the 
>>>>>>Pan-African and African community. DCA Reg. ID. CT8710DCA90. 
>>>>>>CONFIDENTIALITY note: The information contained in this message may be 
>>>>>>privileged and confidential and protected from disclosure. The message is 
>>>>>>intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient of this 
>>>>>>message, you are notified that any distribution, use of or copying of this 
>>>>>>communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received the communication in 
>>>>>>error, please notify the sender immediately.
>>>>>>Annalisa Roger, Founder/CEO
>>>>>>Cell: 415.730.5736
>>>>>>The DotGreen Registry
>>>>>>300 Drakes Landing, Suite 220
>>>>>>Greenbrae, CA 94904
>>>>>>Office (415) 925-1012
>>>>>>Fax (415) 925-1063
>>>>>>Please consider the environment before printing this email.  Thank you!
>>>>>>Also: The information in this e-mail may be privileged, confidential, and 
>>>>>>protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, any 
>>>>>>dissemination, distribution, or copying is prohibited. If you think that you 
>>>>>>have received this e-mail in error, please e-mail the sender 
>>>>>>at director at dotgreen.org and delete all copies.
>>>>Anne-Rachel Inne
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