[AfrICANN-discuss] US screening new gTLD applicants against US laws

Dr Yassin Mshana ymshana2003 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 14:25:44 SAST 2010

Thank you Vika for this posting.

This type of issues will keep coming up - the US representation at ICANN -
GAC is from the Dept of Trade and what we understood then (2004/05) and now
is that they have to defend and protect their Govt interests - after all,
that is what all civil Servants do!!

In that case, this is a wish not a directive - it has been like that and
should remain so...

On ITU seeing this as an opportunity to rescue that situation..? Well, who
constitutes ITU? - the same! International Civil Servants nominated by their
Govts.....this will be a similar game but played on different ground

As a matter of ICANN Policy, this issue is not discussable - the answer is
written on the wall.

My apologies for sounding harsh but facts are facts.

Seasons Greetings

On 15 December 2010 17:38, Vika Mpisane <vika at zadna.org.za> wrote:

> Dear AfrICANN’s
> Please read Khaled Fattal’s honourable submission at
> http://forum.icann.org/lists/5gtld-guide/pdfIIMoPfVdQj.pdf and see what an
> important and disturbing development the “final” new gTLD Draft Applicant
> Guidebook gives us. I must admit that while I was bogged down to the ccNSO
> and its council’s business in Cartagena, this important matter escaped my
> attention.
> What is Africa’s response to the DAG full granting the US government a
> right to screen new gTLD applicants against the US (probably more supreme)
> laws? I really think we can expect non-US people starting to push for
> alternative DNS root seeing the current DNS is US’ and US’ alone! So if
> you’re not a US applicant and are from a country the US government considers
> to be terrorist, then forget about getting your new gTLD! This is what this
> exactly mean,
> While I’ve been usually reserved regarding the ITU advances towards the
> DNS, if ICANN continues to be a US govt entity as it is doing right now
> (even when ICANN is supposed to move away from this reality through the
> Affirmation), then who can blame the ITU or even other “Internet rebels” (or
> should we not call them “Internet freedom fighters”) who have come up with
> alternative DNSes!
> I hope subscribers to this list will make their governments aware of this
> important matter (I believe some already have done so) and that our
> governments and the AU will not disappoint in withstanding the US monopoly
> of the currently dominant DNS. It must be fair to expect African governments
> to express their position even before the ICANN board meets GAC in February
> 2011.
> And I hope we won’t hear another view that ICANN needs to first build our
> capacity before we can respond to this straight-forward nonsense from the
> Regards,
> *Vika Mpisane*
> +27 11 275 0082
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