[AfrICANN-discuss] Beware of scam: summer school on Internet governance Africa

Dawit Bekele bekele at isoc.org
Thu Aug 5 08:21:35 SAST 2010

Hi all,


I would like to warn you about a very probable scam at


The site copies the summer school on Internet governance in Latin America
and Europe that are real. It falsely claims that it is endorsed by
organizations like Internet Society and Google (amongst many others), which
it isn't. We have contacted many of the people sited on the front page and
in the program and none of them are aware of this program.


The Internet Society  will follow up this matter, but in the mean time I
would like to make sure that no one in the community falls into this trap.


Please let me know if you have any information concerning this,

Dawit Bekele, Regional Bureau Manager - Africa
< <mailto:bekele at isoc.org> bekele at isoc.org>
Tel: +251 911 22 13 33/+41 22 809 0363
<http://www.isoc.org> http://www.isoc.org
Internet Society (ISOC)
"The Internet is for everyone"


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