[AfrICANN-discuss] Re: AfrICANN Digest, Vol 28, Issue 3

Dandjinou Pierre pdandjinou at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 09:40:16 SAST 2009


i am sorry if the word suspect is not nearly good enough!! . i only thought
most of those AF* having been participating to ICANN should be in a position
to express their views on the JPA!!

But as a board member from one of those AF* and an individual, I can only

All of this indicate we need further exposure and education on the issues on
the one hand, and that our 'professional' and 'political'
institutions/associations should also self organize to provide their inputs
accordingly, on the other hand.

good day

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 7:08 AM, Douglas Onyango <ondouglas at yahoo.com> wrote:

>   From: Abulkhirat Esam <AbulkhiratE at africa-union.org<http://us.mc521.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=AbulkhiratE@africa-union.org>
> >
> >1.  What I have wrote is totally expressing my own and personal point of
> view and has no >relation at all with my current position in the AUC.
> Pierre, i hope this is the case for you as well, because coming from an Af
> board member, 'Suspect' is not nearly good enough.
> Regards,
> Douglas onyango +256(0712)981329
> If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the Problem.
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