[AfrICANN-discuss] Week end reading
Anne-Rachel Inné
annerachel at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 15:47:25 SAST 2007
7. Concern over domain name scams by Philip Argy
Philip Argy, a leading IT and IP lawyer in Australia, and also a WIPO
panellist, writes "it has become increasingly difficult to enforce
intellectual property rights, due to improper conduct by domainers and even
some registrars themselves" with more than 900 domain name registrars around
the world, plus a growing number of affiliated resellers. Argy writes due to
the cheap cost of domain names, cybersquatting is on the rise. Difficulties
with ascertaining correct Whois information is hindering contacting the
registrants. Further, "The delegation agreement between ICANN and the US
Department of Commerce includes an undertaking by ICANN to ensure that every
registrar includes in its agreement with a domain name owner the obligation
to keep the 'who is' record accurate and up-to-date. However, ICANN has been
turning a blind eye to people's flagrant non-compliance for far too long.
Fortunately, there's a review currently under way at which this default is
likely to be highlight!
ed, so that the integrity of the "who is" record might be restored."
8. Shorter URLs help phishers hook more victims
"Phishers are using shorter URLs for malicious sites in a bid to lend an air
of legitimacy to threatening links," says CNet reporting on some research
from Internet Security Services, IBM's online-security division. ISS "claims
to have noticed a significant drop in the number of characters used by
fraudsters in their phishing URLs. ... A post on ISS's Frequency X blog
stated that 'analysts have been observing host names within fraudulent
phishing URLs consistently arrive with lengths of between 30 and 37
characters'; observers 'have noted a significant change' as phishing host
names have shrunk down to an average of only 17 characters in recent weeks."
13. WIPO allows 'freedom of speech' cybersquatting
"Registering a domain name similar to that of another organisation and then
using the URL to protest against its namesake's products or services is
acceptable, according to the WIPO. Erik Wilbers, acting director of the
Arbitration and Mediation Center at WIPO, says that companies will
increasingly lose domain disputes against individuals or groups that use
them as a platform for critical speech against a business" according to a
story this week in ZDNet. Using the example of a case decided last month
over a website, chelwest.com, which expressed inflammatory opinions about a
public hospital in London. The registrant (Frank Redmond) was not happy with
the hospital's treatment of his daughter. The hospital claimed that the
site's name is too similar to its own. ZDNet reports the panel ruled in
favour of the registrant. "The reasons were: Redmond is not using the site
for any commercial gain and it is immediately apparent to internet users who
visit the site that it is not the!
official site; Redmond, according to the panel, is simply criticising the
hospital with opinions which he believes to be true; and it is not obvious
that "chelwest" is branding of the hospital."
14. Business should fund domain name police, says expert
Following on from the recent news that Dell is chasing after cybersquatters,
"John Mackenzie, an intellectual property and technology law expert at
Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind OUT-LAW.COM, said that businesses should
band together to tackle the multi-million dollar cybersquatting industry
pro-actively." "What is really needed and what may occur is a trade
organisation pushing a policing function whose only purpose is to chase
these people," said Mackenzie, saying that it could be similar to
business-funded copyright protection groups such as the Business Software
Alliance. "Brands have no choice," he said. "This is turning from the
opportunistic registration of domains with people making small amounts of
money in garden shed operations into activity from highly sophisticated
organisations who are operating around the world."
1. Tell me the future: MediaGuardian asked the godfather of the net to tell
us where the technology will take us. He emailed his address book
When MediaGuardian asked Vint Cerf, chief evangelist at Google, to guest
edit MediaGuardian, they expected him to bring some luminaries of the web
who don't often get to hear from. His choices transform an often-asked
question ("what's the future?"), into an insight into the thinking of
innovators and pioneers. It's no coincidence that three of them are founders
of some of the biggest web names.
2. We built the road, now let's see where the journey takes us by Vint Cerf
When asked to explain my role in the creation of the internet, I generally
use the example of a city. I helped to build the roads - the infrastructure
that gets things from point A to point B - and I've helped to maintain and
improve the roads over the years. I've even helped to set the rules
governing which vehicles can use the roads. But I didn't build the vehicles,
and I didn't create the buildings that can be visited using the roads. That
task has fallen to millions of people around the world. We hear from many of
the most influential and most innovative of these builders in this week's
3. Social effects of the web still unclear
Mankind is still coming to terms with the social effects of the internet,
according to Vint Cerf, one of its founding fathers. "It takes decades if
not generations to fully understand the impact of such inventions," he said
in a comment piece as guest editor of Media Guardian. "We are barely two
decades into the commercial availability of the internet, but it has already
changed the world."
- (cc)TLD NEWS
4. kr: Domain Names in Korea
The registration of domain names in Korea is conducted by the Korea Network
Information Center ("KRNIC") which website is accessible at:
http://www.nic.or.kr/www/english/, and which follows specific domain name
registration rules, enacted by the Board of the KRNIC and in force since
January 10, 2000 (the "Rules"). Otherwise, disputes regarding domain names
can be handled by an ad hoc committee, the Domain Name Dispute Resolution
Committee. The KRNIC, which was created on June 21, 1999 as a non-profit
foundation, is tasked with the following activities:
5. Dot TK Domain Registry Reopened With Domain Name Landrush [news release]
Dot TK ended its successful Sunrise Period at 9.59amon December 3. During
the last five weeks, corporations were able to register Dot TK domain names
that correspond with their registered trademarks — protecting these from
misuse and preventing cyber-squatting. The end of a Sunrise Period is often
referred to as a "Landrush," as it allows any individual or organisation to
register any domain without evidence of trademark ownership.
6. New rules aim to broaden .TRAVEL's appeal
... On December 21, 2007, .TRAVEL registry Tralliance is implementing new
registration policies. The changes are designed to make it easier for a
larger number of people to register a .TRAVEL domain. Whereas current rules
require a registrant to have as its "primary area of activity" the travel
industry, the new rules only ask that the applicant be a "significant
participant" in that industry.
7. Concern over domain name scams by Philip Argy
The issue of domain name registrations looks set to attract greater
attention next year as an already compromised system expands with the
introduction of international languages and characters. With more than 900
domain name registrars around the world, plus a growing number of affiliated
resellers, it has become increasingly difficult to enforce intellectual
property rights, due to improper conduct by domainers and even some
registrars themselves.
8. Shorter URLs help phishers hook more victims
Cybercriminals are shrinking host names of malicious sites to lend them an
air of legitimacy, according to security researchers. Phishers are using
shorter URLs for malicious sites in a bid to lend an air of legitimacy to
threatening links. Internet Security Services, IBM's online-security
division, claims to have noticed a significant drop in the number of
characters used by fraudsters in their phishing URLs.
9. International cyber spying rated as number one threat for 2008
A study was released yesterday warning of a rise in international
cyberspying, labelling it the single biggest threat to the enterprise in
2008. The annual McAfee Virtual Criminology Report examines emerging global
cyber security trends, with imput from NATO, the FBI, SOCA and experts from
leading industry groups and universities.
10. More on Dell's Anti-Tasting Suit by John Levine
Dell filed a suit in Florida in early October against a nest of domain
tasters in Miami, widely reported in the press last week. The suit was just
unsealed, after giving the court time to approve a restraining order and
serve it on the defendants. The primary defendant is a Miami resident named
Juan Vasquez, doing business as several registrars called BelgiumDomains,
CapitolDomains, and DomainDoorman, as well as a whole bunch of tiny
companies of unknown authenticity in the Bahamas, various small Caribbean
islands, Panama, Argentina, and even Indian Ocean tax haven Mauritius.
11. Microsoft Issues Domain-Related Security Alert
Microsoft on Monday issued a warning concerning a vulnerability in how
Windows resolves hostnames, and is offering steps for systems administrators
to work around the problem until a fix is issued.
12. Microsoft: Windows flaw could steer IE to hackers [IDG]
Microsoft said Monday that a flaw in the way its Windows operating system
looks up other computers on the Internet has resurfaced and could expose
some customers to online attacks. The flaw primarily affects corporate users
outside of the United States. It could theoretically be exploited by
attackers to silently redirect a victim to a malicious Web site.
13. WIPO allows 'freedom of speech' cybersquatting
Registering a domain name similar to that of another organisation and then
using the URL to protest against its namesake's products or services is
acceptable, according to the WIPO. Erik Wilbers, acting director of the
Arbitration and Mediation Center at WIPO, says that companies will
increasingly lose domain disputes against individuals or groups that use
them as a platform for critical speech against a business.
14. Business should fund domain name police, says expert
A technology law expert has called on the business world to set up a
policing outfit to tackle cybersquatters. The call came as Dell raised the
stakes in the fight against domain hoarders, demanding compensation of $1
million per name in a lawsuit.
John Mackenzie, an intellectual property and technology law expert at
Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind OUT-LAW.COM, said that businesses should
band together to tackle the multi-million dollar cybersquatting industry
15. What A Difference A Space Can Make In Cyber-Space!: The Ninth Circuit's
Trademark Decision In Perfumebay.Com v ebay by John E. McKie and Amanda M.
The Ninth Circuit in Perfumebay.com Inc. v. EBay Inc, Case No. 05-56794 (9th
Cir. Nov. 5th, 2007) was asked to decide which versions of the mark
"Perfumebay" infringed upon the trademark "eBay", both being web-based
shopping sites selling perfume. The Court affirmed the District Court's
ruling that the version "perfumebay" as a conjoined term is confusingly
similar to "eBay," but rejected eBay's contention of infringement against
non-conjoined versions of the Defendant's name in which the two terms are
merely separated by a space – like "Perfume Bay." In this case the Ninth
Circuit upheld the District Court's refusal to enjoin non-conjoined terms,
on the basis that they were not likely to confuse or to dilute.
16. ARGENTINA: Overview of E-commerce
Domain names are also a troublesome issue. Although the courts have ruled
more than once that the owner of a trademarked brand has rights over the
same domain name, the process of recovering the name when another person or
firm has registered it may take months, at the very least. The body that
registers domain names is the Network Information Centre Argentina (NIC
Argentina) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and
Culture. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis online at
http://www.nic.ar. In mid-2006 the Council of the Common Market (Consejo del
Mercado Común) decided on the creation of a Mercosur domain; a commission is
now defining the technical and registration issues. Argentina was one of the
two Latin American countries that had free registration, but the government
announced at the end of 2006 that it will charge a fee for Argentina
Internet domains (com.ar, org.ar, edu.ar, mil.ar and net.ar) in order to
avoid domain seizure.
17. Bodog Poker Founder Not in Contempt of Court in Bitter Domain Litigation
In the $49 million default judgment issued against Bodog, under which its
BodogPoker and other domain names were placed under the control of 1st
Technologies, the bitter ongoing case took a turn in Bodog's favor when a
federal magistrate in Las Vegas ruled that because neither Bodog nor founder
Calvin Ayre are residents of Nevada they are not subject to Nevada law, so
Ayre is not required to appear before the court and thus cannot be found
guilty of contempt of court.
18. Judge Declares Bodog Entertainment Group, S.A. Not Subject to
Examination Under Nevada Law by BODOG.COM
In the potentially law redefining case of 1st Technology, LLC vs. Bodog
Entertainment Group, S.A., on Nov. 28, a federal magistrate judge in Las
Vegas ruled in favor of a motion initiated by the defense team stating that
Bodog Entertainment Group, S.A. is not a resident of Nevada, and therefore
is not subject to examination under Nevada law.
19. us: Nevada Magistrate Denies Contempt Motion Against Bodog
ImageIn a potentially precedent setting ruling, a federal magistrate in Las
Vegas has ruled that Bodog Entertainment Group S.A. is not subject to
examination under Nevada law as the company is not a resident of Nevada. The
ruling is part of an ongoing dispute between 1st Technology LLC and Bodog
Entertainment Group.
20. What's in a name, asks Bodog founder Calvin Ayre
The strange and underreported case of 1st Technology v. Bodog continued its
legal sojourn this week with another response by 1st Technology to the
gambling giant's continued claims of ownership to its one-time domains, such
as Bodog.com. The case, in which 1st Technology has managed to wrest at
least temporary control over internet domains previously owned and operated
by Bodog, has drawn little attention from outside the gambling industry,
even though the litigation involves thorny and unsettled issues of trademark
21. in: Getting rid of cybersquatters
Are you a transnational corporation aspiring to serve the Indian market? Do
you carry an established business, trying to utilize the potential of Indian
consumers to the fullest? Are you trying to solicit business or popularize
your goods or services over the Internet using the ".in" domain? If your
answer to any of the above is "yes", then there is a fair chance that an
unknown party has already obtained a registration of your domain name with
the ".in" extension and is waiting for you to buy it for an exorbitant
amount of money.
22. What was the world's first .COM?
Today a website domain name is something you can pick up for just a few
dollars and make your own for years to come. But have you ever wondered what
the first domain names to be registered were?
23. Provider ENUM Registry RFP Announced [news release]
The Country Code 1 ENUM LLC has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to the
industry to build a Provider ENUM (sometimes referred to as "Carrier" or
"Infrastructure" ENUM) Registry. The Registry will be used by the members of
the LLC, as well as other interested service providers with assigned U.S.
numbering resources, to facilitate interconnection between IP-based
telecommunication networks.
24. Domainer's Magazine Online Version Now Available for Free
Domainer's Magazine will mark their one year anniversary by offering the
online version of their magazine free of charge for the year beginning with
the January/February 2008 issue and also offering the ability to view any of
this past year's issues as well.
25. Dun & Bradstreet Buys AllBusiness.com [AP]
Dun & Bradstreet Corp., a business information company, said Tuesday it has
bought AllBusiness.com for $55 million and subsequently raised its 2008
revenue outlook to account for the acquisition.
26. Music.mobi Sells for Record US$616,000
Record Sedo auction sells over $1.5M in .mobi domain names.
27. Sedo announces .MOBI Auction Will Be Extended [news release]
Sedo are aware the there are some problems with the .MOBI Auction at this
time. Due the down time we were not able to extend the auction before the
set closing time. Some bidders may have received emails saying that they
have won the auction, however because the system was down the highest bid at
the time the system failed are not binding according to our terms and
28. No minimum commission for .uk domains [news release]
No minimum commission for sales of parked domains From 06. December 2007
Sedo will do away with the minimum sales commission of £35 for domains in
Sedo's first price category* - provided that they are taking part in Sedo's
domain parking programme. In the future, sales of parked domains will be
subject to a flat 10% commission, improving the transparency and
affordability of the domain sales process.
29. .MOBI Auction.MO Closing Within 24 hours!
The 3rd premium .MOBI auction event is coming to a close, tomorrow (December
5) at 12 pm EST The 3rd Premium .MOBI Auction will be closing tomorrow,
Wednesday, December 5th at 12pm EST. This auction features the best of
entertainment related and generic .MOBI domains.
30. Submissions Close December 11 for SnapNames Live Auction at DFG '08!
[news release]
SnapNames, an Oversee.net company, is now accepting submissions of premium
domain names for auction in January 2008. Independent submissions will be
accepted through December 11 and screened to identify the top entries for
31. Domain-Grabber: IFPI.com immer noch fest in Piratenhand
Der Internationale Verband der Musikwirtschaft (IFPI) hat bei der World
Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) offiziell Beschwerde wegen
Domaingrabbing eingelegt.
32. at: Regierung will Zugriff auf IP-Adressen
SPÖ und ÖVP wollen am Donnerstag einen Änderungsantrag für die Novellierung
des Sicherheitspolizeigesetzes einbringen, der der Polizei bei Gefahr im
Verzug auch den Zugriff auf IP-Adressen ohne Richtervorbehalt erlauben soll.
33. IPv4: Countdown-Vergabepolitik in der Diskussion
Voraussichtlich spätestens 2011 gehen bei der IANA die IPv4-Adressen aus.
Bei den regionalen IP-Registries (RIRs), die den Mangel bald zu verwalten
haben, ist nun eine Debatte entbrannt, ob eine spezielle Vergabepolitik für
die letzten großen Blöcke von IANA an die RIRs nötig ist. Insbesondere
Vertreter aus Lateinamerika, Afrika und dem Nahen Osten halten dafür, dass
die drei "alten" RIRs in Europa, Nordamerika und Asien deutlich besser mit
Adressraum versorgt sind. Daher sollte die Zuweisung der letzten 25
IPv4/8-Blöcke (nach CIDR-Terminologie) gleichmäßig zugeteilt werden – fünf
Blöcke für jede RIR. Allerdings würde der aktuelle Adressverbrauch bei RIPE,
ARIN und APNIC bei einer solchen Verteilung dafür sorgen, dass sie bereits
Jahrzehnte vor dem LACNIC- und AfriNIC-Pools ohne IPv4-Adressen dastehen.
Daher gibt es zwei Gegenvorschläge und einen Streit die Bedeutung einer
"gerechten" Verteilung.
34. TLD-IDNs – ICANN drückt aufs Tempo
Die Internet-Verwaltung ICANN macht bei der Einführung internationalisierter
Top Level Domains rasche Fortschritte: sechs Wochen nach dem Beginn des
öffentlichen Testprogramms hat ICANN bekanntgegeben, dass bereits im Februar
2008 der neue Standard verabschiedet werden soll.
35. TLDs – Neues von .tel, .eu und .sg
Auch diese Woche haben wir ein kunterbuntes Paket an Meldungen zu Top Level
Domains für Sie zusammengestellt. So wird schon in wenigen Wochen die Endung
.tel dem iPhone Konkurrenz machen. Neues gibt es auch aus Brüssel und
36. Rick Schwartz – die Story hinter flowers.mobi
Rick Schwartz ist einer der großen Domainer der ersten Stunde, Mitgründer
und -organisator der T.R.A.F.F.I.C.-Veranstaltungen und erregte Aufsehen,
als er vor gut einem Jahr flowers.mobi für US$ 200.000,– ersteigerte. Nun
gab er Auskunft, wie es dazu kam. Zugleich ist es ein Lehrstück über
Domaining. "Ich folge dem Geld", ist die Kernaussage seines Konzeptes und
Geschäftsgebarens. Und das aus gutem Grund: Rick Schwartz hat mit Domains
einige Millionen gemacht. Aber nach dem spektakulären flowers.mobi-Deal vor
gut einem Jahr häuften sich Mutmassungen und Gerüchte, es habe sich um ein
abgesprochenes Spiel gehandelt. In seinem Blog zog Schwartz nun einen
Strich, um die Gerüchte beiseite zu legen. Zu dem Deal kam es aus
zahlreichen Gründen, aber insbesondere aus einem Grund: Schwartz roch das
Geld, das in der neuen generischen Endung .mobi steckte.
37. WIPO – zermatt.com bleibt in asiatischer Hand
Seit langem steht mit zermatt.com wieder einmal eine UDRP-Entscheidung breit
in den Medien. Die WIPO hatte in dem Verfahren der Gemeinde Zermatt und
deren Touristikzentrale gegen die Inhaberin der Domain entschieden, dass
letztere berechtigter Weise die Domain inne habe. Marco Bundi und Benedikt
Schmidt setzten sich bei weblaw.ch mit der Entscheidung auseinander.
38. Lokalisierung des World Wide Web nimmt langsam Gestalt an
Die internationale Organisation zur Verwaltung von Internetadressen Icann
plant nach zwei Erweiterungsrunden in den Jahren 2000 und 2004, Anfang 2009
weitere Endungen für Internetadressen, im Fachjargon Top-Level-Domains, zu
vergeben. Städte und Regionen können sich bis Ende 2008 für eine
Top-Level-Domain bewerben.
39. Un .TRAVEL plus accessible
A partir du 21 décembre 2007, le .TRAVEL inaugure une charte de nommage plus
ouverte, permettant à un plus grand nombre d'enregistrer plus facilement
sous cette extension.
40. Dell s'attaque au domain tasting
Le géant de l'informatique a porté plainte contre plusieurs registrars qu'il
accuse de s'adonner au domain tasting et, de ce fait, au cybersquatting de
sa propriété intellectuelle.
41. Le .ASIA ouvert à tous dès le 20 février 2008
L'extension asiatique ouvrira à tous selon un calendrier en deux étapes :
une landrush à partir du 20 février 2008, puis l'ouverture totale, prévue le
26 mars 2008.
42. Dell s'attaque aux cybersquatteurs
Le constructeur ne supporte plus de voir plus de 1100 noms de domaines qui
sont proches de sa marque.
43. The Pirate Bay perd le domaine IFPI.com
Le groupe de pirates The Pirate Bay va être dépossédé du nom de domaine «
IFPI.com » qu'il avait obtenu grâce à un don effectué par une personne
anonyme. L'affaire a fait grand bruit car le domaine IFPI.com était réservé
depuis quelques années par la « International Federation of the Phonographic
Industry »), mais dernièrement elle avait oublié de renouveler sa propriété
sur ce nom de domaine. Une personne en avait alors profité pour s'emparer
avant d'en faire don à The Pirate Bay qui l'a utilisé pour créer la «
International Federation of Pirates Interests » et parasiter ainsi l'IFPI.
44. Los dominios de Australia (.au)
Australia es una país con unos 20 millones de habitantes. El 30 de noviembre
de este año llegó al millón de dominios registrados. Hace 5 años tenían
registrados 250.000. Pero es que, en febrero de este año había 790.000
dominios. En nueve meses han crecido un 26%.
45. Impulsan el lanzamiento del .lat
Antonio Harris, director ejecutivo de la Cámara de Bases de Datos y
Servicios en Línea, aseguró que el desarrollo de este dominio regional
creará una identidad latina en Internet
46. Buscan crear una identidad latinoamericana en Internet
América latina ya tiene su extensión propia para el registro de nombres de
dominio en Internet: El ".lat". El anuncio lo hizo la Cámara de Bases de
Datos y Servicios en Línea (Cabase), que nuclea a los proveedores de
Internet, comercio electrónico, contenidos y servicios en línea.
47. Los nuevos dominios que llegaran en el 2008: ".Berlin" y ".Lat"
También Paris y Nueva York desean hacerse con un dominio local para dotar a
sus ciudadanos de un identificativo propio: Los dominios correspondientes a
ciudades serán las grandes novedades que nos depara el 2008.
48. Includes a story on .SU mentioning ICANN in Russian
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