<div dir="ltr"><pre>Hello community members,
I'm Yasir from Mauritius.
Firstly, when facebook was banned in Mauritius, people like Mr Avinash Meetoo
did protest publicly:
<a href="http://www.noulakaz.net/2007/11/08/facebook-a-mauritian-tragedy/" class="gmail-OWAAutoLink" id="gmail-LPlnk379954">http://www.noulakaz.net/2007/11/08/facebook-a-mauritian-tragedy/</a>.
Today, Mr Avinash Meetoo is the Chairperson of the ICT Advisory Council.
It is completely false to say that nobody protested back in 2007 in Mauritius. Since
then, 10 years have gone by, and we haven't experienced another facebook ban.
Also, it's important to make the distinction between a shutdown, and a
ban on specific websites.
The proposed change by Ish sookun consists of 2 parts: Instead of "general"
, it says "general or part of", and later he introduces the "court order"
If a newspaper from Mauritius is violating local laws to publish news, then
I sincerely don't believe that they are above the law. Now, if a newspaper
in Mauritius has violated local laws such as the Banking Act for
confidentiality of their customers, or breached the ICT Act by cracking
into a minister's email and publish them without permission, then
I do not believe that AFRINIC should get involved.
The risk of the clauses proposed by Ish Sookun means that anybody who operates
a news website will use those clauses as a legal rattle snake to threaten
the government , under the guise of "Freedom of the press" while operating
in violation of the local laws. <br><div class="gmail-_5wd4 gmail-_1nc7 gmail-direction_ltr"><div class="gmail-_h8t"><div class="gmail-_5wd9"><div class="gmail-_5wde gmail-_n4o"><div class="gmail-_5w1r gmail-_3_om gmail-_5wdf" style="max-width:168px;width:137px"><div class="gmail-_4gx_"><div class="gmail-_d97"><span class="gmail-_5yl5"><span><br>For all of the above reasons, I oppose Ish Sookun's proposal.</span></span></div></div></div></div></div></div><span class="gmail-_40fu"><span class="gmail-_2u_d"></span></span></div>
Kind regards,</pre>Yasir</div>