<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Hello McTim,<br>>preclude the ITU from getting any IPv4 space if they are able to form a RIR??<br><br>I think from the links you provided, this is well taken care of...do we still need to hide something in.....and by hide i mean omitting it from abstract/incentives and inconspicuously slipping it somewhere.....Didn't we just mention "transparency" in this same policy???<br><br><br>>RIRs allocate based on need. IANA allocates to RIRs when the RIR has used ~80 of its previous /8 IIRC. If they weren't diviided even;y, RIPE and ARIN would probably demonstrate need faster and therefore get more of the pool.<br>><br><br>These are the statements that i base my comment:-<br><br>#Defines "need" as the basis for further IPv4 allocations by the IANA. <br>#The Reclamation Pool will be divided on CIDR boundaries and distributed evenly to all eligible
RIRs<br><br>There is allusion to basing allocations on both "evenness" and "need" - i personally feel these two are mutually exclusive...<br><br>Regards,<br>Douglas Onyango +256(0712)981329<br>
Life is the educators practical joke in which you spend the first half learning, and the second half learning that everything you learned in the first was wrong.<br></td></tr></table><br>