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[rpd] status of appeals submitted last January

Thu Apr 21 08:32:10 UTC 2022

Hi all,

Can we ask the Appeal Committee, Board and staff to make sure that the web page ( is updated?

There is no information regarding the appeals submitted in January 2022, and the problem is that according to 3.4.1 of the CPM, draft policies expire after one year unless they are approved by the Board.

So if the Appeal Committee doesn't provide a final determination, the Board may be missing the one year deadline, at least for one of the proposals under appeal.

Or is the staff and the Board considering that the CPM should be interpreted as not including (in the 1-year expiry), the time spend by an appeal?

A possible way-out for that, is that the Board actualy decides on the ratification of the proposals and holds the implementation, with a waiver in case the Appeal Committee fails against the consensus decision.

Another possible way-out is that we re-publish the *same* version of the policy proposals that are about the expire. As they already had consensus and passed the last-call, not making modifications to the text, there is no need for a new consensus decision, but it avoids the proposal to expiry before the Board can ratify it. Can the Chairs and staff provide their inputs on this?

Otherwise we will be in a very strange and dead-end situation: A policy proposal reached consensus, but the AC delayed their decision on the appeal past the one-year expiry time. The Board can't ratify it, so we need to restart the process and even if it reaches consensus, new appeals can create the same situation again and forever!

So please, AC, Board and staff, provide your inputs very urgently.


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