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[rpd] Summary of Proposal Policy Compliance Dashboard AFPUB-2021-GEN-003-DRAFT02

Thu Jan 6 10:09:27 UTC 2022

I’m not going to respond to each of the emails, because the questions raised have been the same as during the complete discussion of this proposal, so I don’t feel there is any new objection raised during the last call that can be considered.


However, I must state, once more, that the community must be protected when the RSA is not sufficiently clear, and this is what the policy is doing. At the same time, it offers a good balance between protecting the community and ensuring that bad actors can’t repeadtly missbehave.


This is not micro-management, it is the right to the community to establish a more concrete set of rules or procedures. And if anyone believe it is micro-management, no matter, because the right of the community is to define rules and procedures up to the point the community believes it is neccesary.


Staff is doing well, better each day, but the community is sovereing in deciding if some more concrete rules need to be defined.


And no, definitively this doesn’t slow or complicate things, on the other way around: it defines a concrete community-established path, it gives automated notifications which release the staff from doing so in the initial phases. So the staff will be able to use their time in better things and only when the violations aren’t resolved by simple notifications, then the staff can take actions. So clearly not slower, but on the other way around much more efficient for all the parties.








El 6/1/22 3:43, "Sylvain Baya" <abscoco at> escribió:


Dear PDWG,


Please see my comments below, inline...

Le mercredi 5 janvier 2022, Mathanya Ramaboea <mathanyawork at> a écrit :

Hey Sylvain,


Please see my response below your text:


"You should remember the goal: it's about offering to resource members a free mean to check/monitor dear CPM-compliance with less's a free to use tool...but if one is not compliant, and refuses to use the tool provided to ease every resource holder's ability to know when not can you solve that problem through the PDWG?"


-I understand what you mean, and trust me all of us would love to have some additional free tools, but here the necessity is primordial. Is this policy proposal really needed and is it worth the resources? 



Hi Matthanya,


Thanks for your quick reply, brother!

 Yes! it's obvious for me and the Staff actually has the power to implement that tool; without a policy; if they want...the CPM version 1.6 can not stop them. You seem to prefer a scenario where: the Staff is fully the master of the conception + implementation of a dashboard tool to check and notify resource holders for CPM's non-compliance? 




The whole process already exists and 



...including an affordable mean to maintain a good 

CPM-compliance Status?

Btw, please, which process are you referring to?



non complying members don't need a dashboard for AFRINIC to act on it. 



You seem to have only one basket! you need two, for completeness; because: some of them might wait for it, in order to help them to more acurrately/appropriately address their known and unknown lack of compliance to the CPM. They should have read and understand the CPM first :'-(


You seems to ignore/forget the fact that a non-compliant resource holder risks to lost its holded Internet Number Resources :'-(

who want to loss the resource it hold ; due to lack of compliance?


Please take a second basket, brother ;-)



They know they are not complying with the policies and won't wait for a free awesome new tool to outline it in red for them. 



...i'm sure that that particular category exist, within 

the AfriNIC's service region, and some of them are 

actually attacking the INRS (RFC7020) and 

individual members of the PDWG's and the 

AfriNIC's community...through different means :'-(



So the non necessity of this mechanism is its biggest concern, and the proposal fails to showcase what difference it concretely adds, and what problem it actually solves.



Thus its necessity, because, it removes their ability to lie that they were not aware of their non-compliance status; particularly due to the non existence of a dashboard to help them to easily being notified. 


You should read the text quoted below, if not yet:


1. Summary of the problem being addressed by this proposal
The AFRINIC RSA* mandates members to comply with the AFRINIC policies developed via the PDP.

Section 4.C of the RSA states the irrevocable commitment of the member for using the services for the purpose for which it was requested and in full unreserved compliance with AFRINIC policies.

This is of key importance, because a member not following the policies may be impacted in the evaluation of future requests by AFRINIC, the revocation of the services or even the closure of the member (section 4.b.iii).

Just to be clear, “services” are defined in the RSA, under section 1.C, and those include number resources, among others. So, the impact for a member that is not following the PDP process and CPM changes, maybe of catastrophic business consequences.

The PDP is continuously updating the CPM, and it is obvious that some members may not be following, up to date, all the details and possible impact in their services/resources, while the RSA states that AFRINIC, at its own discretion, can investigate the use of the services.

Every Policy in the CPM indicates what and how things should be done. Lack of conformity with any part of the CPM, even if not clearly stated, it is considered a lack of compliance, following a coherent interpretation of both the RSA and the CPM.

Consequently, members should be protected against this situation, in a simple manner that allows them to know their up-to-date policy compliance, get alerts about the lack of compliance and consequently react to address those.

The RSA specifies a generic procedure to resolve the situation with members, and facilitate the actual compliance. There should be a clearer timeline and sufficient opportunities to resolve the situation, in a fair way to all the members, instead of taking irreversible decisions on the first occasion of any policy violation in case of no response in 30 days.

There should be always equal opportunities for any member to correct mistakes before reaching a fatal point.



...hope this definitely addressed your concerns, 


For you previous concerns, pleased see here [1].


[1]: SLC <>








On Wed, 5 Jan 2022 at 22:48, Sylvain Baya <abscoco at> wrote:

Dear PDWG,

Le mercredi 5 janvier 2022, Mathanya Ramaboea <mathanyawork at> a écrit :








Best Regards !
baya.sylvain[AT cmNOG DOT cm]|<>
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