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[rpd] RFC7020 Errata report

Owen DeLong owen at
Sun Sep 5 15:57:36 UTC 2021

So I finally got around to looking into my RFC-7020 errata report about the claim being used here
to claim that RFC-7020 denies out-of-region use.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered not only that the errata has already been reported (not a complete
surprise), but that it was reported shortly after my first mention by John Curran himself…

Errata ID: 6664 <>
Status: Verified
Type: Technical
Publication Format(s) : TEXT
Reported By: John Currran
Date Reported: 2021-08-23
Verifier Name: Erik Kline
Date Verified: 2021-08-24

Section 3 says:

In cases where LIRs span multiple regions, those LIRs have established relationships with multiple RIRs.
It should say:

In cases where LIRs span multiple regions, those LIRs have often established relationships with multiple RIRs.


In cases where LIRs span multiple regions, those LIRs often have established relationships with multiple RIRs.

The statement about LIRs in multiple regions using multiple RIRs is remains likely for many instances but not universally - particularly given the inter-RIR transfer policies adopted since RFC7020's initial publication.

So, not only were my prior statements regarding RFC-7020 and out-of-region use being commonplace true.

We now have verification of that fact from an RIR CEO.


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