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[rpd] PDWG Co-Chairs Selection pursuant to Section 3.3 of CPM |

Murungi Daniel dmurungi at
Wed Apr 7 10:25:27 UTC 2021

Dear Abdulkarim,

Am no imaging expert but some of the icons in the screenshot you sent have different resolutions from the rest of the document. Not sure if this was caused by you printing then scanning the excerpt you shared.

That said, your cause would be best served if you forwarded the emails directly to the RPD list. Additionally, share the raw message headers. This will help the AFRINIC team ease the process of sifting through the logs on their end.

IMHO, sir, your outburst below does not aid your cause one bit. Kindly keep in mind that you are not talking children.

Murungi Daniel

> On Apr 7, 2021, at 8:37 AM, ABDULKARIM OLOYEDE <oloyede.aa at> wrote:


> Dear Noah,

> The last time I checked you were neither my employer nor my parent. Am sure if we work for the same employer you can't be my superior at work. I wonder why you would think I would take instructions from you.

> Please show some respect and keep those rude instructions to AFRINIC.

> Enjoy your day.


> AK.




> On Wed, 7 Apr 2021, 00:35 Noah, <noah at <mailto:noah at>> wrote:

> Hi Abdulkarim


> I see you attached screenshots of email exchanges.


> Forward the said email to this PDWG rpd list including the report.


> Noah


> On Wed, 7 Apr 2021, 02:24 ABDULKARIM OLOYEDE, <oloyede.aa at <mailto:oloyede.aa at>> wrote:

> Dear all.

> I didn't want to do this earlier for personal reasons. However, It seems some people are just out to tarnish my name and reputation. I wish them the best of luck in doing that. at least they now have a serious job.

> Some also forget that I have a day job and I wear so many other lovely hats and I sometimes deserve some sabbatical leave from their ranting.


> Please find attached the email correspondence between myself and the Policy liaison officer leading to the preparation of the document and the email sent by the co-chairs to the board for ratification.

> Please relax and enjoy reading the attachment.

> I hope this clarifies all the issues.



> AK


> On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 4:20 PM Noah <noah at <mailto:noah at>> wrote:


> On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 4:59 PM Darwin Costa <dc at <mailto:dc at>> wrote:

>> On 6 Apr 2021, at 15:18, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD <rpd at <mailto:rpd at>> wrote:



> @Jordi, if I was you I would hold my horses until we see evidences from one or the other side. Until then……


> This is what I am also telling Jordi because it's pointless for him to spread conspiracy theories based on his private chats with Abdulkarim who has never shown this PDWG any evidence that they former co-chairs sent such email to the board or even copied this working group as its a practise. Afrinic feedback clearly states not even a log on their side can be traced of such communications and as such, that is Afrinic evidence.


> Therefore, Abdulkarims reluctance to forward such email to the WG, shows that there is either no such email, or if there was, then it's very unprofessional of him that not even his excuses about being on sabbatical leave hold water rather than shows another complete disregard to this WG and a clear vote of no confidence. in the man.


> it's been a couple of weeks, lets see the evidence......PERIOD.


> Noah


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