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[rpd] WE NEED YOUR INPUT, MAXIMUM BY TUESDAY 16TH NOON: Decision of way forward for new (transition or elected) co-chairs

Thu Feb 11 08:45:40 UTC 2021

Hi all,

Following the previous email, we have 4 choices for selecting the new co-chairs:

1. Halt everything regarding PDP decisions, until the board can organize on-line elections in a few weeks (with the previous electoral census).

2. Halt everything regarding PDP decisions, until the board can organize an in-person meeting and then we can have on-site elections (we don't know when we will have a new in-person meeting).

3. Ask the board to choose 2 transition co-chairs, so we can have elections in the future (option 2 above).

4. Nominate ourselves a few names for transition co-chairs and let the board to decide among them, once they confirm their willingness to take the job, so we can have elections in the future (option 2 above).

Note that each person supporting/objecting one or serveral choices, should briefly detail what are the pros and cons that he/she understands need to be considered. Note that this is a consensus base decision, not a voting, and the objections should be as less subjective as possible and looking for the good of the overall community, not personal or business interests.

If you think that option 3 or 4 are the right ones, this is not the time to set any conditions or nominate people. Will need to define specific time frame after the decision is taken. Otherwise, may not be able to reach consensus quickly.

REMARK: We need to tell the board our decision, by consensus by next Tuesday (16th February), so only comments received up to Tuesday noon could be considered in the final summary.


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