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[rpd] Transfer Policy Proposal v.3.docx

Thu Sep 24 10:50:35 UTC 2020

I think this is a wrong reading of the intend of all those proposals.

The problem is that AFRINIC has no more IPv4 addresses. The operators and business that need them can’t get them with only Intra-RIR, so we need Inter-RIR as well, in a way that it works with the other RIRs.

That’s it. You can write it in very different ways, but in short this is the same for all the proposals.

Some proposals also address the AS transfers as requested by the staff in their PIERS. As the AS is not a “so big” problem (even if it is convenient) and there is no AS scarcity, we could decide that even if the proposal doesn't resolves it now, we can spend more time in another proposal later on, once the IPv4 part reach consensus and it is implemented. It is a ridiculous waste of time, but I fully understand that some people may have doubts, the same way if we try to fix (at least) intra-RIR IPv6 transfers, could bring objections, which not necessarily are valid, but looking at the way and extreme subjectivity consensus is being judged, it complicate things.

The way the problem statement is written is not a valid reason to object to a proposal *if* the well-known problem is resolved by the policy text, because *only* the policy text goes into the CPM!

Two differently written problem statements can bring to the same *policy text*, it is just a matter of how you read the problem statement.




El 24/9/20 12:21, "Mirriam via RPD" <rpd at> escribió:

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for pointing out the issue with the problem statement. I also went and checked problem statements for the other two proposals.

IPv4 Inter-RIR Resource Transfers (Comprehensive Scope)

“1. Summary of the problem being addressed by this proposal This proposal allows establishing the mechanism to allow transfers of IPv4 resources to/from other regions and to align AFRINIC with a market that already exists and in which we are lagging behind, which is negative for the region.”

AFRINIC Number Resources Transfer Policy

“1.0 Summary of the problem being addressed by this proposal The AFRINIC IPv4 pool is expected to run out soon. Some entities may need IPv4 space to support their IPv6 deployments, especially to support transition mechanisms, which AFRINIC may not meet. The current Intra-RIR policy in force at AFRINIC allows entities to receive unused IPv4 address from other members solely within the AFRINIC region, based on justified needs. Considering the limited IPv4 space initially made available to AFRINIC (AFRINIC manages only 7.23 /8s with a very low ratio of IPv4 addresses per Internet user), there will therefore be a need to allow for unused IPv4 from other regions to move into the AFRINIC service region – this without necessarily depleting AFRINIC's slim amount of IPv4 addresses by transferring space out of the region. The current Intra-RIR transfer policy allows all types of IPv4 allocations/assignments to be transferred, including IPv4 from special purpose blocks (reserved blocks for IXPs and DNS root ops, Last /8, etc.) The current intra-RIR transfer policy does not cover ASNs while there are cases where transfers of ASNs among AFRINIC members are desirable.”

It is clear that these proposals can’t be merged together since they are addressing different problems. The latest seems to address some relevant problems.

Best Regards


On Thursday, September 24, 2020, 12:00:32 AM GMT+3, Murungi Daniel <dmurungi at> wrote:


Can the authors of the resource transfer policy in the last call explain, which problem is being addressed?

The problem statement is awkward to say the least. The issue with the problem statement was raised in Luanda and during the virtual AIS. How can we can adopt a proposal when the problem statement is out of scope of the PDP?

1. Summary of the problem being addressed by this proposal
The current policy fails to support a two-way Inter-RIR policy, thereby hindering smooth business operation, development, and growth in the region. This proposal aims to establish an efficient and business-friendly mechanism to allow a number of resources to be transferred from/to other regions. This proposal outlines a model in which AFRINIC can freely transfer number resources to/from other regions, i.e. RIPE NCC, APNIC, ARIN and LACNIC. This includes both IPv4 addresses and AS numbers.


Murungi Daniel

On Sep 23, 2020, at 10:39 PM, Fernando Frediani <fhfrediani at> wrote:


There is no much I can do other than state my opposition to this proposal to advance and reach any consensus mainly because has been inverted from what was originally in the proposal and only changed at last minute due to some comments in the PPM going straight to last call which didn't give opportunity to the community re-evaluate this major change and if it's suitable to the region or not.

Co-Chairs cannot advance this proposal to rough consensus the way it is and I urge and ask them again to bring it back to discussion to find out a resolution to these opened issues. Multiple people raised substantial concerns about it already. There is no way it can be considered 'rough consensus'.

I also understand there may be a hurry to get a Inter-RIR transfer policy as soon as possible, but we must care about what is most important than that which is get policies to reflect what is really good for the region and not just to a few actors, even if it takes a bit longer. I support Jordi's suggestion to have another PPM in a few months so perhaps this proposal can advance from that point in time. LACNIC remained about 2 years without a Inter-RIR transfer policy after it run out of addresses for new organizations and survived. AfriNic will survive if it has to wait a few more months in order to get things really right.

Now going to the merit of the proposal specially the main point I oppose (
There is no sense at all to keep considering transferred legacy resources as legacy. This doesn't work that way and has a proper reason to be like that which is fix a historical internet problem and reduce legacy resources with time as they get transferred to 'normal' organizations who purchased them in the market for example.
In this way organizations receiving these resources are bind to the same rules everybody else making it much fair to everybody and making no distinction between members.
Allowing resources to remain considered legacy only contributed to abuses and unfairness allowing those who can pay more do whatever they like which is bad for the rest of the Internet community which are subject to the same rules that apply equally to them.
If transferred legacy resources are not considered legacy anymore more and more they will apply equally for everybody as they become as a normal resource within any RIR. There has been a strong reason for this be like that until now and to continue like that.


On 23/09/2020 09:49, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD wrote:
Hi Taiwo, all,

I've looked into the doc.

Let me say something before going into a more detailed analysis: I *fully support* this proposal, and I will be happy to withdraw it once:
1) The staff confirms that all the points on the staff analysis have been cleared and thus, the policy could be implemented and will be functional in the intended purpose.
2) The board ratifies the policy (which means also it passes the last call).

Why? If anything in the process fails, I still believe my proposal is clearer and never mind is my proposal or this one I'm happy to work with the authors to make sure to resolve the issues that may happen as indicated in 1 and 2 above (hopefully there are no issues).

I've now a more detailed analysis, please really, needs to be taken seriously with the staff or we may ruin the policy and not allow to be functional.

There is something which doesn't make sense: The text in point 5.7. The CPM should be read always as "actual" so "soon will exhaust ..." is not logic, neither needed for the purpose of this policy. In addition, there are typos there ...

This is an editorial change that according to the PDP should be possible as part of the last call. I will suggest to keep it simple:
5.7 IPv4 Resources transfer
This policy applies to an organization with a justified need for IPv4 resources (recipients) and organizations with IPv4 resources which no longer need (sources).

I see that the "disputes" issue has been resolved! Tks! Anyway, I think there is another editorial problem there.
Actual text: The source must be the current rightful holder of the IPv4 address resources registered with any RIR, and shall be in compliance with the policies of the receiving RIR, and shall not be involved in any dispute as to the status of those resources.

I suggest: The source must be the current rightful holder of the IPv4 address resources registered with any RIR, in compliance with the relevant policies, and shall not be involved in any dispute as to the status of those resources.

Keeping the "policies of the receiving RIR" is contradictory ... changing it with "relevant policies" allows both RIRs to ensure that everything is correct.

Grammar maybe, I'm not English native speaker:
"for 12 months period" or "for a 12 months period"

I think doesn't add any value, it could be removed and doesn't change anything: if there is no limite, no need to mention it. If there is not agreement, clearly the transfer will not happen because the parties don't authorize it, and then the RIR(s) don't authorize it!

Similarly could be removed as well. We already said that the recipient should comply with policies (, so what is this adding? Just superfluous text.

Note also my imputs in the previous email, regarding the hold period and the legacy status. I think, should be "IPv4 legacy resources "Transferred incoming or within AFRINIC IPv4 legacy resources will no longer be regarded as legacy resources". is already indicated by the staff as something problematic with the actual wording. The transferring party (the source) may not have any relation (not a member) with the receiving RIR. With this text we are enforcing *all the RIRs* to offer a standard template and process on our mandate. WE CAN'T DO THAT. Our policies only have a mandate in AFRINIC, not in the other RIRs.

If we just remove section 5.7.5, and leave it to the staff as part of the operational procedure, the the problem is resolved because the existing process among the all other 4 RIRs for transfers will be "joined" by AFRINIC. It is just a matter of interconection among systems and processes!

I think all this should be carefully studied among the authors and the staff and the chairs should make sure that the verstion coming to last call has corrected all those issues.

I hope all this is useful.



El 23/9/20 9:38, "Taiwo Oyewande" <taiwo.oyewande88 at> escribió:

    Hello PDWG,

    Attached is the updated version of the Resource Transfer Policy proposal. As recommended, changes have been effected on sub-section, and according to the co-chair summary.

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