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[rpd] Policy Proposal: PDP Working Group (WG) Guidelines and Procedures

Taiwo Oyewande taiwo.oyewande88 at
Mon Aug 31 06:30:50 UTC 2020

Hi Gaby,

Welcome to the AFRINIC rpd Gaby. I see you have been “warmly welcomed” by some members of the community. I appreciate when young members come in to the community and make their voice heard. I encourage you to keep it up and don’t let anyone scare you from making VALID points on the mailing list or in future meetings.

Welcome again!!!

Kind regards

> On 29 Aug 2020, at 16:33, Gaby Giner <gabyginernetwork at> wrote:



> Hi Mike,


> Nice to e-meet you, and thank you for asking.


> While studying at Ateneo de Davao University, I came across Internet Governance, and I thought that it's a cool concept to explore. I have a background in International Public Policy, International Security, International Public Economy, and Public International Law, among others, regarding policymaking and drafting. So I see the value in hearing out others and crafting a well-rounded policy that does not trample on any stakeholders and duty-bearers but leaves room for improvement.


> Although I'm a woman in an admittedly male-dominated field, I still am very keen to learn more about it. I'm also looking for job opportunities that are network/Internet-related. I was actually supposed to go to AFRINIC/ICANN but wasn't able to do so because of COVID-19. Hence, I'd like to join the mailing list prior to joining the actual event next time. Although I'm a beginner, I'd still want to contribute to a better Internet. Despite my educational background, I know that praxis is an even better teacher which is the reason why I am here talking to you.


> That's by and large my background. As I'm a newbie, could you also briefly introduce yourself? I've heard about you, vaguely, but I am interested in knowing who the people I would potentially be discussing policies with. Again, I am grateful that you have approached me - a newcomer with questions. Hope that we can meet in person at the meeting someday.


> Sincerely, Gabrielle.



>> On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 9:20 PM Mike Silber <silber.mike at> wrote:

>> Hi Gabrielle


>> Would you mind introducing yourself and explaining your involvement in network operations?


>> I am unable to identify a public profile that aligns with your involvement in the PDP. I think clarity on your identity will add credence to your opposition (or not).


>> Thanks


>> Mike


>>> On Sat, 29 Aug 2020 at 12:07, Gaby Giner <gabyginernetwork at> wrote:

>>> Hello, all.


>>> I am against this policy because I think it adds unnecessary complexity to what should be a relatively simple low-overhead process. It does so in a way that will result in confusion, disagreement, and fractious behavior in the community.


>>> Besides, proposing to pick the next co-chairs on the mailing list based on consensus instead of actual elections at the policy meeting is unnecessary, unfair, and has less transparency than the actual election process that has no flaw in it.


>>> Sincerely, Gabrielle.



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