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[rpd] Co-Chair Election Process

Fernando Frediani fhfrediani at
Tue Jul 21 12:58:31 UTC 2020

On 21/07/2020 02:06, Owen DeLong wrote:

> Yes, but that proposal could be to vary the chair election process

> just as much as to vary anything else in the document.

Yes, as long it is conducted under a policy proposal discussion
following 3.6 no problem at all.

Now the main problem I guess is to reach consensus on something as many
people seem too afraid of anything. So why I suggested something
strictly simple that resolves the current scenario, even temporarily
until we can have a proper proposal discussed later that resolves it
long term.

However some people keep suggesting to extend the Co-Chair term without
willing to go through a simple show of hands in a remote event as the
PDP says. So how we suppose to do this? Regardless the type of job the
person is doing there is not other way to extend his term other than the
process outlined in the PDP.

I don't see any other ways out of it.



> Owen


>> Fernando


>> On 21/07/2020 00:05, Owen DeLong wrote:



>>>> On Jul 20, 2020, at 6:22 PM, Fernando Frediani

>>>> <fhfrediani at <mailto:fhfrediani at>> wrote:


>>>> Hi Owen. Sorry I don't really read the 3.6 the same way as you. 3.6

>>>> in my view wasn't thought for situation like this. It's being glued

>>>> for the occasion that's not the case. 3.6 is about how the

>>>> proposals are conducted, reviewed and passed within this forum in a

>>>> exceptional situation (pretty much where we are). All points

>>>> mentioned there have to do with proposals. We are not discussing or

>>>> advancing a proposal right now.



>>> That’s your special interpretation. It’s not what a plain english

>>> reading of the language says.


>>> 1.The PDP is in the document containing 3.6. The PDP is a process.

>>> 2.The co-chair election process is in the document containing 3.6.

>>> The co-chair election process is a process.

>>> 3.3.6 says “The process outlined in this document…”.



>>>> What CAN actually be done within 3.6 is someone to properly present

>>>> a proposal to amend the PDP and fix the issues we are discussing

>>>> here and then have this proposal treated under 3.6 (with no less

>>>> than 4 weeks including the Last Call - which coincides with your

>>>> point number 3 below).


>>> I suppose that could also work, though it’s rather indirect and adds

>>> (unnecessary IMHO) complexity.


>>>> In my opinion proposal AFPUB-2019-GEN-007-DRAFT01 is ready for it,

>>>> but I guess that may not reach consensus. So a much shorter

>>>> proposal with just the essential we need to resolve this situation

>>>> is the way to go under 3.6. Would that match with what you are

>>>> trying to put ?



>>> IMHO, AFPUB-2019-GEN-007-DRAFT01 is a fatally flawed proposal and I

>>> would not support it as currently written.


>>> I think a much more direct proposal to clarify an expanded scope of

>>> 3.6 (closer to my interpretation instead of your rather narrow

>>> interpretation) would be the most likely to gain consensus, frankly.

>>> I think such is unnecessary, but _IF_ you insist on the (oddly)

>>> narrow interpretation of 3.6 you have put forth, then…


>>> Owen



>>>> Fernando


>>>> On 20/07/2020 21:52, Owen DeLong wrote:



>>>>>> On Jul 20, 2020, at 10:00 AM, Fernando Frediani

>>>>>> <fhfrediani at <mailto:fhfrediani at>> wrote:


>>>>>> On 20/07/2020 13:39, Owen DeLong wrote:


>>>>>>> <clip>


>>>>>>> This is an absurd claim. The standard (as you mention below) is

>>>>>>> a “raise of hands” vote. This mechanism even in person does not

>>>>>>> allow people to verify that their vote was cast correctly, nor

>>>>>>> is it fully auditable (indeed, it has no audit trail and is not

>>>>>>> at all audible).


>>>>>>> Placing more stringent requirements than exist on the current

>>>>>>> system as an acceptance criteria for a system deployed urgently

>>>>>>> in a time of crisis makes little sense to me.

>>>>>> You are not making the things easier given the circumstances and

>>>>>> all has been been discussed here.

>>>>>> What is being said is analogous to raise of hand and is also a

>>>>>> indisputable way to eliminate most possible fraud that have been

>>>>>> pointed.


>>>>> It is not my goal to make things easier for you or even

>>>>> necessarily easier in general.


>>>>> It is my goal to achieve the best possible outcome through a

>>>>> mechanism that comes as close to applying the PDP rules as possible.


>>>>>>>> 4 - In order to either choose another Co-Chair or to extend the

>>>>>>>> current one term there must be a vote with raise of hands.

>>>>>>>> There is no other way out of the PDP this can be done.



>>>>>>> This statement ignores CPM section 3.6:



>>>>>>> 3.6  Varying the Process


>>>>>>> The process outlined in this document may vary in the case

>>>>>>> of an emergency. Variance is for use when a one-time waiving

>>>>>>> of some provision of this document is required.


>>>>>>> 1. The decision to vary the process is taken by a Working

>>>>>>> Group Chair.

>>>>>>> 2. There must be an explanation about why the variance is

>>>>>>> needed.

>>>>>>> 3. The review period, including the Last Call, shall not be

>>>>>>> less than four weeks.

>>>>>>> 4. If there is consensus, the policy is approved and it

>>>>>>> must be presented at the next Public Policy Meeting.



>>>>>>> Clearly this is the kind of exceptional circumstance in which

>>>>>>> some variance could be justified.

>>>>>> Sorry I don't see 3.6 applying to this situation on *any* of

>>>>>> points mentioned. This section is about how the policies

>>>>>> discussion, review, last call, etc work  1) As I understand this

>>>>>> decision is not up to the Chairs to take 2)Yes, we are working on

>>>>>> the explanation, but who will give it ? Normally is whoever take

>>>>>> the decision. 3) Nothing to do with elections 4) Nothing to do

>>>>>> with the current scenario. There is no proper policy under

>>>>>> discussion to be approved, only a discussion of what to do about

>>>>>> the next elections.


>>>>> It applies to all of the CPM ("The process outlined in this

>>>>> document may vary…”).

>>>>> 1. If not the co-chairs, then who?

>>>>> 2. I think the explanation is well understood… “Because in person

>>>>> meeting during the COVID crisis is impossible.”

>>>>> 3. I’m not so sure about this. Whatever election process we decide

>>>>> on should be put to a final community comment

>>>>> period of some form. I see no reason that should be less than 4 weeks.

>>>>> 4. So you’re saying that the determination of how to (or whether

>>>>> to) conduct co-chair elections should be made

>>>>> by some other method than community consensus and should not be

>>>>> considered policy at least for this meeting?


>>>>> How does that work?




>>>>>>> I still say that a (virtual) raising of hands using the

>>>>>>> mechanisms available in nearly every conferencing system capable

>>>>>>> of supporting

>>>>>>> this meeting has the following advantages:

>>>>>>> q

>>>>>>> 1.Only meeting attendees may vote.

>>>>>>> 2.Botting your meeting attendance would be reasonably difficult,

>>>>>>> so it would be difficult for a person to stuff the ballot box.

>>>>>>> 3.It does meet the literal requirements of the existing PDP.

>>>>>>> 4.If we place reasonable bounds on meeting registration, we can

>>>>>>> avoid the so-called “sleeper cell” effect that some have

>>>>>>> put forth as a concern. (Personally, I think this is less likely

>>>>>>> in a virtual meeting anyway).

>>>>>>> 5.If we place reasonable bounds on meeting registration, we also

>>>>>>> manage to prevent (2) from being a concern.

>>>>>>> 6.By “reasonable bounds”, I mean pick a date certain in the past

>>>>>>> by which one must have been subscribed to RPD.

>>>>>>> Each email subscribed to RPD is entitled to one corresponding

>>>>>>> meeting registration if they choose to. No subscribed

>>>>>>> email, no registration for the meeting.

>>>>>> I quiet like this idea, and that is exactly which is under

>>>>>> discussion in one of the policies that should advance, but this

>>>>>> is not backed in any part of PDP as far as I know as the moment.

>>>>>> Who will determine what date is this ?


>>>>> This would most certainly be a variation of the PDP to meet the

>>>>> emergency as it exists which would be permitted under 3.6, so, yes,

>>>>> my argument here depends on my argument above which you have

>>>>> claimed you are not buying. However, hopefully with my expansions on

>>>>> the topic above, I can perhaps convince you to change your mind

>>>>> and recognize that without something like that, we literally box

>>>>> ourselves into a situation with no way forward until such time as

>>>>> we can arrange an in-person meeting. Personally, I think that’s

>>>>> far from the best outcome.


>>>>>>> 7.My suggestions for the date certain would be the first day of

>>>>>>> the originally scheduled in person AIS 2020 (May 31) or

>>>>>>> the originally scheduled first day of the public policy meeting

>>>>>>> (June 8 IIRC).


>>>>>> This would make sense if there was basis for it, but currently

>>>>>> there is AFAIK.


>>>>> The basis for it is 3.6. Read the CPM carefully read 3.6. It’s not

>>>>> rocket science. The CPM describes all of the policies, the PDP,

>>>>> and the co-chair election process within the one document. Section

>>>>> 3.6 provides for variance of the process[sic] should be processes

>>>>> within

>>>>> the document. That includes the co-chair election process unless

>>>>> you can show me why it does not.


>>>>> Owen


>>>>>> Fernando



>>>>>>> If anyone has a reason they don’t think this is viable, please

>>>>>>> express it. So far, I’ve seen lots of calls for other solutions,

>>>>>>> but this

>>>>>>> seems to be the approach with the fewest drawbacks and which can

>>>>>>> easily be implemented in time.


>>>>>>> Owen



>>>>>>>> Regards

>>>>>>>> Fernando


>>>>>>>> On 20/07/2020 03:06, Daniel Yakmut wrote:

>>>>>>>>> Dear All,


>>>>>>>>> We arrive at the airport and I will be turning the simple

>>>>>>>>> matter placed on the table into a circus. The simple matter was:


>>>>>>>>> 1. We will have AIS 2020 online and in September.

>>>>>>>>> 2. A Co-chair's  tenure has already ended. So an electronic

>>>>>>>>> election is being proposed as part of the AIS 2020 Agenda. The

>>>>>>>>> question is, is this possible?

>>>>>>>>> 3. It is a fact that the Co-chair is currently serving within

>>>>>>>>> an extended period.

>>>>>>>>> 4. We now agree that the introduction of e-voting is

>>>>>>>>> inevitable, as demonstrated by the pandemic.


>>>>>>>>> However it is clear that

>>>>>>>>> 1. We are going to have an online meeting , as nobody has

>>>>>>>>> disagreed to that.

>>>>>>>>> 2. There is a strong advocacy, for a process to include

>>>>>>>>> e-voting in the Region, but the timing is short. Therefore we

>>>>>>>>> need to commence the plan of creating an enabling atmosphere

>>>>>>>>> to integrate e-voting.

>>>>>>>>> 3. We need to ratify the extended period for a co-chair

>>>>>>>>> tentatively for 12months. Which he has spent a month or so

>>>>>>>>> already.

>>>>>>>>> 4. Ensure we have an acceptable e-voting system ready for the

>>>>>>>>> next date of election.

>>>>>>>>> 5. Let agreed clearly on this simple issue and prepare for the

>>>>>>>>> coming meeting.


>>>>>>>>> Simply

>>>>>>>>> Daniel


>>>>>>>>> On Jul 19, 2020 11:20 PM, "Fernando Frediani"

>>>>>>>>> <fhfrediani at <mailto:fhfrediani at>> wrote:


>>>>>>>>> I have read this message and several questions come to

>>>>>>>>> mind as for example:


>>>>>>>>> - What basis was used to say "it was overwhelmingly"

>>>>>>>>> rejected ?


>>>>>>>>> - Who actuallty represents the "current" community to

>>>>>>>>> state it was "totally rejected" ?


>>>>>>>>> - Whats basis was used to say that it would not work in

>>>>>>>>> the region if that works in several other places and RIRs

>>>>>>>>> including, with auditable systems ?


>>>>>>>>> - Whats basis is used to say rhe community that voted for

>>>>>>>>> the current Co-Chair in Kampla has the same confidence in

>>>>>>>>> him and that he would win ? It seems more a personal wish

>>>>>>>>> than anything based on fact or logic.


>>>>>>>>> - Even in order to extend the current Co-Chair term the

>>>>>>>>> PDP MUST be followed and there are no other ways written

>>>>>>>>> there other than another vote. Otherwise how can this be

>>>>>>>>> done ?


>>>>>>>>> Fernando



>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 19 Jul 2020, 18:08 Emem William,

>>>>>>>>> <dwizard65 at <mailto:dwizard65 at>> wrote:


>>>>>>>>> Dear All,


>>>>>>>>> I can  recollect that a similar proposal was proposed

>>>>>>>>> as a policy and it was overwhelmingly rejected in

>>>>>>>>> Angola. The current community totally rejected the

>>>>>>>>> policy no one except the authors supported the idea

>>>>>>>>> because we know it can't work in this region. Using

>>>>>>>>> online voting now would be like passing the policy

>>>>>>>>> using the backdoor. Am sure Jordie would like this

>>>>>>>>> idea and hence his enthusiasm. However my candid

>>>>>>>>> opinion is that we can't do this. The most appropriate

>>>>>>>>> way forward is to allow the Co chair who has been

>>>>>>>>> doing a fantastic job to continue for another 12

>>>>>>>>> months or till the next face to face meeting. The

>>>>>>>>> community that voted him in Kampala still have

>>>>>>>>> confidence in him. In any case even with an online

>>>>>>>>> election he would still likely win but I don't want

>>>>>>>>> polices to be passed through the back door. Therefore

>>>>>>>>> I think the most appropriate way for this has been

>>>>>>>>> suggested as an extension for the co-chair who's seat

>>>>>>>>> would have been contested.


>>>>>>>>> Cheers.


>>>>>>>>> Emem E. William


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