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[rpd] Co-Chair Election Process

Sarah Kiden skiden at
Fri Jul 17 22:02:56 UTC 2020

I would like to add my +1 to Owen's suggestion of using the features that
video conferencing systems offer to hold elections remotely. The option has
worked in other spaces so there is no reason why it should not work in our



On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 5:34 PM Owen DeLong <owen at> wrote:

> I am not opposed to tenure extension until we can come to an agreed

> process.


> However, I think that if we use the raised-hand capability of the

> conferencing system chosen (Zoom, WebEx, Adobe all have this feature), I

> think we have a reasonable approximation of the same situation as the

> in-person meeting.


> I’m not aware of any Bots that have mastered joining a remote meeting and

> engaging in a show of hands at the appropriate time when a question is

> called by voice. That would, indeed, be one heck of a sophisticated bot.


> There is, of course, the risk of someone sitting at multiple machines

> logged into the conference multiple times under different identities, but

> that can be solved by limiting the participation to RPD list subscribers

> where each subscribed email is able to get exactly one session.


> We could even base it on a cutoff of emails registered on the list prior

> to some date certain, perhaps even the original AIS start date.


> Owen



> On Jul 16, 2020, at 06:57 , Daniel Yakmut via RPD <rpd at> wrote:


> Dear All,

> How do we generate a voters register? How do we verify that the voters are

> humans not robots?


> Let us remember, there are people who will never participate in exchanges

> on the rpd, but when it comes to voting they will vote, because they have

> been passive observers. So tying any condition like no. of posts is an

> exclusion agenda.


> It is an attempt by the vocal minority to suppress the silent majority,

> and this is a recipe for commotion.


> That is why I posit that, agreeing to terms and conditions for e-voting in

> a polarise environment will take time, intense discussions, confidence

> building and trust. This I am not sure we can achieve before September.


> Hence, the tenure extension will allow us resolve all issues. I think

> e-voting is inevitable in the foreseeable future.


> Simply,

> Daniel


> On Jul 16, 2020 12:55 PM, "Paschal Ochang" <pascosoft at> wrote:


>> Hello all,


>> Yes I will gave to agree with the extension of the period of service of

>> the current co-chair whose tenure is about to expire. In as much as almost

>> every process in the is pandemic era will benefit from virtual

>> participations we need to look at the intricacies of the current

>> suggestions for using rpd participants and remote voting.


>> I can remember that a policy regarding electronic voting was rejected due

>> to loopholes in the proposal.


>> Secondly disenfranchising folks who will love to participate even in the

>> last minute should not be justifiable.



>> On Thursday, July 16, 2020, Taiwo Oyewande <taiwo.oyewande88 at>

>> wrote:


>>> Hi Eddy, Hi all,


>>> At a time like this, based on the importance of the co-chair election to

>>> the policy development process, the standing election process that clearly

>>> states a show of hands and the delicate nature of this election, i will

>>> like to suggest that the period of service of the current co-chair be

>>> extended till the next face to face meeting.


>>> Regards

>>> Taiwo


>>> On 16 Jul 2020, at 11:48, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD <rpd at>

>>> wrote:




>>> Yep, in fact looking at the features and the way it works, seems very

>>> very close to what LACNIC is using (I believe the developed in-house, but

>>> I’m not sure).




>>> Regards,


>>> Jordi


>>> @jordipalet








>>> El 16/7/20 12:35, "Mike Silber" <silber.mike at> escribió:




>>> This platform has been recommended to me and code is available:







>>> On 16 Jul 2020, at 11:51, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD <rpd at>

>>> wrote:




>>> Hi Eddy, all,




>>> LACNIC always do this remotely and electronically, using the subscribers

>>> in the RPD mailing list at some point before the process starts (to avoid

>>> “lots of friends” not really “part of the PDP” to join the day before the

>>> voting).




>>> I will think it is the best choice we have in replacement for a

>>> non-in-person-meeting.




>>> I think they could help in providing the platform or the code or

>>> something similar, in case you don’t have already an existing platform to

>>> do that.




>>> Regards,


>>> Jordi


>>> @jordipalet








>>> El 16/7/20 11:47, "Eddy Kayihura" <eddy at> escribió:




>>> Dear PDWG community members


>>> The Public Policy Meeting will be on the agenda of the Africa Internet

>>> Summit 2020 (AIS-20) inSeptember. One PDWG co-chair’s term (one year)

>>> will end during the Public Policy Meeting.


>>> The election process for the PDWG co-chair (please see

>>> for

>>> more details) says that voting shall be by a simple show of hands. However,

>>> this Public Policy meeting shall be held online.


>>> We are therefore requesting feedback from the community on how AFRINIC

>>> can best proceed with the election to fill the vacant seat of one PDP

>>> co-chair. We shall be delighted to receive your proposals for this

>>> important matter and hope we can have a consensus within a week.


>>> Regards,


>>> Eddy


>>> -----


>>> Chers membres de la communauté du PDWG,


>>> La réunion de politique publique sera à l'ordre du jour du Sommet

>>> Africain de l'Internet 2020 (AIS-20) qui se tiendra du 14 au 18 septembre

>>> 2020. Le mandat d'un des coprésidents du PDWG (un an) prendra fin pendant

>>> la réunion de politique publique.


>>> Le processus d'élection du coprésident du PDWG (voir

>>> pour

>>> plus de détails) prévoit que le vote se fera à main levée. Toutefois, cette

>>> réunion de politique publique se tiendra en ligne.


>>> Nous demandons donc à la communauté de nous faire part de ses

>>> commentaires sur la meilleure façon pour AFRINIC de procéder à l'élection

>>> pour pourvoir le siège vacant d'un coprésident du PDP. Nous serons ravis de

>>> recevoir vos propositions sur cette importante question et esperons

>>> avoir un consensus dans une semaine.


>>> Cordialement,


>>> Eddy








>>> ----




>>> Eddy Kayihura




>>> Chief Executive Officer




>>> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)




>>> t: +230 403 5100 | tt: @afrinic | w:

>>> <> <>




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>> --

>> Kind regards,


>> Paschal.


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