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[rpd] RPKI ROA AS0 proposal

Fri Feb 21 01:53:06 UTC 2020

Hi all,

This week in the APNIC meeting, there has been a lot of activity regarding this proposal, which reached consensus there already a year ago, and it is being implemented.

Those that expressed objections, could take a look into that, as it shows that the authors of this proposal in AFRINIC were right refuting those objections.

If you want to follow those presentations/discussions, here they are:

1) Policy meeting proposal implementation report:


Slides (prop-132 Implementation plan):

2) I was asked do a short presentation about the status in other RIRs, so this provides a summary of the situation:



3) Furthermore, the proposal in RIPE got yesterday as well the impact analysis. You can read it here:

As you can see, both, RIPE NCC and APNIC are very well aligned in terms of what is the impact of this proposal, which basically goes down to "do our job in the systems to get it working, in around 6 months".

I trust AFRINIC staff (recalling also what was presented in the meeting by Madhvi), will be able to share their views, and I don't expect they could differ.

If anyone has any further questions, please let us know!


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