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[rpd] Larus Foundation and Afrinic PDP

Wed Feb 19 08:53:40 UTC 2020

Hi Christophe,

Exactly, you got the point, this is the “lobby” definition after all.

Responding also to the point that Owen made in a previous email, as I’ve the same feeling and I act the same way. If you’re a (let me create this expresion) “free citizen of the world”, even if you have a sponsor or an employeer, you will speak freely even if this means “throwing stones on your own roof” (I’m not sure this expression exists in english, literally translation from my spanish, but I guess it can be easily understood anyway).

If I need to say something that it is against may employer, friends, whatever, I will do it, even if that means creating troubles to me (like being fired – and I’ve been in that situation), because for me honestity is more important. Of course, I may be wrong in my opinion or have the wrong knoledge (which bring me to wrong or partial views), but if I say something (and in this context, if I write or defend a given policy proposal), is because I really believe that is the right way, not for me, or my employeer, but for the community.

I also understand that some people is not able to do that (they are not “100% free”), and I respect that, but only up to a certain point. The way to fight against that in the PDP is making sure that you refute those views which may be not true, or not good for the overall community.




El 19/2/20 18:37, "Kangamutima zabika Christophe" <funga.roho at> escribió:

Jordi +1

Le problème est de savoir si l'octroi de bourses sous prétexte de faire découvrir aux néophytes l'écosystème d'internet en afrique, n'est pas en fait une forme masquée de lobbying?

Tout détracteur des valeurs prônées dans le processus d'élaboration des politiques d'afrinic pourrait mettre en place une bourse factice pour avancer ses marionnettes dans le but de couler une proposition de politique indésirable. Il va se poser une question éthique comme il se pose lors des financements des campagnes présidentielles.

Ces bourreaux du monde numérique profiterait de la précarité financière de certains membres de la communauté pour avoir un droit de vie ou de mort sur des propositions de politiques qui ne les plaisent pas.

Je comprends parfaitement ce que Kakel dit. En fait, C'EST LA MAIN QUI DONNE QUI DIRIGE



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