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[rpd] Larus foundation and Afrinic PDP

Bill Woodcock woody at
Tue Feb 18 12:04:12 UTC 2020

I agree with Jordi and Mike. If organizations want to put forward money to encourage AfriNIC participation, that’s a laudable goal, provided they do so in a neutral way... and the neutral way to do that is to provide an earmarked donation to AfriNIC to support the AfriNIC fellowship program.


> On Feb 18, 2020, at 11:27, Mike Silber <silber.mike at> wrote:


> Jordi +1


> Larus and the various other organisations that provide funding for attendance may have great motivations (or not). However the uncertainty about how they go about this creates room for speculation and doubt.


> Jordi’s suggestion would certainly remove the room for speculation and doubt.


> Mike


>> On 18 Feb 2020, at 08:01, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD <rpd at> wrote:


>> I've proposed a very simple solution to this long time ago, which I think it is very transparent and open. Short version reminder here:


>> Organizations that want to sponsor fellows are very welcome, but this need to be coordinated with AFRINIC. Sponsors don't need to know who are the fellows, AFRINIC will select them based in the rules jointly agreed with the sponsor. AFRINIC and sponsor jointly define other details such as what training materials are provided to the fellows, how they are evaluated and if they don't match certain requirements (such as not actually coming to the sessions, etc.), if they don't get reimbursed all the costs, etc.


>> If a sponsor doesn't want to follow those rules, then AFRINIC could reject that sponsorship and ban them.


>> This provides the same advantages to all the parties, but the community can be sure that fellows aren't influenced in any way.


>> Again, this is generic idea, many other details can be fixed, but I don't think it is so difficult to match what both AFRINIC (organization), sponsors, fellows and community need.


>> Regards,

>> Jordi

>> @jordipalet




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