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[rpd] new version of policy proposal AFPUB-2019-ASN-DRAFT03 "Multihoming not required for ASN"

Tue Nov 12 10:04:34 UTC 2019

Hi Owen,

In the previous meeting, that sentence with the private ASNs was already there, nobody objected to it, including yourself. That's why I didn't modified that part.

I think it provides clarity, however, if is a problem for anyone, I'm happy to remove that. A middle way alterative is a footnote:
It is important to determine which sites require unique AS Numbers. Sites which do not require a unique AS Number should use one or more of the AS Numbers reserved for private use*.

*Those numbers are: 64,512 - 65,535 and 4,200,000,000 - 4,294,967,294 (RFC1930, RFC6996 and possible future updates) - date of publication.

Will you agree on that?

Regarding your point on 7.2.2, your wording "technical need", an ISP that has a single upstream and that single upstream is mandating to provide BGP a public ASN, I think will not fall into "technical need".


El 12/11/19 2:57, "Owen DeLong" <owen at> escribió:

Oppose as written.

Adding the specific AS numbers for private use to 7.2 is an unnecessary duplication of data that has no mechanism for preserving synchronization with reality.

Take that out and I would support the policy as written, tough I would prefer to replace 7.2.2 with:

7.2.2 Show a unique routing policy or demonstrate a technical need for a coordinated globally unique ASN.


> On Nov 11, 2019, at 01:50 , JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD <rpd at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> One of the policy proposals that I've updated a week ago, is attached in PDF.
> As usual, it tries to address the inputs from the list, meeting and staff analysis.
> Please, let me know any inputs.
> Regards,
> Jordi
> @jordipalet
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