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[rpd] [Community-Discuss] inputs on IPv4 Inter-RIR policy proposals (off-topic)

Andrew Alston Andrew.Alston at
Tue Jul 2 05:29:20 UTC 2019

Hi Jordi,

Just saw this:

> In addition to that, there are some advantages such as the opex savings. It is less expensive to manage IPv6-only with IPv4aaS across your network than pure dual-stack. May be not 50% > savings, but still impacting a lot.

I’m really curious to hear you say this – because I am not sure I agree – I think it largely depends on how the v6 deployment is done.

In our case – we insist on enforced single-topology dual-stack and I’ve never seen a cost increase as a result.  Nor have I seen a cost increase in the hardware – there is one particular vendor who – if you forget to ask for v6 licenses, will attempt to charge you for them afterwards, but after they tried that once – well, let’s just say I convinced them not to try that again with us.

The costs of running dual-stack often come from operational overheads – and that can be greatly reduced by running a single topology and treating v6 as a fundamental building block the same way you treat v4.  As I’ve said in other emails – there are still fundamental problems that I see with a variety of services on v6 – particularly in the MPLS world – and we’re working very hard on solving this, but even with that, the base routing can still be done dual-stack single-topology without massive cost increases.

So – can you explain why you believe v6 is more expensive opex wise?  It’s a really interesting viewpoint.



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