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[rpd] Proposal Update received: Internet Number Resources Review by AFRINIC

Owen DeLong owen at
Mon Jun 10 17:27:26 UTC 2019

> On Jun 10, 2019, at 02:24 , Arnaud AMELINA <amelnaud at> wrote:
> Owen,
> Thanks for the quick review and thanks for spending your time to review and comment on the unnecessary, duplicative, Ill-advised proposal.
> We appreciate your comments and suggestions and will consider them.
> Even though, there is no room for the acknowledgment session in the CPM, it remains a good way to acknowledge effort and contribution of people throughout the proposal lifecycle.Same remark applies to the authors who are not  also listed  in the CPM. 

Yes, but move it out of the proposed policy section of the proposal.

> We continue to disagree on definition of “community” and “ consensus”  and I expect the PDP to  be followed to determine the future of this proposal.

I expect the PDP to be followed, too. That is why I ask that the authors recognize the lack fo consensus and let it expire or withdraw it.

The community is the set of all natural persons who are interested in participating in the policy process and possess an email address which they can utilize for that purpose. Do you disagree with this definition?

As to consensus, I am following the IETF definition of rough consensus wherein all remaining objections have been addressed and there is wide support within the community for the proposal.

Given that you have at least a roughly equal number of dissenters and supporters and that the number of dissenters seems to be growing rather than shrinking, I would argue that the authors have most definitely failed to achieve anything resembling rough consensus with this policy.

If you feel that I am wrong about this, please explain what measure of “community” and what measure of “consensus” you are using. Perhaps you can educate me as to where my definitions do not match the PDP.


> Arnaud
> Le dim. 9 juin 2019 à 15:58, Owen DeLong <owen at <mailto:owen at>> a écrit :
> I have reviewed the diff and have the following comments. I limit my review and my comments to the scope of the proposed policy text. I have made no effort to address anything outside of the proposal itself other than to say that at least according to the Diff, the numbering of the non-policy sections got badly screwed up at the beginning.
> 1.	It does not appear to address any of my previous objections.
> 2.	13.3.1 should read “…have not been” rather than “…has not been”. (has would be for a singular, whereas the use her is plural)
> 3.	While the structure in 13.3.2 is cleaned up, there is no material change to the proposal here.
> 4.	13.3.3 retains all of its original problems as previously described by many, myself included.
> 5.	Section 13.4 Line 51, I must ask how addresses can be found to be non-compliant. I suggest instead that the grammar be cleaned up as follows:
> AfriNIC shall initiate the resource recovery process to reclaim sufficient resources to restore resource holder to compliance.
> 6.	13.4 in general is awkwardly structured and not in a logical order. Consequences defined at the beginning of the section fit better after the rules spelled out in A) and B), for example.
> 7.	13.5 “Results on the review” should be “Results of the review”.
> 8.	The acknowledgements are ill-conceived and have no place in the CPM. If the authors wish to acknowledge these people, they are free to do so wherever they wish,  but said acknowledgement is not legitimate policy and has no place being inserted into the CPM.
> In summary, this update does nothing to address concerns previously expressed. It does appear to clean up some of the previous grammatical and syntactic errors, but it also introduces new ones. This proposal remains unnecessary, duplicative, harmful, and ill-advised. I again urge the authors to withdraw it based on the complete lack fo community consensus and their utter unwillingness to make changes that address the actual issues.
> Owen
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