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[rpd] Policy Proposal Update - Inter-RIR Resource Transfers v2

Tue Nov 27 20:02:19 UTC 2018

There is no need for that.


If there is a M&A, this proposal will help to do that, and at the same time the company will need to sign the AfriNIC membership, so in the benefit of the community, those resources will become part of the AfriNIC pool.






De: Kangamutima zabika Christophe <funga.roho at>
Fecha: martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018, 20:03
Para: JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <jordi.palet at>, Willy MANGA <mangawilly at>, "rpd at" <rpd at>
Asunto: Re: [rpd] Policy Proposal Update - Inter-RIR Resource Transfers v2


Toute entreprise qui vient s'installer en Afrique à l'issu d'une fusion ou d'une acquisition devra solliciter des ressources auprès d'Afrinic. Dans le cout d'acquisition d'une entreprise tous ces frais sont pris en compte. Ce sont nos règles et souhaitons qu'elles demeurent peu importe si en Asie ils se sont laissés emportés par par des schémas caricaturaux comme celui proposé dans ce projet de reglement.


Je m'y oppose fermement. 




27.11.2018, 18:15, "JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via RPD" <rpd at>:

Hi Willy,

A very simple one (I'm sure there may be other examples).

A company moves from Europe to Africa (or moves from a DC in Europe to Africa). Never mind is the company or just the hosting service. May be because they have been acquired by an African company, but may be other reasons.

Without this policy they need to renumber. They may be using their own IPv4, IPv6 and AS, for example with VMs. This is today very common.

If they move from Europe to other regions, they don't need to renumber.

If we allow only transfering IPv4, then they will transfer IPv6 under the table, no doubt! It doesn't make sense.

So the reason for allow AS and IPv6 transfers is not because scarcity, but because networks may be dual-stacked, you need to support that.

By the way, thir morning I learned from Marco, the policy responsible from RIPE, that last week it was done the first ASN transfer from RIPE to APNIC. So this demonstrates, that it is a not usual case, but it happens. So why we must restrict those cases?


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Willy MANGA <mangawilly at>
Fecha: martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018, 18:03
Para: <rpd at>
Asunto: Re: [rpd] Policy Proposal Update - Inter-RIR Resource Transfers v2


    Le 21/11/2018 à 13:47, Sami Salih a écrit :
    > Dears AFRINIC PDWG Members,
    > The Authors of the policy proposal (Inter-RIR Resource Transfers) has
    > submitted an update to the proposal document (v2). Please find the
    > updates on the link below:

    Can we have some use case of IPv6 transfer between RIR ?

    Willy Manga

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