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[rpd] policy proposal - Clarification on IPv6 Sub-Assignments

Mon Aug 13 18:18:10 UTC 2018

Hi all,

In the last meeting, we discussed about this policy proposal:

This problem is basically the same in all the 5 RIRs and I proposed the same text to all.

The problem is only for end-users (in IPv4 doesn't happen because we use NAT) which aren't allowed to provide addresses (for the connection to Internet) to third parties, in a few examples:

1) You're a university and you provide addresses to students

2) You're a company and provide addresses for the employees

3) You're a small hot-spot provider and of course, you want to have customers on it

In some RIRs, the proposal text has been simplified. So, I will like to know opinions for if needed, sending a new version.

I see two choices:

Option 1)

The fact that is non-permanently provided to third parties shall not be considered a sub-assignment. The provision of addressing for permanent connectivity or broadband services is still considered a sub-assignment, with the exception of point-to-point links.

Option 2)

The fact that a unique address or even a unique /64 prefix is non-permanently provided to third parties, shall not be considered a sub-assignment. The provision of addressing for permanent connectivity or broadband services is still considered a sub-assignment, with the exception of point-to-point links.

Option 1 will allow any number of address, option 2 will allow only up to /64. In both cases only for temporary usage.

What are your opinions?





IPv4 is over
Are you ready for the new Internet ?
The IPv6 Company

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