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[rpd] SL-BIS (Was Re: Appeal Committee Terms of Reference (Version 1))

Jackson Muthili jacksonmuthi at
Sat Sep 23 06:40:16 UTC 2017

On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 12:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen at> wrote:
>>> On Sep 22, 2017, at 12:25 PM, Jackson Muthili <jacksonmuthi at>
>>> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 11:40 AM, Owen DeLong <owen at> wrote:
>>> -  While the google global stats sound encouraging, the growth is not
>>> uniform across regions and countries. The per  region and country
>>> distribution is more revealing.
>>> - Even if IPv4 becomes minority in 3 years, it will still  be in the game
>>> and may still be  majority in some regions  including ours.
>>> This is one of my greatest fears for the African continent… That this will,
>>> indeed, be the case, once again isolating the African continent from the
>>> world community as the world moves on and abandons IPv4 while Africa remains
>>> entirely dependent on this beleaguered aged protocol that should have been
>>> put out to pasture more than a decade ago.
>>> This is the best argument I can imagine anyone making against SL-BIS… It’s
>>> ability to continue to encourage the status quo in Africa and further extend
>>> the duration of the pain that is IPv4.
>> Don't fear for us Owen.
>> From the look of things, not only Africa but other regions as well
>> will still be "entirely dependent on this beleaguered aged protocol
>> that should have been put out to pasture more than a decade ago"
>> (quoting your own words).
>> Africa will therefore not be isolated. Everyone else is still
>> dependent on IPv4 and is still pushing for it to last much longer.
> No, actually, many outside of Africa are now pushing to get rid of it from
> their networks as quickly as possible. To many, at this point, IPv4
> represents an (unnecessary) cost burden that they would like to shed.
> While they can’t yet, it is not as far away as you think.

Yes many outside and inside Africa are pushing to get rid of IPv4. The
reality is that it is not easy to get rid of just yet. It will happen
no doubt but it will be a rather slow and gentle transition of
coexistence of both protocols world over.

> Already there are providers that are starting to charge extra for IPv4
> connectivity, whereas IPv6 is part of the baseline pricing.

Good for them if it makes business sense for them. But they are still
selling services over that 'aged protocol'. They will continue to do
so until globally the market forces have pushed IPv4 out.

Either way your argument of Africa staying isolated does not hold
because other regions are doing exactly what we are doing here (to
engage on how to prolong IPv4 as IPv6 slowly comes on).


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