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[rpd] Update old policy title for grammar/spelling ??

Arsène Tungali arsenebaguma at
Tue Aug 22 09:00:01 UTC 2017

I don't see any reason why we shouldn't.
And I salute Afrinic for having shared this with the community!

2017-08-22 10:42 UTC+02:00, Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack at>:
> I support the proposal to correct the title.
> Thank you
> Best Regards
> On 8/21/17, Bill Woodcock <woody at> wrote:
>> I support this!
>> Also, "criteria" is the plural, "criterion" is the singular.
>>                 -Bill
>>> On Aug 21, 2017, at 06:42, Daniel Shaw <daniel at> wrote:
>>> Hello AFRINIC policy community,
>>> There is currently a policy related document included in the AFRINIC web
>>> site who's title is mis-spelled.
>>> Before getting this updated internally, we'd like to get the community's
>>> input. Why? Because this is changing the known title of a public
>>> document,
>>> which has been as it is for quite some time.
>>> Luckily, the URL will not need to change. Nor will any of the content of
>>> the document itself. Only the title.
>>> The current URL to the document in question is:
>>> The title that we'd like to change is currently:
>>> "Policy to Change Criterias for ASN Assignments in AfriNIC Region"
>>> The problem is the word "Criterias" - the correct plural of "Criteria"
>>> is
>>> also just "Criteria". Having an "s" suffix is not correct English.
>>> We feel that most important is to document the policy as per the
>>> original
>>> author's proposal. But we have noted that the discussion of this policy
>>> update in the list archives correctly uses "criteria" in the email
>>> subject
>>> correctly.
>>> Reference:
>>> However, from the first time it was added to the AFRINIC web site, it's
>>> been incorrect. This can be seen in the archive of the old site here:
>>> And later also once ratified can be seen in a 2010 snapshot here:
>>> Summary: Is there any community objection to editing the page at
>>> currently
>>> at
>>> and all future publications of the document "AFPUB-2006-ASN-001", such
>>> that the title changes *from* "Criterias" and changing *to* "Criteria".
>>> Thanks,
>>> Daniel Shaw
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> --
> Barrack O. Otieno
> +254721325277
> +254733206359
> Skype: barrack.otieno
> PGP ID: 0x2611D86A
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