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[rpd] Blocks for code of conduct violation

Kofi ANSA AKUFO kofi.ansa at
Thu Aug 17 09:08:40 UTC 2017


In as much as the list needs to be kept clean we should lean away from
censorship and encourage transparency. The CEO coming out to explicitly
state that some posts will be censored does not mean AFRINIC has not been
doing this in the past.

A typical case was when IT systems were not properly secured and AFRINIC
member information was hacked. IT team got to know the actual cause of the
intrusion as was communicated to me by one of the IT team members.

The dirty part was instead of tackling the issue the then AFRINIC
management resorted to cover it up and take advantage of a former employee
who happened to have had a backup of his work on his private system
undeleted during sometime back when fixing office system. Yes agreed that
is very unprofessional but then I believe there was no guidelines.

*The employee kept his part of the non-disclosure agreement and quickly
informed management of the circumstances of his system been searched by
then investigators when they had already discovered he was not the source
of the hack even to the extent when he was bulled and detained to give his

But the vindictive and cunning attitude of some management folks decided to
use the employee as a cover up instead of acting to stop the search which
will eventually unlock member details in the public. Details to follow if
community wishes to know.

How does the above relate to this? The related lists was censored for any
posts seeking to unravel or disclose this issue. If the lists were not
censored probably the member community which AFRINIC staff and board are
accountable to would have had a say instead of the cover up.

I advise against any form of lists censorship.

On 9 August 2017 at 21:10, Owen DeLong <owen at> wrote:

> On Aug 4, 2017, at 01:04 , Noah <noah at> wrote:
> On 4 Aug 2017 10:54 a.m., "Christian Ahiauzu" <christian.ahiauzu at uniport.
>> wrote:
> Dear CEO,
> Your action is a welcome development and I must applaud it. However, I
> think its a little belated.
> I don't know how possible that is, but I believe that either you or the
> rest of AfriNIC staff have been following all lists. If so, you will agree
> with me that a lot of violation of the code of conduct document you quoted
> has been going on with no action taken by AfriNIC. There has probably been
> words far worst than this one sited. And by the way, unnecessarily lengthy
> right ups are also a violation.
> I would therefore appeal to you, so your action is not misjudged. How
> about making a solid proclamation that henceforth all such violations of
> misconduct will no longer be tolerated. After this proclamation, you can
> then start monitoring the list and carrying out the necessary action
> required. At this, no one will look at it as though you were particular
> about a person. This is just my humble appeal. Kindly consider.
> Hi Alan
> On this one I have to agree with Christian. The intension is good but it
> also seems like selective persecution.
> I hardly think that you can claim persecution here. Marcus posts are only
> being held to validate that they comply with the standards. I suspect that
> if others violate the standards going forward, they can expect a similar
> result.
> You might be able to make some claim of selective prosecution, but the
> reality is that staff has tried very hard to be tolerant and allow the
> community to self-correct. In the past, that has worked. Marcus is the
> first individual to push beyond that limit. There is always someone who is
> first in any such process and in this case, it happens to be Marcus. I’m
> sure that if I were to start telling people that they were unwelcome on
> this list or engaging in ad hominem, I would also get moderated.
> I can go into the archives and pull out all sorts of crazy words that have
> been used on this list and goodness you will be suprised how many get under
> moderation especially those who are quick to call for or invoke the CoC.
> CoC?
> Owen
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