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[rpd] Appeal Committee Terms of Reference (Version 1)

Jackson Muthili jacksonmuthi at
Fri Aug 4 06:30:37 UTC 2017

On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 7:32 AM, Andrew Alston
<Andrew.Alston at> wrote:
> Sorry, but right now, I am now appealing to someone to please enforce the
> code of conduct.
> There is absolutely no call – nor right – to tell individuals who are
> welcome and not welcome in the context of the RPD list that is an open forum
> to discuss policy and other issues.

Stop being ridiculous.

The context of Markus message pertains to Sander's offer of serving on
appeal committee.

You of all should have been banned on this list long ago for your
repeated and sustained blatant attacks on other people here.

By the way Andrew are you actually defending his action of having
accessed the private information of AfriNIC and made it public?


> This is a blatant attack on the co-chair of another RIR, and I appeal to the
> co-chairs to act decisively against this behaviour and do something about
> it.
> Andrew
> From: Marcus K. G. Adomey [mailto:madomey at]
> Sent: 04 August 2017 01:25
> To: Jackson Muthili <jacksonmuthi at>; Sander Steffann
> <sander at>
> Cc: Sunday Folayan <sfolayan at>; Gert Döring <gert at>; rpd
>>> AfriNIC Resource Policy <rpd at>
> Subject: Re: [rpd] Appeal Committee Terms of Reference (Version 1)
> Dear Jackson,
> On Thursday, July 20, 2017, Sander Steffann <sander at> wrote:
>> If during the random selection for seat 3 and 4 my names comes up then I
>> will happily accept.
> Whether the CEO has put to rest the issue of hacking to rest or not, still
> Sander has no moral authority to be part of any committee within the African
> Internet community.
> In fact, it is laughable that Sander has even dreamt for being part of an
> appeal committee in the community of people he described as “Sheep”.
> Doesn’t he know that birds with same feathers flock together? He should have
> reclused himself from our activities. “Sheep” would mind their own business
> because we don’t want him to be a “sheep” and as the popular expression says
> remind us that “show me your friend, I will tell you who you are”.
> He is not welcome!!!!
> Cheers
> Marcus
> ________________________________
> From: Jackson Muthili <jacksonmuthi at>
> Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2017 10:43:25 AM
> To: Sander Steffann
> Cc: Sunday Folayan; Gert Döring; rpd >> AfriNIC Resource Policy
> Subject: Re: [rpd] Appeal Committee Terms of Reference (Version 1)
> On Thursday, July 20, 2017, Sander Steffann <sander at> wrote:
> Hi Sunday,
>> The AFRINIC Board of Directors intends to establish an Appeal Committee to
>> give effect to the requirements in section 3.5 of the Consolidated Policy
>> Manual (that is, the Conflict resolution portion of the Policy Development
>> Process).
>> The Appeal Committee Terms of Reference (version 1) is published at
>> The Board calls for comments on the Terms of Reference for a 30 day
>> period, ending on 19 August 2017. Comments may be sent to the RPD mailing
>> list <rpd at>.
> Thank you and the rest of the board for obviously putting a lot of thought
> and work into this. The result looks very good. As Owen pointed out there
> are always small improvements possible, but I think the board deserves this
> community's compliments for doing a good job :)
> If during the random selection for seat 3 and 4 my names comes up then I
> will happily accept.
> Your name rings a bell many years when AfriNIC nomcom was hacked you were
> among this group which accessed non privileged information.
> If it is the case your moral stand in our community is questionable. I may
> be wrong please remind me.
> J
> Cheers,
> Sander

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