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[rpd] AFRINIC Policy Development Process Bis Proposal: the way forward

Mark Elkins mje at
Mon Jun 19 09:51:53 UTC 2017

1 - So does that mean you are dropping the Chair/vice-Chair and
retaining the current two Co-Chairs - like a number of people asked you
to do, or what?

2 - What do the words "working group" mean? Do you mean "AfriNIC
Community"? If so - please use that more familiar terminology.

3 - Can you please tell the community when last where the two co-chairs
so stuck in making a decision - that effectively - that was their
decision. i.e - the never made a decision? To the best of my
understanding and knowledge, this has never happened but I may be wrong.

I was going to add a fourth point but I think what you are really trying
to do is get some discussion going?

On 19/06/2017 11:30, Ornella GANKPA wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Initiators  of the new pdp-bis proposal AFPUB-2017-GEN-002-DRAFT-01
> [1],  in an effort to improve the policy, are willing to hear from the
> working group, about settling the matter around one chair and a
> vice-chair  compared to the current model of 2 cochairs .
> In the current situation, chairs with the same level of responsabilities
> can get stuck when making decision towards a policy proposal thus
> hindering its progress. Working group discussion moderation by two
> independent individuals can be  inefficient. This lack of "consensus"
> between co-chairs freezes the working group operations as well as the
> policy development process
> Our proposal aims to settle those issues with one chair who makes the
> final decision and  a vice chair.
> Community might be concerned about giving one single Chair, too much
> power. The balance with that is found in stricking deeply the appeal
> process to make it as larger as possible and open to anybody at any step
> of a policy proposal's life.
> During AIS17 in Nairobi, initiators have gathered positive comments from
> the floor, some supporting linguistic diversity between Chairs. We're
> willing to pursue the debate and bring some new air to the proposal.
> Thanks all beforehand for your comments.
> Regards
> [1]
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Mark James ELKINS  -  Posix Systems - (South) Africa
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