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[rpd] Re: Recruitment of AfriNIC CEO

Sunday Folayan sfolayan at
Thu Nov 20 06:45:30 UTC 2014

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Dear Seun,

Thanks a lot for your comments and the concerns. Even the most trivial
tasks may require attention to details. I have given no details.
Kindly wait for the details as proposed and outlined.

Thanks and Regards ....


On 20/11/2014 07:08, Seun Ojedeji wrote:
> Hello Sunday,
> Thanks for your mail, its really helpful. Kindly find my comments
> inset
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 6:44 AM, Sunday Folayan
> <sfolayan at> wrote:
> Dear Members,
> As a follow-up to my earlier post, the AfriNIC Board is following
> the roadmap below, to appoint a new CEO:
> - Announced the CEO departure - Formed a CEO search committee -
> Search committee met and: -Elected committee chair- Mr. Haitham El
> Nakhal - Assigned temporary secretariat - Mr. Sunday Folayan -
> Drafting of the committee charter (Done) - Drafting of a
> recruitment timeline (Done) - Drafting job description (Done) -
> Drafting job vacancy advertisement (Done)
>> This is noted with thanks! First i like to say that the CEO
>> "recruitment timeline" should have been the first item and i
>> don't see why it should be in draft state (unless the timeline
>> referred to is just the call for application).
> All the drafts are to be approved during the face2face meeting and
> Mr. Badru Ntege (Chair) will present the updates during the meeting
> as promised earlier.
>> I am not sure i understand why those drafts needs to wait for
>> face2face; Is it because board cannot meet or because you want
>> community input before you finalise on the draft?(which i don't
>> think will be the case). Also when you say "chair will present
>> update" sounds like chair will basically be repeating what you've
>> listed above since the board is essentially doing noting at the
>> moment other than waiting on the face2face to approve drafts.
>> Overall, i think its definitely a concern that the board in the
>> last 2 months have only been able to form a committee and
>> produced draft documents. The actual recruitment is what i expect
>> would have required much of the time.
>> Nevertheless, its good to have this info.
>> Regards
> Thanks and Regards ...
> Sunday Folayan.
> On 19/11/2014 23:02, Seun Ojedeji wrote:
>>>> sent from Google nexus 4 kindly excuse brevity and typos. On
>>>> 19 Nov 2014 22:06, "Seun Ojedeji" <seun.ojedeji at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 7:30 PM, Sunday Folayan 
>>>>> <sfolayan at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Seun and all,
>>>>>> The Board will make a statement within the next 2 days.
>>>>> Dear Board,
>>>>> This is to follow-up on the message above.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Thanks and Regards ...
>>>>>> Sunday Folayan Vice Chair. AfriNIC Board.
>>>>>> On Nov 16, 2014 7:25 PM, "Seun Ojedeji" 
>>>>>> <seun.ojedeji at> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Badru, Board Members
>>>>>>> It's 2 days now and I am yet to read from you neither
>>>>>>> did I receive an
>>>> acknowledgment. I think it will be in order to know the
>>>> process that is being adopted, unless the silence is an
>>>> indication that there is no process at the moment and that
>>>> process is what the board hopes to present to us at the
>>>> face2face?
>>>>>>> Again I am writing here as a member who has not seen
>>>>>>> any evidence of
>>>> action towards recruiting/replacing the CEO of AfriNIC,
>>>> member of the ICG, current chair of the NRO etc.
>>>>>>> That was to emphasis how critical this is, as the
>>>>>>> position is not just
>>>> for the sake of AfriNIC community alone but it's more in the 
>>>> interest of the global internet community. There are lots of
>>>> things happening at the moment and one cannot, I mean cannot
>>>> afford to loose representation/focus on them!
>>>>>>> I trust a publicly noticeable action will happen soon
>>>>>>> and kindly note
>>>> that it will not be good enough to get to MU just to hear
>>>> process and not outcome of actions!
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> Regards sent from Google nexus 4 kindly excuse brevity
>>>>>>> and typos.
>>>>>>> On 14 Nov 2014 09:05, "Seun Ojedeji"
>>>>>>> <seun.ojedeji at> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thank you Badru, I also guessed as much. Looking
>>>>>>>> forward to the
>>>> official response from the board.
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> sent from Google nexus 4 kindly excuse brevity and
>>>>>>>> typos.
>>>>>>>> On 14 Nov 2014 08:31, "Badru Ntege" 
>>>>>>>> <badru.ntege at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> No this is not from board.
>>>>>>>>> On 11/14/14, 10:25 AM, "Nii Narku Quaynor" 
>>>>>>>>> <quaynor at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> this from the board and what is the 
>>>>>>>>>> speculation of fire
>>>> in the house all about?
>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 13, 2014, at 21:08, "jnoulaye at" 
>>>>>>>>>> <jnoulaye at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Seun, I'm always happy to hear you. There is
>>>>>>>>>>> no fire in the house. Surely the board will
>>>>>>>>>>> communicate further details on the matter at
>>>> the suitable time.
>>>>>>>>>>> Be sure that there will be no fault into the 
>>>>>>>>>>> process.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards, Janvier Ngnoulaye.
>>>>>>>>>>> ________________________________ De: "Seun
>>>>>>>>>>> Ojedeji" <seun.ojedeji at> À: "Badru
>>>>>>>>>>> Ntege" <badru.ntege at> Cc: "Sunday
>>>>>>>>>>> Folayan" <sfolayan at>, "AfriNIC
>>>>>>>>>>> Discuss" <
>>>> members-discuss at>
>>>>>>>>>>> Envoyé: Jeudi 13 Novembre 2014 12:42:04 Objet:
>>>>>>>>>>> Re: Any update on this? (Was Re Fwd:
>>>>>>>>>>> [members-discuss]
>>>> AFRINIC Board        of Directors Announces Departure of
>>>> AFRINIC CEO Adiel A. Akplogan)
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Badru,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your response. From your message it
>>>>>>>>>>> seem something is
>>>> already on-going. However, while we look forward to the full
>>>> update in Mauritius, may i ask that you briefly tell us about
>>>> the process you refer? at least this will help understand
>>>> efforts that is already being made.
>>>>>>>>>>> Kindly note that I am speaking here as a member
>>>>>>>>>>> who has not seen
>>>> any evidence of action.
>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 2:26 PM, Badru Ntege <
>>>> badru.ntege at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Seun
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your concern and allow me to 
>>>>>>>>>>>> apologize for net
>>>> getting a response back to you in time.  A process is going
>>>> on and i will admit it has had a number of challenges.
>>>>>>>>>>>> The board will have a full update on the
>>>>>>>>>>>> matter in the next
>>>> meeting which will be held in Mauritius.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope this helps.
>>>>>>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>>>>>>> Badru Ntege Group CEO NFT Consult Ltd 
>>>>>>>>>>>> badru.ntege at
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Nov 12, 2014, at 4:07 PM, Seun Ojedeji 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <seun.ojedeji at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Board Members,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Its 2 days now that i sent a mail about
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this subject matter and i
>>>> have not heard any response either in acknowledgement or
>>>> otherwise. This silence from members of the board brings me
>>>> to be concerned, as it seem there is no update on this
>>>> subject matter and i am just hoping that i am wrong about
>>>> this.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe its worth noting that the current
>>>>>>>>>>>>> CEO leaves by
>>>> Jan(according to the mail sent by chairman of the board) and
>>>> this month is already exhausted which leaves us with just
>>>> ONEmonth left (considering that the month of Jan usually will
>>>> be a transitioning period between the outgoing and incoming
>>>> CEO). Again unless i have missed something, i expect that
>>>> necessary publications towards recruiting the new CEO should
>>>> have been on the website by now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is inview of this and as a member of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this community, that i am
>>>> asking that the members of the board kindly provide update on
>>>> the status of getting a replacement for the outgoing CEO. It
>>>> is my hope that all members of the board are on this list and
>>>> just to make sure, i have directly addressed this to the
>>>> chairman and vice chairman of the board with the CEO in copy
>>>> (incase the CEO could forward this request through the
>>>> appropriate channel).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Seun
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ojedeji <
>>>> seun.ojedeji at> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all, I may have missed something
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (kindly pardon and tell me what I
>>>> have missed). Considering that there is not going to be an
>>>> AGM before the departure of the outgoing CEO and considering
>>>> that the board chair in person of Mr Badru indicated in
>>>> mid-September that a process to recruit a new CEO will
>>>> commence and since I have not seen any public information
>>>> regarding this I thought I should ask for update.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It will be good to know what the state
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of things are in the
>>>> process since there will be no opportunity to formerly update
>>>> the community members. Again I apologize if a publicly know
>>>> action is already in effect and I will appreciate if I can be
>>>> pointed to it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks Regards sent from Google nexus 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kindly excuse brevity and typos.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "AFRINIC Communication"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <comm-announce at> Date: 17 Sep
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2014 15:29 Subject: [members-discuss]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AFRINIC Board of Directors Announces
>>>> Departure of AFRINIC CEO Adiel A. Akplogan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: <announce at> Cc:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Port Louis, Mauritius, 17 September
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2014. Badru Ntege, the
>>>> Chairman of AFRINIC's Board, announces today that AFRINIC’s 
>>>> founding CEO, Mr. Adiel A. Akplogan, will be leaving his
>>>> position on 31st January 2015.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "It is with great humility and a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bright vision for AFRINIC's
>>>> future that I'm leaving my position as CEO of AFRINIC,” said
>>>> Mr. Akplogan. “It was not an easy decision for me to take,
>>>> but after 10 years of engagement with and for the community,
>>>> the time has come for me to move on and spare time to catch
>>>> up with my family.It has been an honor to serve the AFRINIC
>>>> community, and watch it grow into the incredibly dynamic and
>>>> engaging body it has now become.”
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After leading AFRINIC’s accreditation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> process to become the
>>>> world’s fifth Regional Internet Registry (RIR), Mr. Akplogan
>>>> was appointed by the Board and became AFRINIC’s first CEO in
>>>> June 2004. Under his leadership, AFRINIC has made significant
>>>> progress and has grown into a respected regional
>>>> organisation, positioning Africa as a key player in the
>>>> regional and global Internet technical community. Over these
>>>> years, AFRINIC has also acquired a solid reputation amongst
>>>> its peers, its members, other stakeholders as well as the
>>>> global Internet industry.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Mr Akplogan has been exemplary in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nurturing AFRINIC from
>>>> inception, providing outstanding leadership over his ten
>>>> years as CEO. He built a workforce at the Secretariat with
>>>> the potential and capability to continue the great work
>>>> started.  It has been an honor and a privilege for me to work
>>>> with a CEO like Mr. Akplogan,” said Badru Ntege, Chairman of
>>>> the AFRINIC Board of Directors. "AFRINIC's success today is
>>>> unequivocally a testament to his tireless efforts in building
>>>> a sound organization centered on collaboration, consensus
>>>> building, Internet centered value. We hope that, as a
>>>> community, we will continue to benefit from his experience
>>>> and passion. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank
>>>> Mr. Akplogan for his engagement with the community and his 
>>>> service over the past 10 years at AFRINIC, and wish him all
>>>> the best for his future endeavours."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Passionate about the Internet and its
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> values, Mr. Akplogan has
>>>> always campaigned for an Internet in Africa that is open and 
>>>> affordable to effectively support permission-less innovation
>>>> as driver for sustainable socio-economical development in the
>>>> region.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> “Our region is so full of potentials, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> especially when it comes
>>>> to the digital economy, and AFRINIC must continue to
>>>> position itself to ensure it plays a critical role in
>>>> supporting the upcoming changes,” concluded Mr. Akplogan. “At
>>>> this junction, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to
>>>> all those who have contributed to the success of AFRINIC and
>>>> to the great team that we have built up over the years that
>>>> has supported the growth of the organisation and the
>>>> community. Together we have achieved great things for both
>>>> Africa and AFRINIC and without your dedication and the
>>>> support of the various Boards over the years, none of this 
>>>> would have been possible. I have the utmost confidence that 
>>>> AFRINIC will continue to grow stronger and stronger in the
>>>> coming years."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A farewell event will be organised for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the outgoing CEO during
>>>> AFRINIC-21 meeting being held in Mauritius from 22-28
>>>> November. We would like to invite the community to join us
>>>> for this special event.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Appointment of a New CEO AFRINIC Board
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Directors will immediately launch a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CEO search
>>>> process that will culminate in the appointment of a new CEO
>>>> as soon as possible. In the mean time all measure will be
>>>> taken to ensure a smooth transition including business
>>>> continuity.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Apologies for cross-posting]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
members-discuss mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> members-discuss at

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Sunday Adekunle Folayan
   email: sfolayan at, sfolayan at
   phone: +234-816-866-7523, +234-802-291-2202
   skype: sfolayan
   tweet: sfolayan
linkedin: sfolayan
        : - Anyone, Anyjob, Anywhere, Anytime
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