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[afnog] [rpd] Re: A typical case of abuse of our resources!!!

Walubengo J jwalu at
Wed Sep 24 17:17:11 UTC 2014



walu myself :-) 
On Wed, 9/24/14, Owen DeLong <owen at> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [afnog] [rpd] Re: A typical case of abuse of our resources!!!
 To: "Omo Oaiya" <omo at>
 Cc: "AfriNIC Resource Policy" <rpd at>, "Andrew Alston" <Andrew.Alston at>
 Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 2:34 AM
 AfriNIC staff to implement the spirit of the policy rather
 than taking care to write what we really want as a community
 into the letter of the policy is a very dangerous
 If you had a
 loosely written policy to a dozen people and ask each of
 them to explain the spirit of the policy, it is unlikely
 that more than one or two of them (at best) will come
 particularly close to the original author’s stated intent
 for the policy.
 importantly, you will probably have at least 12 different
 (and often some of them radically different) ideas as to the
 core intent of the policy.
 I agree that the allocation is
 suspicious, but if the postmasters say that the
 justification supplied meets policy, then I believe we must
 trust them absent any strong evidence of fraud. Share
 suspicion alone is not sufficient.
 I suspect that the domains are being
 used to host VPNs and are likely serving end-users outside
 the region via these VPNs. Currently, there’s nothing in
 AfriNIC policy to prohibit that. I leave it as an exercise
 for other members of this list to decide whether there
 should be policy to prohibit such allocations.
 I will say this… Regardless of how
 we hand out the remaining IPv4 addresses, the simple reality
 is that IPv4 will soon be much less important than having an
 IPv6 deployment and I believe that the community would be
 better served by aggressively implementing IPv6 than by
 handwringing over the mechanism by which the limited IPv4
 free pool is drained.
 On Sep 23, 2014, at 5:39 AM,
 Omo Oaiya <omo at>
 It is easy enough to say the
 "community" does not participate and this may be
 true but the "community" also needs to feel its
 voice can be heard.  We also don't all have to be
 involved in policy making to see the obvious.
 Policies are only ideas. It is the
 implementation that counts and quite often the spirit is as
 important as the letter.   Writing yet another policy does
 not necessarily fix the issue.  Some of the policies that
 have been suggested have outcomes that are satisfied by the
 requirements for justification in existing policies.  What
 we perhaps need to revise is our understanding of the
 content and contexts of existing policies.  
 Btw, thanks to the staff for
 reverting and even if process was followed as implied, a /12
 is an odd million addresses and remains a million anyhow you
 shake it up.   An innovation that requires this many
 addresses in today's African Internet is not likely to
 be missed by the pundits.   Would be nice to see the
 utilisation that convinced staff .... Mr Lu has not been
 able to revert on the funny domains with random letters and
 no website.  Can anyone help him?
 <Speaking as myself ... inline
 with the latest trends >
 Best wishes
 On 22
 September 2014 19:40, Victor Ndonnang <ndonnang at>
 Andrew,Thank you for your clear input. I
 can't agree more with you on that. It is not just about
 saying this is good or bad; It is about getting involved and
 help make things better and more globally
 acceptable. But efforts are needed on both
 -The interested
 stakeholders in the community should take time to learn the
 process, understand it and help change what is imperfect...
 Policies are there to evolve.- Afrinic as a
 community driven organization should continue doing more
 efforts to have more people in the PDP
 Ndonnang from my
 On Sep 21, 2014, at 2:25 AM, Andrew Alston
 <Andrew.Alston at>
 Disclaimer: Speaking in my personal capacity and not
 representative of the AfriNIC board or any other
 organisation/company to which I am affiliated.
 > Very few people are involved in
 AFNIC policy development process and sometimes, they just
 develop a policy to support what they want or like rather
  developing policies that really support the 
 > development of the Internet in
 Victor, this is true, but it is
 by choice that individuals do not get involved in the PdP,
 since it is an open body.  Year
 after year I have stood at
 PdP meetings and we get people in the room, lots of them,
 but when it comes to discussions about policy on the PdP
 list, I would be amazed there are more than 15 or 20 people
 who actually get involved
  and talk on there on a regular and sustained
 This has been spoken about MANY times.  But I say
 this, it is like an election in a country, if the community
 does not choose to partake in the PdP lists, and does not
 choose to get involved in the formulation of policy (and the
 modifications to policies
  they aren’t happy with etc), then they have absolutely
 zero right to complain afterwards if the policies that are
 put in place do not meet their needs.  
 My message to the community, if you feel the current
 policies aren’t working, or you aren’t happy with them,
 write new ones, go to the PdP, and if the rest of the
 community is in agreement with you, your amendments/new
 policies will get passed, if they
  don’t pass, listen to WHY the community isn’t passing
 them, and either change your position or modify so that the
 community is happy with them.  Basically: Take some
 responsibility for the policies that are out there, since
 you, as a community put them there,
  either through showing consensus at a meeting, or through
 apathy that stopped you objecting to them) and you as a
 community have the chance to change them.
 Just my thoughts
 Andrew Alston
 Group Head of IP Strategy
 Sameer business Park, Block A, Mombasa Road.
 Nairobi, Kenya
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