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[rpd] LACNIC reaches final /10 of IPv4 space

Mark Elkins mje at
Thu Jun 12 12:31:28 UTC 2014

Hi Noah,

where do you live/work. Can I test my IPv6 connectivity to a site you
run from work please?

On Thu, 2014-06-12 at 15:06 +0300, Noah Maina wrote:
> On 12 June 2014 14:31, Seun Ojedeji <seun.ojedeji at> wrote:
>         On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Noah Maina
>         <mainanoa at> wrote:
>                 I still stick to my argument that the phrase "IPv6
>                 Content "is misleading IMHO, .... In the v4 world, we
>                 never had such language as IPv4 content, we just knew
>                 we needed to access our applications and content
>                 across the network...
>         The point is if you discontinue the phrase, what other
>         marketing phrase have you got as a replacement
> So you agree the phrase doesn't make sense... well why should we
> market v6 in the 1st place "Is not a product", we want to make it look
> like a product in anticipation that, we shall make folks adopt
> it....we all know its important that all providers go v6, what needs
> to be done IMHO is formulate policy. In fact RIR's and to be specific
> AfriNIC and Regulators across the board should champion v6...
>                 <snip>
>                 I say, they should enable the protocol and let version
>                 6 flow... 
>         And what is making the ISPs not enable the protocol? largely
>         related to cost
> Cost is just another excuse ... lets kick that cost argument also
> out...
>         Cheers! 
> Noah 
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Mark James ELKINS  -  Posix Systems - (South) Africa
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