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[rpd] Discussion about e-voting

Adiel Akplogan adiel at
Wed May 14 18:49:30 UTC 2014

Dear Nii and all,

I think some aspects need to be clarified. The decision of what is in the Election Guideline is taken by the Board (and has been published for comment before final ratification and use). The fact that Mark has these three functions comes from a recommendation of the guideline that if the NomCome fail to select a Chair among themselves within a certain period, the reps from the Board will be appointed (that is where the problem starts from). And in all fairness (as observer on the NomCom list), he (mark) has been reluctant right from the beginning to wear that hat until he was “forced” in by the other NomCom members. Now the real problem here is to review that part of the guideline and prevent the NomCom to be chaired by a Board member. 

NomCom chair also chairing the Ecom: here again it is something that we have done last year (on my suggestion as there was no specific recommendation anywhere for that). The reason behind that is to balance the composition of the E-Com as per Article 10 of the Bylaws with someone from the community with the idea to increase transparency of E-com work (… without at the same time adding additional cost to the process if we had to have an additional new volunteer from the community who we have to pay travels for etc …). In their report, the 2013 NomCom has requested the board to formalise that practice. that is what was done in the current guideline (and will be proposed as revision to bylaws as well).

So I guess the concern is heard and the board is watching this and is open for suggestions so to improve the process

Thank you all.

- a.

On May 12, 2014, at 23:34 PM, Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at> wrote:

> Gee, I now understand why I never got an answer to a very simple question on who decides....
> Sounds like a corporate governance challenge
> On May 12, 2014, at 19:18, Bope Domilongo Christian <christianbope at> wrote:
>> Speaking on my own capacity:)
>> Following the discussion on rdp, I feel there is also a balance issue, whereby the one person wearing three hat (Nomcom chair, chair election committee, Board member) and am a bit confuse. For the sake of check and balance, as in happen in the normal election process, it will normal that the chair of election committee ought to be not a board member just as electoral commissioners are independent of parties.
>> With best regards,
>> christian
>> On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 12:54 AM, Kofi ansa akufo <kofi.ansa at> wrote:
>> Mark
>> Thanks for pointing out the voting procedure for individuals with multiple votes.
>> What I am driving at is the integrity of the votes cast and how it fairly represents the diverse community.
>> Member entities should be encouraged as much as possible to participate in the election process as well as being ptesent in meetings instead of encouraging proxies be it they understand "AFRINIC politics" or NOT to vote for multiple representatives.
>> I believe the community can do better by exploring how to map entities eligible to vote to the electoral system to involve the diverse community.
>> cheers
>> Kofi.
>> On May 12, 2014 7:55 PM, "Mark Elkins" <mje at> wrote:
>> On Mon, 2014-05-12 at 18:42 +0400, Kofi ansa akufo wrote:
>> > Dear All
>> >
>> > 1. I am currently curious how individuals representing more than one
>> > registered and / or resource member currently proceeds to casting
>> > votes online.
>> I have posted on this subject a few postings ago....
>> I am perhaps a perfect example of this scenario.
>> > Does the person login with the same nic-handle or different
>> > nic-handles to cast multiple votes respectively?
>> The same NIC handle and Password to the same account.
>> Once in, there is a drop-down box to allow the representative (me, in
>> this case) to 'switch' to which ever entity I need to represent or
>> manage.
>> This is a very convenient way of managing different entities.
>> > If by nic-handle wouldn't it be easy for voters to be identified by
>> > the entities the represent (e.g. organisation ids) at least as a
>> > secondary check prior to login to vote.
>> Generally, it is the entity that is the Member, not the person with the
>> NIC-Handle.. more correctly, it is the entity's voting representative
>> who can vote. There may be more than one person per entity who is
>> enabled to use that privilege, but there is only one vote per entity,
>> for example "Resource Member".
>> > I ask this because this will facilitate implementation of dispensing
>> > machine for paper ballot sheets for those not able to exercise
>> > e-voting based on logic and eliminate ending one voting option before
>> > the other as well as human errors. Obviously NOT in the coming 2014
>> > elections but later.
>> > 2. Going forward IMHO I think we should discouraged multiple voting by
>> > an individual for different members since the probability of voting
>> > differently is low and this only goes to increase votes across one
>> > side only. A "polished form" of election rigging. I know some will
>> > argue one can still like gin with different credentials and vote one
>> > sided but then :)
>> >
>> > Could someone from the community enlighten me on this please.
>> I'm a Director of multiple, independent companies each with their own
>> resources and each members of AFRINIC in their own right. My fellow
>> Directors may prefer me to do all the voting because I understand a fair
>> amount of the 'Politics' of AFRINIC. Are you suggesting I should not be
>> allowed? That will not make them happy.
>> Board Members have a Vote. If they also represent a resource Member, are
>> you going to disenfranchise them that direct resource vote???
>> As you almost suggested, all I need to do then is sit down with various
>> collogues and have them login to my-afrinic and cast their vote
>> according to my suggestions.
>> Your suggestion will achieve inconvenience.
>> Simply creating extra NIC-Handles should not work as AFRINIC requires
>> the official Identity of everyone who wishes to use the e-voting
>> system.
>> Posted on my own behalf - representing multiple AFRINIC resource
>> members.
>> > Kofi
>> --
>> Mark James ELKINS  -  Posix Systems - (South) Africa
>> mje at       Tel: +27.128070590  Cell: +27.826010496
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