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[rpd] AFRINIC Board Elections - 2014: Call for Nominations

Noah Maina mainanoa at
Wed May 7 17:05:46 UTC 2014


Me Just curious!

Aren't some of the nominated folks already or were  members of the board in
the recent past....the names look familiar ....

Should some of us assume that there is no new blood in some of these
regions who can be nominated or there is less awareness in the community
thus we keep seeing the same names over and over most of the time?

Dear Colleagues,

Consequent to the call for nominations and subsequent evaluation of
nominees by the Nominations Committee (NomCom), we are pleased to
announce the following final slate of candidates for the following
seats on the AFRINIC Board:

Indian Ocean:

    Andrinirina Joël RANDRIANASOLO
    Kris Seeburn
    Subramanian Moonesamy

Central Africa:

    Antoine Joseph Junior Tonye
    Bope Domilongo Christian
    NGNOULAYE Janvier


    Andrew Kenningale Alston
    Boubakar Barry
    Hajanirina Ramboasalama
    Ilunga Kabwika Serge

Full candidate information has been published at:

The community (and especially members) are hereby invited to view
candidate details and express any objection or support about the
suitability of the candidates for the board position using the
comment section at the URL above.

The public comment period will close on 26 May 2014 at 2000UTC.

Members that will not be able to attend and/or vote physically at
the AGMM in Djibouti on 06 June 2014 are informed that there is now
an option for electronic voting, which will start on 27th May 2014
until 05 June 2014 and will be conducted through the MyAFRINIC
portal -

More information is available at:

For any queries or clarification, please contact the nominations
committee by email at:

nomcom2014 at

Mark J Elkins - AFRINIC 2014 Nominations Committee Chair
mje at - nomcom2014 (at)
Tel: +27.128070590  Cell: +27.826010496

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