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Runout is inevitable (was: [AFRINIC-rpd] Academic IPv4 Allocation Policy Second Draft (AFPUB-2013-GEN-001-DRAFT-02))

SM sm at
Mon Jan 28 18:35:44 UTC 2013

Hi Owen,
At 14:54 27-01-2013, Owen DeLong wrote:
>cannot get addresses. You cannot prevent the shortage of IPv4 
>addresses. You can create greater inconvenience and denser packing 
>of utilization for existing organizations in the hope of being able 
>to under-allocate to future organizations rather than simply unable 
>to allocate to them at all, but, runout is inevitable and all we can 
>do with restrictive allocation policies is:
>         1.      Procrastinate actual runout.
>         2.      Make the current network more dysfunctional than necessary.


Here are some unconfirmed figures for IPv6 deployment:

  Algeria       21%
  Cameron       21%
  Egypt         22%
  Ethiopia      20%
  Ghana         19%
  Ivory Coast   21%
  Kenya         22%
  Libya         21%
  Madagascar    22%
  Morocco       20%
  Nigeria       21%
  Senegal       21%
  South Africa  24%
  Sudan         18%
  Uganda        24%


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