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[AFRINIC-rpd] New Policy Proposal: Inter RIR IPv4 Address Transfers (AFPUB-2013-V4-001-DRAFT-01)

Seun Ojedeji seun.ojedeji at
Tue Jan 15 05:07:14 UTC 2013

On Jan 14, 2013 10:35 PM, "Andrew Alston" <alston.networks at> wrote:
> One of the other points of the proposed policy which I'll be submitting as
> soon as I get Sunday's comments back on the exact wording, is to reduce
> complexity around Academic institutions getting space.  As stated in
> previous emails, one of the major drivers of NAT in these universities and
> the resistance to getting more space is the bizarrely complex and time
> consuming process to get AfriNIC to actually allocate anything.  By using
> student head count and a fixed ratio, we drastically reduce this
> and the amount of paperwork needed.
Good! I will naturally be interested in such, imagine if 50% of the
institutions in Africa got their space; maybe talking v4 exporting would
not have come up at all :)

> Policy proposal to follow shortly.
Will keep a tab on that!


> Thanks
> Andrew
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