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[AfriNIC-rpd] Policy Proposal: End user classification for Universities

Ernest - (AfriNIC) ernest at
Thu Jun 28 17:52:34 UTC 2012

Andrew Alston wrote thus on 6/28/12 7:16 PM:
> Hi James,
> And I am open to hearing the justification as to why a university
> requiring a large assignment is an LIR, infact I would request that
> AfriNIC explains that to this list, when the university has stated
> it will not onward assign to any external entity and stated it very
> emphatically

AFRINIC has not yet given an official position/response to Andrew on
this issue, as his request is still under evaluation as we study the
information he has so far provided.

To note:

1. In the past, we have had instances where some universities
requested space to service their colleges or schools, and the same
universities insisted they be given allocations, to sub-allocate to
those schools so they manage their space as appropriate. While
handling Andrew's request, we tried to establish if this is the
case. He unfortunately took it that a decision was made already,
which was not the case.

2. Andrew indicated that the University provides connectivity
services to a third party academic institution, and will also assign
it space from the requested allocation. When we mentioned that this
would necessitate LIR membership, Andrew said the University would
instead plan to meet the addressing needs of this institution from a
legacy prefix that he's planning to transfer to the university, and
not the requested allocation.

AFRINIC, based on this information, plans to get back to Andrew with
our final position as far as this request is concerned.


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