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[AfriNIC-rpd] Fwd: [Af16-all] AFRINIC-16 Public Policy Meeting

Adiel Akplogan adiel at
Thu May 17 12:26:11 UTC 2012

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Diane Nuteau <diane at>
> Date: May 17, 2012 14:20:34 PM GMT+04:00
> To: af16-all at
> Subject: [Af16-all] AFRINIC-16 Public Policy Meeting
> Dear AfriNIC-16 Participants,
> If you haven't joined us yet for the AfriNIC-16 Public Policy Meeting, we look forward to welcoming you to our event.
> The AfriNIC-16 plenary session is currently being held in Jaama Hall at the Kairaba Hotel.
> For those who would like to participate remotely, please refer to the instructions on the following URL:
> Some additional things to note:
> * AFRINIC and the Ministry of Information and Communication Infrastructure (MOICI) are jointly organising a special lunch for “Women In ICT” in the Shikra Restaurant at the Kairaba Hotel from 13:00 to 14:30 today. We are pleased invite all the ladies attending The AFRINIC-16 Public Policy Meeting to join us for a gathering for women exclusively.
> * Our team will be holding a BoF on the "AFRINIC Evoting System" in the main conference room, after the plenary session, tonight until 19:00. We invite you to join the session for more insights on the evoting system.
> * Registered participants for AFRINIC-16 Public Policy Meeting are invited to Social event which is scheduled for this evening. Please refer to the invitation provided at registration desk earlier today.
> When: 19H30
> Where: Sheraton Hotel
> Transport: Shuttles will be provided and will depart from the Kairaba Hotel as from 19H10
> Shuttle Time:
> 19H10 – Shuttle 1
> 19H30 – Shuttle 2
> 19H40 – Shuttle 3
> Ensure that you jump in on time and that you have your invitation card to attend the social event.
> Thanks to Afilias for sponsoring our social event and to Discovery Tours for providing the transport.
> And if you haven't already found us, the secretariat is in the committee room 5 on the ground floor. Feel free to stop by and say 'hi'!
> Looking forward to seeing you all tonight!
> The AfriNIC Meeting Team
> -- 
> Diane Nuteau
> AfriNIC | 11th Floor | Raffles Tower | Cybercity | Mauritius
> Tel: +230 403 5100 |Fax: +230 466 6758
> **********************
> **********************
> Join us at AfriNIC-16 in The Gambia, 12-18 May 2012
> **********************
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