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[AfriNIC-rpd] IPV6 Adoption

Jean Robert HOUNTOMEY hrobert at
Wed Apr 16 23:04:10 UTC 2008

> The issue of IPv6 in africa is very serious. we should not do as all 
> things are moving smoothly ahead.

you are right.

>  a.. The lack of information (many ISPs, privates, policymakers are still 
> unaware of IPv6)
>  b.. The cost of the migration and deployment
>  c.. The lack of stimulus
>  d.. The unaware of commercial advantages and benefits
>  a.. The Lack of public sector commitment

Do we need an IPV6 Ambassador in each country? May be

Even if it is possible which power will that guy have to make things done.?

He will surely have the power to spread the information but will face the 
same resistance we faced to have
things done in our countries.

Sometimes my conclusion is this one:  When people will need it every body 
willl run to have it.

But things are not so bad. There are some small small seps going on.

For exemple in some countries I know  it is now included in public purchase 
order to add a statement from the supplier that the equipements are IPV6 

I think that our regioanl orgs have a key role to play. Let'us use any 
opportunity we have to speak about Internet, Ip Networks etc... to raise the 

Talking about education, Afrinic is doing well and there is still to be 

In my view we still need to train more IPV6 trainers and Guru s,

Then we need to find the way to talk to gov, regulatory authorities, to have 
IPV6 curriculum included in IT SCHOOLS etc...


The same persons devoted in voluntary basis to have things done . WE.

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