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[AfriNIC-rpd] Do we push for more V4 or advocate dual stack ??

Alain Patrick AINA aalain at
Sat Sep 1 09:06:02 UTC 2007

> So concern over how to manage v4 resources in the central pool is valid and 
> all those policies are relevant.
> But maybe I am wrong. It would be good to hear what all sorts of operators
> have to say 
> about this.

Your are right and speaking from african perspectives, i will say that they are 
*critical* for us.

Things move slower in our region for various reasons and this aspect should be taken 
into account.

While folks agree that IPv4 is still going to be with us for some times, why not pay 
attention to how we should manage last assigments and allocations ?

It is also a way of thanking IPv4 for serving us for long time :-)


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