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[AfriNIC-rpd] IPv4 BoF report

Alain Patrick AINA aalain at
Fri May 18 12:35:33 UTC 2007

> - launch an awareness campaign for local operators. Get them to stop NAT to
> apply for public IP.
> what can be done to accelerate consumption rate : fees or threshold for
> subsequent allocation reduction?
> Wait... am I reading this right... everything above says "get the v4 space
> back, and create more time for v4..." then this point says "convince people
> to use it as much as possible and exhaust the pool faster" (which I for one
> am quite happy with, lets get v6 out there, and if it means exhausting the
> v4 faster, so be it)... but please, can we clarify this?

1- The points are  not listed by preference or priority.

2- Bigger players from other regions  have more impact on IANA pool exhaustion 
which will affect our region.

So what to do to get our operators and users to avoid   the surprise which  
may be the non availability of ressources in AfriNIC pool when IANA's pool 
will be exhausted.

hope this helps,


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