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[AfriNIC-rpd] Anycast prefix's

Michuki Mwangi michuki at
Fri May 11 11:45:38 UTC 2007

Hi Andrew,

Andrew Alston wrote:
> Very basic concept:
> Because you cannot announce anything smaller than a /24 into the global
> tables, in order to provide for anycast you need to announce an entire
> /24, and in an anycast situation this is announced from multiple asn’s. 
> AfriNIC’s current v4 policy states that the minimum allocation size on
> initial is a /22.  To use a /22 for anycast when you potentially are
> only using 3 addresses in the block is a huge waste.

If the minimal allocation is a /22 there is no written rule that one
should aggregate and announce the entire /22 it can be de-aggregated to
announce a /24 from the allocation for anycast purposes.

> To my knowledge RIPE also has a policy that allows for this kind of
> allocation. 

Question would be "who runs anycast and why?.If they form part of the
critical infrastructure there is room for them to apply additional /24
for anycasting as per the current AfriNIC IPv4 policy for critical

Michuki Mwangi

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