[policy-wg] AfriNIC policy: IPv6 for critical infrastructure

Alan Barrett apb at cequrux.com
Sat Oct 14 15:53:20 SAST 2006

On Mon, 09 Oct 2006, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:
> I think that it will be useful to hear many more people in the list
> telling "yes I like (or I don't like) this or that policy". Even if
> you don't have a clear view about a given policy, but you don't oppose
> to it, saying so will help.

I like the policy except for one thing:  I think that a /32 is
outrageously larger than people seeking space under this proposal
are likely to need, and I would like to see it changed to a /48 from
a reserved /40 block, to allow easy growth if it turns out to be
necessary, and to allow reclamation of the unused parts of the /40 block
in future if that turns out to be desirable.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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