[policy-wg] AfriNIC policy: IPv6 for critical infrastructure

AINA ALAIN PATRICK(TRS) aalain at trstech.net
Tue Oct 3 11:31:31 SAST 2006

> * Policy ratification should be done online. A system of determining
> whether a majority of the community is in agreement should be established.
> Face-to-face ratification has it's own drawbacks.

online too has.

According to the curent PDP:  online, face-to-face and online discussions are 
used to get the needed consensus  before  getting a policy ractified by the 

> For instance, if current 
> policy bars an organisation from getting Internet resources to perform
> certain crucial tests and/or tasks or to provide critical Internet
> services, then that organisation deserves to have a mechanism at their
> disposal through which they can propose policies that can be ratfied within
> a reasonable period (reasonable in that the period can even be included in
> a Project Plan if need be).

Are you concerned about the delay due to obtain a public meeting ? or calling 
for a PDP for emergency ?


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