[policy-wg] AfriNIC policy: IPv6 for critical infrastructure

Frank Habicht geier-lists-afrinic-policywg at tih.co.tz
Fri Jun 2 12:06:26 SAST 2006

Your Name:    Frank Habicht
Your Organisation: TIX / TZ ISP association (ORG-TISP1-AFRINIC)
Policy Affected: afpol-v6200407-000 and/or afpol-v60604
Date:  02 / June / 2006

Proposal: IPv6 assignments for critical infrastructure

No IPv6 assignments for critical infrastructure specified yet. Can be
incorporated in afpol-v6.

Proposed policy for PI assignments of IPv6 address space does not cater
for special case of critical infrastructure.

1.0 Definitions:

Critical infrastructure includes Internet Exchange Points, ccTLD DNS
servers and root DNS servers. The addition of more global root DNS
servers is unlikely and all present servers are operated by entities
from outside the AfriNIC area. For the purpose of this policy is is
proposed to not distinguish between Root and ccTLD DNS servers. It is
suggested that on request popular SLD operations can also qualify for
critical infrastructur assignments.

2.0 Proposed policy:

On request AfriNIC assigns IPv6 address ressource to [operators of]
critical infrastructure. Internet Exchange Points, DNS root server
operations, DNS ccTLD operations, and popular SLD DNS operations upon
justification are considered critical infrastructure.

The default assignment size for an Internet Exchange Point shall be a
/48. Assignments can be larger blocks on request with justification. For
critical DNS server operations ( root DNS, ccTLD DNS, and SLD DNS with
justification ) default assignment size is equal to the default
assignment size for PI assignments of IPv6 address space to End Users
[as defined in separate policy].

Operators of critical infrastructure can obtain ASN assignments from
AfriNIC. They must be multihomed to do so.

3.0 Remarks

IPv6 PI policy proposal (afpol-v60604) specifies temporary assignments
and no special cases for critical infrastructure.

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