[policy-wg] IPv6 PI policy

Frank Habicht geier-lists-afrinic-policywg at tih.co.tz
Thu May 18 08:00:26 SAST 2006

Hi all,

sorry I didn't speak up in the meeting.
Regarding Jordi's IPv6 PI policy proposal afpol-v60604.

I was in the third group who didn't want to reject/defer/stall the
policy but also not accept as it was.
The only problem in my opinion is the question of size of the assigned

Main concern of contributors like Uniforum was that the assigned PI
blocks be routable in practise (which AfriNIC won't guarantee, but might
"influence"). I trust that operators of ipv6 routers will make the
necessary exception for the supernet from with PI blocks are assigned.
That other RIRs do same supports this expectation but if possible I'd
like to hear from the router operators.

I would like to see a change to a smaller default assignment size to
conserve address space. I would like to maintain the provision to use
bigger blocks when justified. /48 as default should be fine. If filters
of <48 are expected rather than <=48, then /44 might be a good option.

Since a rapid uptake of PI usage would or could increase the routing
table size, and since I assume the fees attached to PI assignments will
influence the number, those can be part of the discussion. I suggest
fees should _not_ be waived.

I would like to see the proposal succeed even if the above is not
agreeable. As the numbers of hands in the meeting indicated, it is
important to have this policy with or without change of assignment size.
I hope we can use the 15 days last call period to find the best solution
to the mentioned details.


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