[policy-wg] Re: Upcoming Cybercrime Capacity Building and Legislative Drafting Conference in Botswana - Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice for African Countries

Adiel A. Akplogan adiel at afrinic.net
Sat May 13 20:37:14 SAST 2006

Dear Joel,

Thanks you for the invitation, we will make sure to have
somebody there to represent AfriNIC.


- a.

>Dear AfriNIC:
>My name is Joel Schwarz and I am an attorney 
>with the U.S. Department of Justice's Computer 
>Crime and Intellectual Property Section.
>I am currently in the planning stages of 
>organizing a workshop on cybercrime legislative 
>drafting and capacity building for the 
>Sub-Saharan African region.  As I'm sure you 
>would agree, as African countries look to 
>E-Commerce as a way to develop their economies 
>it is important that the legal infrastructure 
>that allows for investigation and prosecution of 
>offenses related to the use of that technology 
>be concurrently developed.   Moreover, while 
>technology has provided new and exciting 
>benefits to Africa, such as distance learning 
>for remote and distributed populations, and 
>wireless and satellite communications in regions 
>that lack investment in physical infrastructure, 
>there is the danger that this technology could 
>be misused by criminals as a staging ground for 
>attacks, or as a cybercrime haven.  Similarly, 
>as technology continues to integrate itself into 
>our daily lives we are finding that electronic 
>evidence and investigative techniques are also 
>becoming more important in investigating, 
>solving and prosecuting physical-world crimes, 
>such as terrorism or kidnapping (which is now 
>being facilitated through E–mailed ransom notes).
>As such, our goals for the workshop are: 1) to 
>provide technical support to participants to 
>assist them in drafting adequate domestic cyber 
>crime legislation; and 2) to increase the 
>investigative capacity of the law enforcement 
>community in Africa in regard to cyber crime matters.
>Currently, our plan is to hold 2 back to back 
>workshops - June 12 - 16th and June 19 - 23rd - 
>at the ILEA Botswana facility in Gaborone, the 
>first workshop being in English only, and the 
>second in English with simultaneous French 
>translation.  At present we are expecting 2 to 3 
>delegates from each participating ILEA country 
>(participating member countries of ILEA are: 
>Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, 
>Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Seychelles, South 
>Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, 
>Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Djibouti, DRC, Gabon and Madagascar).
>In terms of the backgrounds of potential 
>workshop candidates, we are primarily seeking 
>legislators (and/or legislative staff), 
>policymakers (from the government, academia, 
>etc.), and senior law enforcement officials 
>responsible for drafting and amending cybercrime 
>statutes or for conducting cybercrime 
>investigations.  Of course, I'm also interested 
>in inviting law enforcement individuals from 
>dedicated cybercrime investigative or 
>prosecutorial units, if they exist or, in the 
>alternative, individuals who have specialized in 
>cybercrime investigations or prosecutions within 
>one of the ILEA member countries referenced above.
>In order to provide training that will be both 
>helpful and productive, as well as in order to 
>tailor the training to the needs of the 
>individual delegates, I've drafted an agenda for 
>a comprehensive 4 day workshop (starting from 
>introduction to technology and moving attendees 
>through the problems and challenges raised, to 
>lessons on drafting cyber-legislation, to 
>building law enforcement capacity, etc) -- a 
>draft of which I will be sending out 
>shortly.  In the interim, I am currently in the 
>process of locating speakers from both the 
>public and private sector to help supplement the 
>training we can offer from the governmental and 
>law enforcement perspective, and I am hoping 
>that AfriNIC might be able to assist us in such 
>a capacity.  As such, I am writing to you to see 
>if someone from AfriNIC might be available to 
>participate as a speaker (or to recommend local 
>speakers in Africa) in either one, or both, of 
>the workshops (referenced above), during one or more of the following sessions:
>* The Risk of Cybercrime and Its Impact on the 
>African Region:  A discussion of the importance 
>of Cybersecurity and of the scope of cybercrime 
>in the region and around the globe.
>* Unique Challenges in the Region in Combating 
>Cybercrime: Discussion of special circumstances 
>such as satellites from other countries, no 
>domestic ISPs subject to local law, porous borders, etc.
>* The Process of Developing and Enacting Cyber 
>Legislation:  The process by which various 
>countries’ computer crime statutes were drafted 
>and adopted (whether those attempts have 
>resulted din actual laws, or have yet to come to fruition).
>African State Cybercrime Laws or Proposed 
>Laws:  Discussion by African countries of 
>cybercrime laws that they have enacted 
>domestically, or are in the process of drafting, 
>and their experiences in drafting/enacting them.
>* Discussion of Current International Efforts to 
>combat Phishing and ID Theft and How African Countries Can Get Involved
>* Fostering Cooperation Between ISPs, Industry, 
>and Law Enforcement: Perspective from private 
>industry regarding how they are affected by 
>cybercrime and how they can assist and provide 
>information to law enforcement for criminal investigations.
>* Training, Structuring, and Funding Cybercrime 
>Units:  Panel discussion of how a cybercrime 
>unit can be effectively assembled to conduct 
>computer crime investigations and the means 
>through which countries can obtain funds to 
>create or augment their investigative cybercrime capabilities.
>* Wireless and Satellite Internet Access – 
>Unique Challenges Raised:  A discussion of the 
>unique law enforcement investigative and 
>international cooperation challenges raised by 
>these new means of gaining Internet access.
>* Finding In-Country/In-Region Support & Funding 
>for Law Enforcement CyberCrime Units: A 
>discussion of the challenges faced by others, 
>success stories in the region and ideas for 
>resources to consult and training options to tap into.
>Thank you in advance for considering this 
>request and for any help you may be able to 
>offer.  And please feel free to contact me if 
>you have any questions or need additional information.  Cheers.
>-Joel Schwarz
>Joel Schwarz
>Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section
>U.S. Department of Justice
>Washington, D.C. 20005
>Phone - (202) 353-4253
>Fax - (202) 514-6113
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