[policy-wg] WDR Correspondent for Africa

Robertine TANKEU rtankeu at yahoo.fr
Thu Mar 23 17:09:39 SAST 2006

 Hi everyone, 

This is to inform you that, I am the new WDR
correspondent for Africa. The WDR ( World Dialogue on
Regulation) on Network Economies is concerned with
regulation and governance for network economies. Its
mission is to facilitate an international dialogue
that generates and disseminates new knowledge on
frontier issues in regulation and governance to
support the development of network economies. 
The dialogue theme for this research phase is:
diversifying participation in network development. The
research themes are: disasters, indicators,
infopractices, new models and pro poor.
As you can imagine, it’s quite a bit of work; so I
will appreciate if you can collaborate with me by
providing me with some sources of information on what
is doing in the region in terms of researches,
 related to WDR themes. 
I invite you to visit our website at: www.
Many regards

Robertine Tankeu
WDR correspondent for Africa
Tel: 237 789 21 13


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